
A Look at the Pirate Sets From 2009 -2010

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Hello Again All fellow Lego Fanatics

If anyone is still interested then I have completed the final wave of my pirate blogs, this blog looks at the new pirates from 2009 and 2010.

I think I have included everything but if its missing anything please tell me.


Lego Pirates Wave 5 2009-2010

If anyone has not read my previous blogs I will include a list of them below

Lego Pirate Wave 4 1996-1997

Lego Pirate Wave 3 1994-1995

Lego Pirate Wave 2 1992-1993

Lego Pirate Wave 1 1989-1991

An Overview of the Waves

Feedback would be great

After this I am going to start looking at the old castle years.

I will probably do pirates of the Carribean later in the year (when I get a chance to buy most of the sets :pir-cry_happy: )

To any of the people with the power, is it possible if this link could go in the master index (maybe under articles) as I think it's quite a comprehensive read and could be of some worth. :pir-sweet:

Edited by SirSven7

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That's some good blogs and very insightful. However, I think you could have discussed a few more minifigs in the overview, i.e. animals and in particular skeletons and figureheads.

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Thats a good point, I will change that over the coming days, I am sorry it has taken me ages to reply, I have just had to finish my dissertation and these last few days have been crazy :pir-classic:

Figureheads especially need a mention.


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What a nice blog you have SirSven7! I've only had a quick look but I'll come back to it later when I have more time.

First thing that stands out though, is the "Lego Steve Blog" - in the interest of correct grammar shouldn't it be "Steve's LEGO Blog"? Also noting that "LEGO" should always be spelt in capitals.

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Thats a good point, I will change that over the coming days, I am sorry it has taken me ages to reply, I have just had to finish my dissertation and these last few days have been crazy :pir-classic:

Then a big congratulation is on order. Congratulations!! What was your subject?

(I know this is of topic but you must congratulate such an achievement)

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great really cool the comparation of new and old minifigs, and the description of new accesories like the green bandana or the blue boat.

Well, you forgot to mention the black brilliant cannons when you are telling about new accesories. I see you think Soldiers fortress is a improved version of Lagoon Lock up...when i said it by first time i thought it was a worse version of Eldorado any case is a cool set.

Kraken attack isn't as terrible as you a good way to get a raft and 2 new pirate minifigs...if you don't like the kraken, ignore it :pir_laugh2:

About Brickbeards bounty i agree sails are really awful.

In any case great review of the new wave

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979 posts

Wow! Great! Brilliant blog posts! :thumbup:

I so wish there was something like that for Castle/Kingdoms!

Thanks a lot for sharing!

Remember: "You are what you ahare!" :thumbup:

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Wow Lots of feedback thanks guys.

I will respond in order of messages :pir-classic:

i have now changed the title of my page, when I first created the blog I doubte anyone would read it hence my lazy title, now it should look more professional :pir_laugh2:

My dissertation was on Site Specfic Theatre and the reason for it popularity in england over the past decade (off topic I know but thanks for asking :thumbup: )

Sorry about the China problem I have got hits from their though so I suggest you keep trying (only if you want to though :pir-laugh: )

i am adding the deatil about the cannon Right now, hope you approve the change.

With the raft though I still feel that it is the weakest of the line and least value for money hence my harshness, I will try to make that a bit clearer (i still like it though and own two so I guess Im a but hipocrital)

I am planning on creating the same thing for the castle theme on this very blog so keep checking, i am just moving house at the mo and have not had the most amount of time :pir-cry_sad:

thanks again all arrrg :jollyroger:

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Great job, just like the previous reviews. I like the comparison between new and old figs. Expect it to be blogged soon!


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Great review, I didn't get any of the pirate sets from 2009-2010, if it came out two years earlier I would have gotten them all probably :pir_laugh2:

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I've just finished reading all yours blogs and have to say it's impressive work. You were very thourough in covering the sets and your assessments are right on except that ...

I have to disagree with your assessment of 6239-Cannon Battle in that you say it's not that great. In my opinion this set, for an army builder, is pure candy (I have purchased over 40).

I believe that your assessment is based on playability and the set as a stand alone kit and in that view I have to agree that it does not have a lot of playability.

Excellent work on the blog!!!!


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Pirate Dave your piont is quite valid, its a good army builder but I feel that it could have been so much mroe, I like it i just think it could have been better.

To the pirate powers, it possible to place this in the article master index as I think all of this combined is quite an interesting read.

is that possible?

Thanks all

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Yeah - I have also read your articles a couple of times. They are all a great read and I enjoy the trip down memory lane - especially the years between 1989-1993 including. Those were the years when I was still playing with LEGO - It is not until now that I can say that my 1989 collection is 100% complete. I was lacking BSB in my collection up until a few weeks ago - as some might have noticed from my BSB review of the set, I bought it very recently.

Thanks for writing these articles - again, I really really enjoyed them.

May I suggest that you took a look at my article on the "classic" LEGO Town houses? check my sig, it's there :)

You are welcome to put it on you blog if you feel the urge to do so - although it's not very piratey :pir_laugh2:

Edited by Lorentzen

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Pirate Dave your piont is quite valid, its a good army builder but I feel that it could have been so much mroe, I like it i just think it could have been better.

To the pirate powers, it possible to place this in the article master index as I think all of this combined is quite an interesting read.

is that possible?

Thanks all

Sure! I just added it. :pir-classic:

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Thanks for the excellent and detailed blogs. Now, I'm not much of a classic pirates fan, but I really enjoy reading these. Well done, and thanks for doing them!

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Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone.

After I finish with my castle reviews (yep its ganna take a while, cause there are alot of castle sets,)I am going to go back to pirates and look at all the POTC sets.

first I am waiting for the Black Pearl to be released.

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