
The end of an era [freebuild] - Part II

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Part II:


The scout, Pojk, that was send out by Nar Bilu encountered the Kaliphlin army on his way north. Fortunately he didn’t get exposed, but it alerted him enough to follow their trail back to Bow’s Arch. From a distance he observed the whole scene. Disgusted by the betrayal of the elves he seeks out two of his kin, which he sends out to the two legions that Nar Bilu send away. He arranges a secret spot at the most northern edge of Hemresa, called Norrhorn”, where the scouts will report back to him, before he leaves the island.

Only hours later both of them return with the bad news, that both legions were also slaughtered. A few men return with the scouts, but not more than a hand full. Pojk sends the two scouts to deliver a message to Albion, both to follow a different path, to improve the odds of at least one reaching our capitol. He then talks to the elder of the footmen, they agree to be loyal to Nar Bilu and wait just outside the borders of Hemresa for further instructions.


A trade ship with an odd flag docked in a sandbank on the most northern point of Norrhorn, in plain view of Pojk and the few footmen, he decided to take with him. They managed to reach the ship through the waves of the ocean. The captain shouts, the oars decent and the ship backs out of the sand, back into the ocean. The sail bulbs, catching wind and swirls around its axis. Like a sword through tender lambs meat the ship sails the waters between Hemresa and the in fog concealed island of Norra. Pojk, who is not a real seafarer, is relieved that the journey is a still and easy one. They dock. A few curious boys come running towards the ship, jumping on board to be chased away by some of the stout men from below deck.

Every end has a new beginning

Pojk can’t believe his eyes. A complete village arises from the, with ships filled, docks. The sailors escort Pojk to the main hall, where the footmen are pulled to the inn. Beer and meat are served continuously.


The escort introduced Garl the Great to the visitor, next to Garl sits a young lad. That would be me, Bran Narbilusson. As my name announces, the son of Narbilu. Pojk hands me the sealed note which my father gave to him and tells us the unfortunate story of the past weeks ending with the betrayal of the elves. I hardly can control my feelings. I retire to my quarters. Within minutes Bog enters without notice.

Me: We have to avenge my father’s death and conquer back what is rightfully mine to begin with.

Garl: You are right and we will, soon, but not now.

Me: [looking disappointed].

Garl: Don’t be my boy, I promised to keep you save until adulthood. That is what I will do.

Me: [now smiling, cause that’s only two weeks away].

Garl: I will prepare the men to war after Yull. They will fight better with filled stomachs and high morale.

Me: Thanks chief.

With that said, Garl leaves me for mourning, not too long though.

That night, a miracle happened.

A survivor

In a small storage, deep in the forest of Hemresa far away from civilisation, a local called Knæl pulls a man on his quickly emptied table. He searches his cabin for jars, herbs and other stuff with haste, while his wife binds the wounds of the in blood soaked man. They need a hammer and chisel to remove the dented armour, but soon enough they freed the victim of his restrains. Two days, the cabin sheds green light out of every crack, window or other opening, supported by chanting and continues rune writing. The woman rubs ointments one the open wounds, washes his pale lifeless looking face and wets his mouth with a damp cloth.


After the two days, both take a rest on their bench outside their cabin. Suddenly they hear coughing coming from inside. They rush back in, to see the man on their table was breathing heavily, but steady. The woman grabs some bread and pours a cup full with water. The man collects his strength to sit up right, still with his eyes half closed. The offered beverage and food is binged away and by the end of the midday the man has enough energy to stand up and start to talk.

The man can’t remember his name, and Kræl isn’t going to tell him what it is. That way he will be saver on Hemresa. They talk for hours, but the man can’t wait to leave. Some things he does remember, one being that he lives on an island up north. Kræl offers him a robe, in return the man asks the two to join him. With the recent events on Hemresa, they start packing without hesitance.

to be continued...

go to part 1

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You really are a great story teller Narbilu!! Awesome job!!

I also like your MOC's! The interiors are very nice and the background is very good!

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Cliffhangers, much? :laugh:

I am not sure what I enjoy the most - the story or the builds! Keep 'em coming! :thumbup:

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