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About Hellrazr88

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    Creator Modular Buildings
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    Toronto, Ont


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  1. Hellrazr88

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    This makes me super excited! Means i can replace the old Petshop/Townhouse, i was hoping it would be two 16x32 baseplate builds.
  2. Hellrazr88

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    Anytime now anytime now! I cant wait! It sounds like a two story building.
  3. Hellrazr88

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    I'm going to stick to its some sorta Bookshop, two stories on 32x32 base plate. The Police Station is far to wild for what Lego would do, in my mind. I look at Assembly Square and then the Police Station Description. Its like what hun? I Scared to know the price on a modular that wild it doesn't feel official!
  4. Hellrazr88

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    We have enough cafes, I'm thinking something the size of the laundromat. Something that contradicts the book store like a wine shop. Would play well into the PR.
  5. Hellrazr88

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    We haven't had a 2 story building since BB and half of DO. I just released that lol, we could have just a Bookstore/Library, with a small shop off in the corner. We did get the new pooh piece.
  6. Hellrazr88

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    So the next Lego Contest, create a car for the modular streets to be given away with purchase. Interesting that they are requesting the community, could it be related to the Automobile. Much like Downtown Diner and Corner Garage, they have a sense of 40's/50's vibes. Could be Car Wash for all we know with an Arcade up top. In art Deco, there's a possibility that there could be an Miami Hotel with the pink flamingos available now.
  7. I did Assembly Square https://www.dropbox.com/s/boeaxd97302l3be/Assembly.lxf?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/tnl0bclvgqwv4vm/AssemblySquare.png?dl=0 Some thing we dont have available in LDD so Few bricks had to be swap in. But these were mostly floor ties and finishing tiles. if you have 3 Missing parts message its usually the Flower shop roses and drum kit stand 5mm rods. Many of the Printed details are not available neither. And Bakery Windows dont fit sadly LDD dosnt allow them to be placed this way. Also Corner door frames are not available.
  8. Any interest in Assembly Square... Did this in two weeks still have a few bits to figure out. LDD has a few bits missing Image