
Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by stormtroopercaptain

  1. stormtroopercaptain

    LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!

    I’m gonna swing by toysrus before work today and see if I can snag a DJ mini fig. My local one is an old crappy one so I won’t be surprised if they don’t have them but worth a try. EDIT Just stopped by my local toysrus no poly bag for DJ. Not surprised reall the hole store was bare.
  2. This is awesome I just finished collecting up a full platoon of storm troopers. Got a total of 38 storm trooper plus a few other one I have for the collection.
  3. stormtroopercaptain

    [MOC] Lego Sentry

    Nice little build. I seem to never be able to pull off built weapons. Mine always end up way to bulky or long. I’ve got a clone trooper or two that will be get a firepower upgrade now. Thanks
  4. stormtroopercaptain

    TIE Fighter & TIE Interceptor - 2021 remake!

    These are some of the cleanest looking tie Mocs out there. I’ve been holding off on building a tie before now. I’m going to have add some to my fleet.
  5. stormtroopercaptain

    [MOC] Speeder Bikes

    I like the combination of the bike with the slopes and the round side car. The one on the left of picture 02. It makes it look like the bike part has a larger engine and the side car doesn’t.
  6. stormtroopercaptain

    [MOC] Speeder Bikes

    These are great. They are a heavy speeder with the larger cannons. Great addition to a speeder team. I might have to build one. Only thing I might change is move the cannon to the side car top so it’s like the old motorcycle side car with a machine gun. The second thing will be the gunner.
  7. stormtroopercaptain

    Hello from an Empire collector

    Hello, I have been lurking on here for about a year now. I found it after getting back into LEGO as an adult. I collect Star Wars sets and mini figs. Mainly my MOC are centered around the Galactica Empire during the rebellion. Seeing how large of an army i can build up. Already built a fews things from people on this forum and can't wait to become part of the community. -StormtrooperCaptian
  8. stormtroopercaptain

    75204 Sandspeeder REVIEW

    The speeder looks like an ok build. But I will definitely pick this set up just for those two pilots.
  9. stormtroopercaptain

    Hello from an Empire collector

    Thank you for the warm welcome.