
Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Kenneth-DK

  1. Kenneth-DK

    Tron Legacy Light Cycle

    First of all, this is not my design. It was designed by Jack Marquez, who was so kind to also provide instructions as how to build it :-) I took the liberty of using his instructions to build the Light Cycle, build a base for it and then added light to it, as it seemed the right thing to do, to really bring Jack’s Light Cycle to life. Adding light to my LEGO creations seems to be my thing ;-) I hope you all like it :-) Edit: Im sorry, Im having alot of trouble adding pictures, and even removing this big one that I only managed to add. Im aware that I should deep link from Flickr, but Im failing to get that to work too Please bear over with me and be kind and visit my Flickr account to see the Light Cycle lit up from the inside by LED lights
  2. Kenneth-DK

    Tron Legacy Light Cycle

    I used a few 3mm LEDs for the wheels and the light trail and on SMD0402 for the mid section of the bike. And yes !!! The 0402 is really that small! Luckily the wires are presoldered onto that one PS: Sorry that the links are to a danish site Regarding an orange bike: A very interesting idea!! I just looked at Bricklink and although the 3x3 dish does come in an transparent orange, there seems to be no glass in the same colour though Only in neon orange... But I will keep the idea in mind Im no big fan of the upcomming LEGO Ideas version either.. First of all, Jacks version has been out for several years now (yes... I'm a bit slow with my projects...) And second of all, I like Jack's version so much more... It's more simple... More "organic" in its construction... I like it
  3. Kenneth-DK

    Tron Legacy Light Cycle

    Thank you Digger, for your kind help with the picture.. And your kind words of course
  4. Kenneth-DK

    UK Sales

    Dammit...Im still in Denmark...
  5. Kenneth-DK

    Poe Damerons X-wing - Micro MOC

    This is my latest creation of Poe Damerons black X-wing from SW7. It has previously been posted here. This version is on a small stand to present it a bit better, created for a exhibition at Star Wars days in Legoland Billund earlier this year. And again, sorry for the terribly blurry pictures... I hope you still like them... Poe's Black X-wing by Kenneth, on Flickr Poe's Black X-wing by Kenneth, on Flickr Poe's Black X-wing by Kenneth, on Flickr More pictures in my Flickr account
  6. This is my few years old MOC of the final attack on the first Death Star. Like my Battle of Hoth the model was several years underway in planning and gathering of the needed bricks. This model was also modified last year as I wasnt happy with the clustered attempt of greeble I had done... I myself think this version is better Again, I apologise for the poor pictures, I really need to invest in a proper camera... Death Star Trench Run by Kenneth, on Flickr Death Star Trench Run by Kenneth, on Flickr Death Star Trench Run by Kenneth, on Flickr More pictures in my Flickr account
  7. Kenneth-DK

    Death Star trench run - Micro MOC

    Uhmmm... I kinda forgot about the instructions.. I promise I will find them Thank you I love trying to come up with new/different solutions so that I can get as many details and life into my MOCs
  8. Kenneth-DK

    Death Star trench run - Micro MOC

    The Y-wing is actually the only original set in the MOC..The building instructions for the y-wing came out of serveral of those small micro sets a few years back. I will have a look for it tomorrow I have a printout that I might be able to scan And thank you both for the kind words
  9. Kenneth-DK

    Battle of Hoth - Micro MOC

    This is my by now fairly old MOC of the Battle of Hoth. It was several years underway in the planning, and then a few more gathering the (for some) few bricks I apologise for the poor pictures, I really need to invest in a proper camera... Battle of Hoth by Kenneth, on Flickr Battle of Hoth by Kenneth, on Flickr Battle of Hoth by Kenneth, on Flickr More pictures in my Flickr account
  10. Im sorry if I put this the wrong place or if there already is a topic (I did llok first !) I've been running LDD 4.3.9 on a laptop with Win 10 on without problems, and then I got hold of some cheap, old parts and put a more powerful desktop computer... Now... I used to be able to run LDD on this PC... But the facts are that right now... It crashes every single time I start it up... It loads the palette, and if I leave the PC alone it can load the little 4 preview pics of the last 4 creations that has been opened... But as soon as I move the mouse, it crashes... I've checked my Grapichs drivers, and they are up to date, so I also presume that my OpenGLL drivers should be... Please somebody be a really smart and ghelpfull person, and save me !! Due to little money and fewer bricks, I use LDD quite alot... Help me Obi Wa... Oh sorry... Got carried away... Please feel free to ask anything you need to know, and I will try and answer it.. I am not a PC wizz, but I will try to my best
  11. Hi, Just an update to my small problem. Today I decided to visit AMD's homepage and check if there might be a new driver for my graphics card. And behold, despite several programs and so on proclaiming that the driver was fully up to date, it turned out there was a new version release a week ago. (I ran the driver check programs just before visiting AMD,s page) And now LDD is running as smoothly as the day it was released... Thanks for the good advices from every one.. It turns out the Graphics drivers (and OpenGL) has a lot to say regarding the running of LDD Happy building people
  12. Hi Legolijntje, Thanks for the suggestions, I haven't tried them out yet, but will see if I can try it very soon... To me it's not a waste of time, as I really want LDD to work again... :-)
  13. Yeah I can understand that :-) Well here goes... Running Win 10 home 64bit edition i7 920 Processor 2.67GHz 12 GB Ram AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series Graphics card DirectX version should be 12.0 Graphic drivers are up to date Any other info you need, please feel free to ask... :-)
  14. Hmmm... Today I installed Win 10 on my computer at work... Big mistake I guess.. That ended up doing some very bad flickering in LDD, I think I read somewhere about updating your drivers for that one... BUT... I found out that it runs (not smoothly though, but it works) in LDD safe mode (can apparently be started up from the start menu...) So I just tried that here on my big old/new pc, but it still crashes... I could really use some expert help to why there are so many problems with LDD and Win 10. And especially on how I can fix it on my pc so I can start building again... :cry_sad:
  15. Here is my take on a Incom T-70 X-wing fighter from the Force Awakens in a micro(ish) scale, here in Poe Damerons colours I thought LEGO's original version (30278) was a bit low on details, so decided to try a version of my own... I know there are still details that are not completely correct (like the halfmoon engine intakes), but there are several limitations working with micro scales. And I'm far from being an expert. Actually I'm a beginner... But anyway, I hope you like it. I'm actually quite happy with the result myself Incom T-70 X-wing 2 by Kenneth, on Flickr Incom T-70 X-wing 3 by Kenneth, on Flickr
  16. Kenneth-DK

    [MOC] Incom T-70 X-wing fighter from Ep VII

    Thanks for the nice comments Yeah, I too wish I could get rid of that gap between the wings and the body... I just haven't cracked that one yet... Also the blunt nose is a bit of a challenge. I tried with the "slope-plate", , but then the slope effect was missing underneath the nose, making it look even funnier. So I decided to leave it like this
  17. Kenneth-DK

    UK Sales

    4 offers from The Toys Shop, 2 TMNT and 2 older sets:
  18. Kenneth-DK

    UK Sales

    Might anyone know if this is available online ?? (Can't seem to find it myself, so my hopes are not high )
  19. Kenneth-DK

    UK Sales has 10% off all LEGO. I compared a few prices with SaH and their standard prices are lower, and then you get the 10% discount on top of that.
  20. Kenneth-DK

    UK Sales

    Already ?!? Had heard they where to be released in May... ??
  21. Kenneth-DK

    UK Sales

    Just bought the rest in Brent Cross, but theres still few series 4 left and some atlantis sets...
  22. Kenneth-DK

    UK Sales

    Now that IS bad news... There wont be many chances for me getting them at home in Denmark, and Im probably not back in the UK until summer next year... Hmmm... So you live in Islington... If I had had more time, we could have met up (of course if you where willing too) Ever heard about Byggepladen ? Thanks jondesouza, I would be ever so grateful !!! I was thinking about going either to Brent Cross or Wood Green either on the 1st or the 3rd of january. If you could post a heads up as soon as you see series 3 out there, that would be great !
  23. Kenneth-DK

    UK Sales

    Went to Westfield today. Not sure what to think of it... @ AmperZand: Thanks for the info They had about one full box at the counter around noon (I relieved them of 12 bags).I did manage to get a single elf (Wohoo!!) but only one, AND a fisherman which seems to be quite rare (wohoo again!!), but damn those dot-codes are hard to decipher...!!! So if anyone are selling elves, fell free to send them to Islington before the 3rd of January !! @ jondesouza and NovaStar: There is no sale at all. Everything was gone when I got there around 10 AM. I didnt even see any keyhangers on sale... @ SlyOwl: They opened mid-november as far as I remember Nothing special there though, as one staff member told me, that Lego hadnt provided them with any sets that where going to go "out-of-production" (not sure what to call it in english ). But they are filling the shelves with all they new lines. Cheers, Ken
  24. Kenneth-DK

    UK Sales

    Anybody been to Westfield today? Going there tomorrow, and just wanted to know what the shelves looks like. Mostly interested to know if there is any minifig series 3 left? And if they got the Pharaos Quest battlepack up yet? Oh and a belated merry xmas to all, and hopes for a happy new year filled with lots of Lego
  25. Kenneth-DK

    Android App to Check Lego Set price

    Hi Martin, Just downloaded your little app, and I must say I'm very, very impressed !! Very usefull application. I've tried it in Denmark and will try it out next month in UK when I go there for a visit. Thanks again ! Great app !!