
Eurobricks Vassals
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About someguy

  • Birthday 11/26/1991

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    Some Where
  • Interests
    Lego trains
    Train MOCs
    Steam Trains
    MOC train cars for series minifigures

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  1. someguy

    Lego train wheels and scale questions

    I heard a rumor, but that was all! Will look into it for sure. As to the couple grand for molds, no thanks lol. I do want quite large drive wheels though.
  2. someguy

    Lego train wheels and scale questions

    I am looking to build a MOC and want to use drivers either equal in scale the PRR's T1 or larger in scale. I believe BBB XL drivers are still too small, so what is the next best option? Here are a few I was thinking of: 1) Contacting BBB and trying to get a custom set of deivers made. 2) Contacting the custom siderods guy and getting a custom,set of drivers made. 3) Purchasing Lionel T1 wheels and modifying a few bricks to use them. 1 and 2 will be pricey, but it will be closer to true lego. 3 will add weight, improve traction, and reduce derails at high speed, but will need to modify lego brick. Other suggestions welcome!
  3. I am looking to build a MOC and want to use drivers either equal in scale the PRR's T1 or larger in scale. I believe BBB XL drivers are still too small, so what is the next best option? Here are a few I was thinking of: 1) Contacting BBB and trying to get a custom set of deivers made. 2) Contacting the custom siderods guy and getting a custom,set of drivers made. 3) Purchasing Lionel T1 wheels and modifying a few bricks to use them. 1 and 2 will be pricey, but it will be closer to true lego. 3 will add weight, improve traction, and reduce derails at high speed, but will need to modify lego brick. Other suggestions welcome!
  4. someguy

    How to power 16 L-motors

    So I have been doing some work in LDD on this. Even if I don't end up building it, it's a lot of fun. Here are two pics. I made an engine module consisting of 4 PF XL motors. There will be 4 modules total. The A unit bogies turn from the bogie furthest inwards. A single universal joint connects the bogies. I was able to lower the unit by just resting the entire engine module on the bogies. The walls would be SNOT. The roof would be 2/4 plates thick. 2/3 plates taller than the big boy.
  5. someguy

    How to power 16 L-motors

    Indeed :) But, I want to use the other UP gas turbine engine for the lead engine.
  6. someguy

    How to power 16 L-motors

    I am looking at 20 powered axles or 40 powered wheels. Red lines (not boxes) indicate the end/start of a car/engine Red boxes around motors and axles indicate the motors driving those axles. This would be about 10 pieces of straight track long or about 50 inches long. I would use floating axles and lots of universal joints to get the power where I want.
  7. someguy

    How to power 16 L-motors

    I made a mistake in my OP. I meant 16 XL motors. As to the why. My friend and I were discussing the possibility of a UP Turbine engine. I got curious how big it would be so I layed out the wheels, if it were built. I realize I could put 2 XL motors in this and it would run great, but now I have seen the potential space inside the loco, I want to do it kind of as a challenge for myself. Plus then ill have an engine powered by 16 XL motors. Seems like non lego batteries and ir is the way to go here according to the above comments. I'll need to do someresearch b4 I order anything.
  8. someguy

    How to power 16 L-motors

    How can I power 16 large power function motors? I would NEED them all to be on the same IR reciever. No seperate circuits with seperate IR recievers. Would it be possible to open up an IR receiver and modify the components for the job? Could I even use a standard Lego battery box or would it drain too quickly? Edit: sorry meant 16 XL motors.
  9. Cool layout, nice to see even the adults, who brought their kids, where having good time!
  10. someguy

    My 'first' MOC development

    Thank you! I will post some pictures tomorrow of the tender. Finally have the look I want for the bogies under it.
  11. someguy

    My first things, I want to show you

    AMAZING! These guys must work for Lego or something. Any chance you would show how you made these trucks for this engine? Looking for something similar for my next steam locomotive tender. I tried attaching chains before, but the boggie was wider than the tender itself! Link is in my signature if you are willing to share the bogie design.
  12. someguy

    [MOC][WIP] Layout with turntable

    Looking at this makes me want to build my engine shed again! The turntable is my favorite part though!
  13. someguy

    British Rail Class 08

    Have to appreciate how all those electrics are crammed into that little engine! How many cars can it pull?
  14. someguy

    My 'first' MOC development

    I am going for a 'wooden' look. Could be cleaned up a bit and have less tiles there I suppose. Will give it a try!
  15. someguy

    My 'first' MOC development

    Just 8 drivers. You probably saw the big boy in the background. I imported the big boy as a reference to make sure my next engine is the right scale. I'm trying to make this next engine look like it could produce (if it were ever real) a large amount of steam very easily and go super fast, so it needs to look some what stream lined and "fit."