
Mafia School: The Witchbreed Day I

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For the rest of you, please enjoy a nice eclair from the table to the left.

An eclair suddenly sounds really good. :laugh:

I think that Darth's Wife is actually a possibility, she is trying to make it obvious she is not a scum, but she may be doing that, simply so that we trust her, though, I think it is really just a way for her to hide. What do you think?

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An eclair suddenly sounds really good. :laugh:

I think that Darth's Wife is actually a possibility, she is trying to make it obvious she is not a scum, but she may be doing that, simply so that we trust her, though, I think it is really just a way for her to hide. What do you think?

Wha? You think I drew attention to myself to hide? That doesn't even make sense. If I was a Scum, which I'm not, I would be a really stupid one. If you want to discuss this more, just say so. I'll answer honestly. :wink: Scum lye and cheat and kill. I talk and argue and try to find the Scum. By the way, you might want to start suspecting Sir Carrot. He contacted me earlier, asking if I had a role. Sound scummy to you? Sounds that way to me too. If he doesn't fess up and give a good explanation soon, I know where my vote's going.

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The Wife of Darth seems very intent on having people contact her, even though it's impossible to trust anyone at this point. On the other hand, it's a very risky scum tactic to try to rally up people in such a public way, because everyone's eyes will be on her, and the slightest mistake will raise suspicions about her. Then again, she could be playing mind games with us. But I think we should wait it out a little before judging her.

There are also a few people who haven't said anything yet today, it would be nice to hear from them too before starting to point fingers.

Oooo, those eclairs look delicious, I'll have one, thank you Franklin :sweet:.

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My tactic is also very risky for me, on the killing front. If I get lucky and stumble upon a Scum, then I'll be a prime target for a night kill and the Doctor might not protect me because they don't trust me. That's why it's so important to establish trust early on in this game of life. It might help you later. IF I become a target for a kill, I might have had time to rally the Town, and I might have made preparations (e.g. I told people what I knew before I died.) for that instance. I might have also had some friends with Roles to help me. The best thing we can do to eradicate those scum is to work together and be truthful with each other. I'll be truthful. I want people to contact me because I know that the Scum will scramble to do it, because they think that I'll figure them out if they don't. I already found someone who I think might very well be a Witchbreed, simply because of two things:

1. They were very eager to find out if I had a role, and they were hasty in contacting me. A good Townie should be vigilant always, waiting for the Scum to make a mistake. My trap was laid, and this person (Sir Carrot), walked right into it. So either he is a very stupid Townie, or a Scum. I'm leaning toward Scum, mainly becuase he was so interested in my role.

2. When I asked Sir Carrot if he had a good reason for me to trust him, he said: "I don't have one. If it helps, though, I'm a vanilla townie." The first statement would be fine on its own, and maybe make me trust him a little more, because he was honest, but the second statement tipped me off. You should never reveal your role unless you know for sure you can trust someone. Unless your 'role' is fake that is.

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Okay, now that most of the people have shown up, I would like to start the smoking out of those Witchbreed scum! Whoever is the Investigator, please investigate me. I would like to create a point to coordinate around, and since no one can trust me until I've been confirmed Town, I would like to be investigated. That's the only way I can be proven, eve though it won't happen until tomorrow. In the meantime, we can only hope that the Witchbreed make another mistake like that awful woman did.

This is just a lead,but did anyone find a piece of this 6343532713_d7eb4dc82d.jpg

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This is just a lead,but did anyone find a piece of this



I didn't think it would help anything, but I guess we might as well try to figure out what they are for...

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It seems that the Wife of Darth is the only one of us who has said anything other than "let's catch these Witchbreed", so we really have nothing to go on. Most of us have checked in to this point, and it seems that beyond randomly throwing out accusations, we've got nothing else really to go on. There's still quite a bit of time before any votes need to be cast, but that doesn't mean we can't go ahead and start seeing how people react to accusations.

Indeed, let's stir the pot and see what bubbles to the surface.

Instead, I'll just pick someone at "random" and see what happens. Wully Tintin, you're offering to sell us some fine furs, but are you really seeking our comfort or is that just so you can get close enough to skin us?

No, I offered to sell you fur coats. Higher markup on those than the untreated

furs, you see. When it comes to skinning, I don't have the stomach to do that

myself and even if I did, I doubt humans would make very warm furs.

I found this crate of green dresses, last year's style. Half price; any takers?

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It seems that the "jigsaw" pieces form the words: The Witchbreed.

It certainly seems like Cuslo has the top part of chbr but there has to be

more than just "The Witchbreed". Doesn't it look like Zam has the top of

an f ?

Black leather boots? I know someone needs 'em...

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It seems that the "jigsaw" pieces form the words: The Witchbreed.

If it forms those letters, wouldn't it be a Scum thing? I know I didn't get one. :wacko:

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No, I offered to sell you fur coats. Higher markup on those than the untreated

furs, you see. When it comes to skinning, I don't have the stomach to do that

myself and even if I did, I doubt humans would make very warm furs.

I found this crate of green dresses, last year's style. Half price; any takers?

Fair enough, but I'll pass on the dresses, too. My hat's about all the green I care to wear at once, and the discussion appears to have taken off a bit with Darth's claim of Sir Carrots' PM.

It seems that the "jigsaw" pieces form the words: The Witchbreed.

A puzzle! This is an interesting turn of events I never would have expected. I have seen no such thing in the castle pantries.

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If it forms those letters, wouldn't it be a Scum thing? I know I didn't get one. :wacko:

Maybe its a message! *oh2* I must view everyone without bias but you are being increasingly more suspicious, Wife of Darth. Anyone else have these mysterious fragments?

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It certainly seems like Cuslo has the top part of chbr but there has to be

more than just "The Witchbreed". Doesn't it look like Zam has the top of

an f ?

Interesting, this could be a message. Any sinners who would like to be absolved of their sins? :sadnew:

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My tactic is also very risky for me, on the killing front. If I get lucky and stumble upon a Scum, then I'll be a prime target for a night kill and the Doctor might not protect me because they don't trust me. That's why it's so important to establish trust early on in this game of life. It might help you later. IF I become a target for a kill, I might have had time to rally the Town, and I might have made preparations (e.g. I told people what I knew before I died.) for that instance. I might have also had some friends with Roles to help me. The best thing we can do to eradicate those scum is to work together and be truthful with each other. I'll be truthful. I want people to contact me because I know that the Scum will scramble to do it, because they think that I'll figure them out if they don't. I already found someone who I think might very well be a Witchbreed, simply because of two things:

1. They were very eager to find out if I had a role, and they were hasty in contacting me. A good Townie should be vigilant always, waiting for the Scum to make a mistake. My trap was laid, and this person (Sir Carrot), walked right into it. So either he is a very stupid Townie, or a Scum. I'm leaning toward Scum, mainly becuase he was so interested in my role.

2. When I asked Sir Carrot if he had a good reason for me to trust him, he said: "I don't have one. If it helps, though, I'm a vanilla townie." The first statement would be fine on its own, and maybe make me trust him a little more, because he was honest, but the second statement tipped me off. You should never reveal your role unless you know for sure you can trust someone. Unless your 'role' is fake that is.

Look at this reasoning, first he assumes scum will contact him, secondly he says that that would be a stupid thing to do. Why would it be a bad thing for a townie to find another person's role out?

Secondly, why would it be stupid to reveal your role as a vanilla towny, you will likely not be a target for scum, if they believe you that is.

I think you are trying to bend your reasoning so that people will believe you, I will stand by my statement, in the open this time, I am a vanilla towny, COME AT ME, WITCHES!

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The summoner then joins the discussion, "Preposterous! Witchbreed are never alone! There will be more!<br style="color: rgb(2, 2, 2); font-family: arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">

Given how the his majesty found this one, perhaps we have a way of rooting out these imposters?"

My head feels like it's in the wrong place. Like I'm 9hours ahead of what time should be.... urgh.

At least I'm awake now, and thanks to the handy court scribe I can read what you all have been saying.

Though for some of you it's not much. (and that's ok, really. It is day one)

At this stage there's not a lot to go on, except for the wife of Darth and Franklin

Darth on one hand, being noisy and out front isn't an obvious thing for the witchbreed to do, since it draws attention.

But she has more or less upfront admitted she is not able to investigate or protect us, instead is calling for those actions to be used on herself.

She's directed attention onto Sir Carrots, is that a fair suspicion or throwing someone under the bus? I guess it depends on if Carrots is witchbreed or court...

Of course if Darth is the witchbreed master then she will appear innocent if investigated, which will help in the trust building.

Cuzlo Mizzle isn't buying it, but Cecily wants to wait, and fair enough.

On the other hand, Franklin says it's all random and pokes Wully Tintin. (who hasn't responded yet). But he does offer eclairs!

I just don't know...

Maybe its a message! *oh2* I must view everyone without bias but you are being increasingly more suspicious, Wife of Darth. Anyone else have these mysterious fragments?

A quick look at them suggests there's more than six pieces? I do hope there's not more than six witchbreed, we'd be stuffed!

Perhaps you're right Volcanic, it's a little paranoid (but probably harmless).

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Look at this reasoning, first he assumes scum will contact him, secondly he says that that would be a stupid thing to do. Why would it be a bad thing for a townie to find another person's role out?

Secondly, why would it be stupid to reveal your role as a vanilla towny, you will likely not be a target for scum, if they believe you that is.

I think you are trying to bend your reasoning so that people will believe you, I will stand by my statement, in the open this time, I am a vanilla towny, COME AT ME, WITCHES!

He? As far as I know, I'm a woman. And by the way, Sir Carrot, isn't it funny how I give you hints and yet keep the answer tantalizingly out of reach? Mind games, they always bring bad emotions to the surface. And for your information, there is nothing wrong with my reasoning. It's simple logic. I'll explain it in simple terms so a warrior can understand, 'kay? Here goes:

Scum wants to look like Town. That way, they can backstab people later. Got that? Okay. If the Scum aren't totally stupid, they don't want to reveal themselves. So, I laid a simple trap. I said, "If you're Scum, contact me at your own risk, I can tell if you are lying." That would imply that I wanted them to not contact me in order for me to identify them. So, they naturally would contact me, in order to remain undetected. They want to blend in, remember. So they would be clever about contacting me. Maybe they'd butter me up first, trying to get me to make a mistake, tell them my role. But what they didn't know was that I wanted them to contact me, so I could identify them. The majority of people here were already suspicious of me, so I was sure they wouldn't contact me, for fear of being tricked. Does all that make sense to you? I caught you, and you know it, so now you're accusing me, like a cornered cat tries to attack the person cornering it. Does all this make sense to all of you? If you don't like my plan, then make your own. But mine is the one I'm going with.

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He? As far as I know, I'm a woman. And by the way, Sir Carrot, isn't it funny how I give you hints and yet keep the answer tantalizingly out of reach? Mind games, they always bring bad emotions to the surface. And for your information, there is nothing wrong with my reasoning. It's simple logic. I'll explain it in simple terms so a warrior can understand, 'kay? Here goes:

Scum wants to look like Town. That way, they can backstab people later. Got that? Okay. If the Scum aren't totally stupid, they don't want to reveal themselves. So, I laid a simple trap. I said, "If you're Scum, contact me at your own risk, I can tell if you are lying." That would imply that I wanted them to not contact me in order for me to identify them. So, they naturally would contact me, in order to remain undetected. They want to blend in, remember. So they would be clever about contacting me. Maybe they'd butter me up first, trying to get me to make a mistake, tell them my role. But what they didn't know was that I wanted them to contact me, so I could identify them. The majority of people here were already suspicious of me, so I was sure they wouldn't contact me, for fear of being tricked. Does all that make sense to you? I caught you, and you know it, so now you're accusing me, like a cornered cat tries to attack the person cornering it. Does all this make sense to all of you? If you don't like my plan, then make your own. But mine is the one I'm going with.

And isn't it funny how your name reminds me of an evil tyrant in folklore called Darth Vader?

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Who is this Volcanic you speak of? My name is Voltana!

So it is. It's just a nick name. since you can be a hot head :)

For the record, I also found a puzzle piece.


I wonder if the wife of Darth has one...

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So it is. It's just a nick name. since you can be a hot head :)

For the record, I also found a puzzle piece.

I wonder if the wife of Darth has one...

No, she said she doesn't. At least, that's what she wants us to think....

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Why these folks are doubting about my husband? He wanted to sell furs so I could go to nice restaurants with new a carriage!

Please, buy this week when we're having a 2%discount!

Anyway, I'm doubting about few of you due to strange behaviour.

Why the wife has started drawing attention to herself? Is she searching a new companion or does she have a secret plan?

And why the jester keep being so emotional? Shouldn't he be laughing? Irony,that's what these walls needs... and even a new carpet. Would you like some furs?

And SirCarrot calling himself a vanilla boy? Why? Does he taste people!? Cannibal!

I've tried to solve the puzzle but it seems there are more than the pieces already found, even more than 10!

Any of you has found a new piece?

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On the other hand, Franklin says it's all random and pokes Wully Tintin. (who hasn't responded yet). But he does offer eclairs!

Merely to get the ball rolling. He did pop in and comment, although it wasn't a particularly strong defense. That said, there are other more interesting leads to follow at this point so flying under the radar is probably fine for now.

I said, "If you're Scum, contact me at your own risk, I can tell if you are lying." That would imply that I wanted them to not contact me in order for me to identify them. So, they naturally would contact me, in order to remain undetected. They want to blend in, remember. So they would be clever about contacting me.

Inconceivable! Truly, you have a dizzying intellect. :laugh:

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I wouldnt be surprised if everyone got a piece, From what Ive tried piecing the known pieces together, there are quite a few pieces. (Wow a lot of pieces in one sentence.)

Here is my piece, the bottom right corner: 6344281188_f57009da17.jpg

I do not see any harm in showing my piece at this time, I suggest everyone else do the same.

And Wife of Darth, You keep making the WRONG assumption, you keep saying that only a scum would want to know other's people's role, why would a towny not want to know if he or she can trust others? Basically what you are going for trying to make me suspicious is me wanting to find out your role, but me being scum could not be the reason for that, think about it. Also I would like to point attention that all out accusations like this are probably more in favor of scum, if those accusations have no real base.

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