Captain Britain

Eurobricks Knights
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About Captain Britain

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    Super Heroes

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Captain Britain

    The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion

    It's been completely hit and miss for me in the UK. Lego store was missing Egghead Mech and Justice League Party (not even space on the shelves for them), one local toy store had the CMF's only and no new sets, but you could order them all online (although it looks like they've got the sets in stock in store now too over the last couple of days), Amazon had most things but Egghead seems to have gone out of stock direct from Amazon, and another store have nothing but CMF's!
  2. Captain Britain

    Post Your Superhero Minifig Collections Here!

    I really like all the Black Panther figs! Makes me a little more excited for the upcoming Infinity War figs (I'll be glad to say goodbye to The Lego Batman Movie too!).
  3. Captain Britain

    Post Your Superhero Minifig Collections Here!

    15/16 new... I'll take it!! I best get a shifty on and grab the Harley Quinn Truck and Bat Shuttle asap. Leaves me with the Jokers Manor figs to get but I think I'll wait until the prices drop a bit on those. Mighty Micros can wait until last knockings!
  4. Captain Britain

    Post Your Superhero Minifig Collections Here!

    I really hope so! I think TLBM killed me last year with how OTT it was. I've currently made a good dent in the new lot this year thankfully so not a huge amount more to get. Will keep me occupied for a few months! When does the next lot of figs come out (assuming that's Infinity War?).
  5. Captain Britain

    The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion

    Yeah I haven't seen anything that makes them awkward to get in the UK. I went to Smyths just after Christmas and nothing was out, but showing as stock online. I asked the manager if he knew where they were and he disappeared for a while and then come back with 4 boxes full of them. He opened one up, stuck it on the side where I was waiting and went "There you go, I'll leave you to it!". Went back a few days later and they had them on the end of every till (so you aren't in the way of people queuing) and then a full box down in the Lego aisle. Spent half an hour in there feeling and still didn't get a full set though . Likewise I went to Bluewater Lego store on New Years Day and they had 2 large bins of them in the store for you to stand and feel as you please. No staff helped like last year, but they were quite busy. Sadly though they had no Egg Head Mech set, or Justice League Party.. not even a space on the shelves for them! We asked and they said they only have what's out so not sure if they had an issue with deliveries. I'll get them next month I think...
  6. Captain Britain

    Post Your Superhero Minifig Collections Here!

    I second this Mat!
  7. Captain Britain

    Post Your Superhero Minifig Collections Here!

    Haven't been on here in a while! Thought I'd share a (bad) photo. Added 39 figs to the collection between Christmas and New Year :) - Batman Series 2 CMF's, both Black Panther sets and finally the three Justice League sets. Put them in a frame for now but it's not how I want to keep everything, so I think I'm going to try and have a bit of a mix around at some point (I'd like all Marvel together (split into MCU and comic), all DC (again, split into movies and comic) and then all Lego Batman Movie together. I'd also like some different frames! .
  8. Captain Britain

    Special collection up for potential sale

    I bet, $9,890 for 1 bitcoin, and only going to keep on rising.
  9. Captain Britain

    Future Marvel Superheroes Rumors & Speculation

    If they created a Black Panther printed cowl with the state I got my first Vulture helmet I'd rather it be a standard head! Thankfully the replacement they sent was better. I think the Chima helmets have the most detailed print compared to other minifigs you have mentioned.
  10. Captain Britain

    The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion

    I really hope we don't end up with like 'Batman Head Type 5' and 'Batman Head Type 6' with this round. 4 is more than enough!
  11. Captain Britain

    TOO OLD?

    You can bet mine on it if you want after reading everything
  12. Captain Britain

    Post count stuck?

    If it's a thread in the Community section your posts don't count towards your tally in there.
  13. Captain Britain

    Lego ucs falcon 10179 modifications

    Wouldn't the instructions have had 'STAR WNRS' on the instructions too?
  14. Captain Britain

    The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion

    He prints a LOT of his own minifigs.
  15. Captain Britain

    Future Marvel Superheroes Rumors & Speculation

    I thought I saw a leak group on Facebook say the set names were apparently ‘Killmonger Chase’ and ‘Battle for Wakanda’ - or something along those lines.. is this true? I’ll try and find the page again in the meantime. I think it said something about the names being leaked with a bunch of star wars sets? Found it.. Brick Leaks on Facebook put this.. ... if the list of upcoming star wars sets that we talked about today, should be correct, it would also be that of the two sets inspired by Black Panther, published on 4 Chan and reported by the same user of eurobricks: 76099 Killmonger's Chase 76100 Battle for Wakanda Only 2 months left on the exit. We should find out something very soon.