
Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Cirkit

  1. Cirkit

    Review: 44018 Furno Jet Machine

    While that does work, for the time being I'm only seeing Heroes used. When the time comes that villains, civillians, or Mr Makuro (come on, that would be pretty cool)also get released as mini-Robots.. then I'll call 'em that :p
  2. Cirkit

    Review: 44015 Evo Walker

    I have mixed feelings about this set. On the good side of things, we have a set unique in it's appearance with a Hero, a Mech, and a plentiful amount of kaiju enemies. The bone structure is inspiring to me. It doesn't use a torso part, and still looks alright. It's still bulky, and from the packaging, looks kind of cool. That, and hello? Three spider-kaiju! The downside of the set all comes down to the Mech. The colors clash. Orange, Green, and Blue all together, as well as the main yellow and grey. The open sockets on the floor look wrong somehow, like the figure was waiting to be finished and then deemed 'complete'. And the rear leg irks me a little. You can't bend it without moving the cockpit back away from the cannon. It's a nice idea, with a cool new MiniHero and THREE kaiju, but certain elements of the build let me down. However, it looks like it would be useful as a parts pack, and to bulking up your enemy army.. so it's not all bad.
  3. Cirkit

    Review: 44016 Jaw Beast vs Stormer

    Trans light blue and purple on a Hero vs Beast set? Me like. I like Stormer's little trans light blue data-pad, and I like that it's a simple set.. but still full of possibilities. Maybe Jaw Beast will eat Stormer, maybe Stormer will jam the beast's jaws open; maybe he'll pick out that tiny kaiju part that's been bugging Jaws so much from between it's teeth, and the two will become the best of friends. Who knows? And I'm growing to love those new spike parts. They're exactly what I need to finish certain MOCs, and those feet.. I wanted a foot like that, and it has come. Clips for claws, and even without it still looks like a foot. Thank you so much, designers! This may be one I have to pick up.. when it comes out. In March. -_-
  4. I expected so much more from that three-headed beast. Didn't think the colours would look so badly together, but.. they do. I do like that it's three of four in one, but maybe we should see who can make the best version of the illustrated beast with the pieces available? Also thought the Evo-Walker/'Furno Jet Mech of Awesome' Combo would be different. I like the tilted torso, but that seems to be the only good thing about it, and even then.. Hmm. Evo's Walker with all those extra arms seems a bit.. extreme. Excessive. It reminds me of what I did once with my old Makuta(2003, Teridax, the main one and the most Ruthless of all the Makuta) set, when I added on more and more until it was unrecognizable.. and couldn't stand up on its own. Just like this. Difference being that I named mine 'Marius'. Stormer's is best, I agree with that. Sure the shoulders are a bit weird thanks to the flipped torso. But... I do like the bulky look that it gives because of it. The spinning-claw function is way cool, and I like the Savage Planet paws as shoulder bulk. Very cool. I hope the next wave has some better 'official' combos.. that and I hope people decide to take what they see here and do more with the ideas. I wouldn't mind seeing the dual-cockpit idea but with Stormer and Rocka's machines..
  5. Cirkit

    Review: 44018 Furno Jet Machine

    I just LOVE Furno's new ride. Wish he had a bike again, but if it means giving up a set of wheels for dual-action rockets/ flamethrowers and his trademark blades mounted to a bulky, strong-looking machine.. I'm gold. It's red. No, I'm not Rocka. Or.. am I? DUN DUN DUNNNN Anyway, I like it. The build is original, far more than Stormer's or Rocka's machines, and it looks like it can take some damage. Wish it had a little more leg bulk, but if it's meant to be taking of into the sky to fight tiny flying kaiju, then less is more. Shame there's only one kaiju spider there.. seems like an unfair fight! And I like the new mini.. you know what? I'm calling them MiniHeroes. They're taller than the average 'fig, despite being able to share the same torso and head parts.. and they look great. Shame there isn't printing on the head but it looks cool nonetheless. The clips on the arms and legs are great, but I do wish the wrists could move. Maybe if they do these again in the future, they can improve upon the design? Overall.. I think it's a great mech, and I look forward to picking one up when they hit the shelves in.. March? WHY MUST YOU TEMPT US SO!?? Oh, and I really like that Breez mech you did. Shame she didn't get one of her own. Maybe she does in the next wave? Who knows.
  6. Cirkit

    MOC: Johnny the Eagle

    How does the mask stay on, might I ask? It doesn't look like it has a place to clip on to.
  7. Cirkit

    Review: 10243 Parisian Restaurant

    Does anybody else look at the 'Boyfriend' and think of the guy from the Johan coffee commercials? And his ring.. the one to rule them all.. It's a beautiful looking restaurant set packed full of detail and I like it. The fold out bed and that little balcony with the mini-bar are excellent. Love the planters there. Sham that that one door wasn't given a nob. That's a easy fix thanks to those spare parts! Thanks for the review. I really wish I could get this set.. maybe a Christmas item for the whole family to build.. ooh-hoo that will be fun!
  8. Cirkit

    Hero Factory 2014 Discussion

    Thanks, it's good to be back, Shakar Thanks for the correction. I'm still curious to see how the Walker looks, mostly because I'd like to see how they mounted that cannon. I wonder how they attached the heads this time around. I see a red plus-axle piece but I can't quite figure it out. Maybe Jaw Beast is Jaw Beast because its jaw makes up the majority of its build? Smaller body, same size head.. Or maybe it just talks a lot. Like me Description? I've only seen the pics. I'll go check them out! The gripping claw or grappling claw looks like it only has the pins from the spikes holding it on. How they can open perplexes me. I don't mind skeletal.. but I agree with Shakar. They need something. Razar/Eris wing parts, fabric, more spikes, just.. anything! EDIT: Idea! Turn the cladding on the wings so they face outward like the Batman- tail things do. Then add the large spikes. The idea would make them look more like wings and less like.. weird skinny back arms. I wonder if perhaps this new minifig-mech-suit line will continue, and introduce Stringer, Nex, Bulk, and/or Surge in some way? Personally I think this is a perfect opportunity to introduce Mr. Makuro in some kind of physical set form. Could be the victim of a monster-kidnapping, and a Hero in a suit could be sent to rescue him? Thoughts?
  9. Cirkit

    Hero Factory 2014 Discussion

    Forget the sets- check out that box bag art! I'm really digging the style going on here. The bag with Furno and Evo vs 'Splitter Beast' has got to have the best art on top. Evo's flung away by the beast, which is bending a street lamp in it's claw, and Furno's gone all badass with that flame-sword.. Man, that is one great sword. It's either that or Evo running away from the beast on his machine's packaging, toward the machine itself. The little details in that one made it for me. Stormer, for whatever reason, looks a little odd in his. Perhaps it's because his mouth is open and the jaw piece of the helmet is down. Not used to seeing it like that. I like the direction this is going in. Doesn't remind me at all of any movies that came out earlier this year at all Still, the theme is popular. Heroes piloting mechs fighting beasts.. it's an exciting direction for Hero Factory to go. The new minifigs are nice. Helmets are very accurate to what we've seen before. I wonder if they'll just have trans Minifig heads underneath the helmets with no faces? I'd kind of like to see at least eyes and mouth printed on there.. we'll see what happens. I'm a fan of the clip functions on the legs and arms, but I'm not too happy that the hands can't move. Shame really. The Mechs and Beasts are the main focus here, and from what I'm seeing.. I'm impressed. Loving the use of the recently introduced 'pad' parts to bulk up the machines. I'm surprised none of the beasts use the round pads to bulk up their bodies. An opportunity lost there, methinks. Beasts are excellent as well. I have a feeling that none will be built higher than Stormer XL, just looking at the bodies of those in the pics already. The mini-beasties are neat. I can tell from one of the packages that it takes 3 pieces to put them together. The grey pin part gives that away. Evo's getting more love- he's got his own machine and he features in two sets! I mean, yeah, Furno does too, but it's nice to see 'The Steamroller' get a little more attention. His machine is kick-butt too, what with the black and yellow color scheme, the missiles, the Zamor-cannon(can't get enough of how that arm was constructed, by the way. Excellent use of the Constraction parts), and it's got a lot of bulk going on, which I like. Speaking of which, where's Bulk run off to? Seems like this year there's less Heroes to play with. Shame. Not sure what the deal is with the container on the back- is it to store those little 3-piece beasties? All the Mechs have this feature. I wonder if this is a catch-and-contain mission? Speaking of other Mechs, I like how Furno's machine looks like a souped-up version of his Breakout form.. I wonder if the trans round plates are lights, or what the deal is with that? He also appears to have blue eyes. Awesome. Of course the gold guy gets a machine this time around as well. He's been in more sets than any HF character. Can't deny how cool the colors look here. Wish he'd been given more gold, but seeing as it is a 'stealth machine', I guess it makes sense not to get too flashy. Stormer also has a mech, and it looks just as simple as Rocka's. Wonder if these two will be the 'small sets' for the good guys this year? Nice to see those Savage-Planet parts being used(the type used to attach Bulk 3.0's spikes) again. Splitter Beast's artwork is my favorite, and I have a feeling the set is as well. Furno and Evo make quite the pair here against the two-headed monster. I like how the monster itself looks, the heads especially, and I dig the leg cladding and those new feet being put to use. And it's spiky so yay. Street lamp is an interesting weapon.. and makes sense. It'll just rip up whatever is near it and use it to cause havok in Makuhero City.. It is a monster after all! I'm happy Breez gets in on the action. Maybe the next episode will have her special skills finally put to good use again? I'm not sure what the deal is with Flyer beast, but the left arm looks a little weird. Wonder what it's supposed to be used for? Can't figure out what it's holding either. The people who design the wings need to think of something better. I'm okay with the skeletal look, but it doesn't look right being so open as it is. From what I can see of the new sets, I am impressed, and I really want to pick some of these up when they hit the shelves. I hope to see the other's images (The Evo Walker and Jaw Beast) soon. Oh, and did anyone notice that the Heroes are using guns now? Works quite well in the place of the blasters, don't you think?
  10. Cirkit

    MOC: Jake Silksen

    I really like the colours, and I really like the torso build. It bares the same proportions as a 'standard' Hero, but its build is much more solid and it actually has back armor, something I really like. I'm not so sure about the 'Toa Mata' feet here, but it makes it unique, so I like it.
  11. Cirkit

    Hero Factory Moc Week. Nebula Gang 2.0

    I almost take back what I said about Corroder. Von Nebula is... wow. I think you've done a terrific job with rebuilding the criminal mastermind. All the features from the original set are there, including the pistons, which I am very impressed by, and you've managed to get more of that wonderful blue integrated into his build. I like how you pulled off the double-bone 'Fire-Lord' leg design, and his hunch.. well, it looks like a hunch. Really something, there. Rotor looks a bit plain in comparison. Yes all the major details are there, but he looks like he could do with some armor. Maybe stick a boxy add-on armor piece to each of the legs, like ones included in the 'Voltix' set and beef him up a little. Otherwise, not bad. This certainly has been an interesting week, hasn't it? I think it ended pretty well! I would like to see you do more, if you so decide to.
  12. Cirkit

    Hero Factory Moc Week. Nebula Gang 2.0

    Must say that out of all of these, Corroder is my favorite. Captures the look of the original set very very well, and gives a little more fexibility in the lower legs than the set had before. The claw-shield things look identical to the original, and I like the back-mounted launcher. Must admit, I was expecting something different when it came to Xplode. I do like that for the most part he keeps to the original looks, but there's something about that Drilldozer torso part that just makes him look... chunky. All the other basic details are there, and those look good, but the upper torso throws off the look a little for me. I think there's only one left- Rotor? He's got to be an XL at least, so I look forward to seeing what you do with him :)
  13. Cirkit

    Hero Factory Moc Week. Nebula Gang 2.0

    Alright, new 'revamps'! I'll try to be shorter with this one, haha. While I do like Thunder's overall look, what with the 'Crusher Claw' and the Mata Nui blade on the back, and that head(still wish I'd picked the set up when I had the chance), his build is pretty much identical to that of Vapour's, even down to the placement of the shells on the legs. Again I say, add a black Super-Hero Torso Add-On piece and buff him up a little, or do something with the exposed balls on the shoulders. Otherwise, he looks the part, and that's all I can say about Thunder. 'Meltdown' however is a different story. I like the torso. It isn't just one piece slapped on, and gives him a hunched look while still being well armored. The Savage Planet part on the lower torso looks nice, discreet, and seems to fit well with the part on the back. Weapons are identical to how they were in the set, and I'm cool with that. Not a bad looking one, our Melty here. Looking forward to seeing what you do with Xplode, whenever you get around to him. He's a personal favorite of mine :)
  14. Cirkit

    Hero Factory Moc Week. Nebula Gang 2.0

    I like Vapour's overall look. I think his weapons look very cool, what with the 'Gali Mistika targeting piece' on the one weapon, and the sleek blades on the other. I like that you kept those Corroder blades on the arms too, helps identify the guy more. The back is a little bare, though, and his chest looks a bit weak in my opinion. Perhaps if you added a black 'Super-Hero' chest add-on part it would improve the look a little. I also feel that with the orange lacking he looks a little plain. The original had a little of it, I think this should too. Perhaps the tubes could be changed back to the right color, or something else could be added on in the orange colour. Other than that, it looks like a good revamp, and I look forward to seeing the others when they come :)
  15. 1 point Bonnie Crusher 1 point John Doe 1 point Cade Marler
  16. Cirkit

    Vote Hero or Monster Voting - Digital Heroes

    1 point Helen Kernel XL 1 point Marshall Boyle 1 point Flora Strike XL
  17. 1 point Marcus Fisher 1 point Koboldon 1 point Gorroz Spider Best of luck to all.
  18. Cirkit


    This looks too cool not to just stop by and say that it looks too cool to not just stop by and say that it looks... you get it. I am really loving the Kratta/Krana combo used for the face. Actually the whole face in its entirety is fantastic! Really nailed the ape look, and you even got the little pink flower on there. Nice! I really like the Pohatu masks making up the torso, and the green tube part there. I'd love to know how you managed to make the Chi Orb stay in place there. I do want to know why she's got the Scarox head on her shoulder. Don't get me wrong, it looks great, and adds something to the creation, but still- what was the planning behind that? Just love the giant metal fists-of-doom. Enough said about those. I like the leg construction- simple but still looks strong. Nice use of the 'Dino' feet here! I think 'Cool' summed it up rather well :P Good luck in the contest!
  19. Cirkit

    B/A: Gorroz Spider

    Whoever thought I'd think the Core Hunter helmet could be used for a creature so cute? The spider's description, being used to pull around carts etc. reminds me of the days of Bionicle with the Ussal Crabs. It could very easily pass for a Bionicle creature as well, despite being made entirely of HF-system parts. I like what you did for the abdomen, and I'd really like to know how you filled in all those eye holes. It is a bit simple, and hard to see a little with all that black, but I like it. Then it transforms into a giant-scorpion beast with lobster claws. Pass the butter. I can't believe how simple the change is. Switch out the little pincers for the giant claws, give it a new head, the Brain,and the tail, and BOOM! New form. Like the use of the Chima wing there on the tail as the blade, and the little spikey things on the back as well. Blue is a great contrasting color for the black bodied beastie, and the brain head fits in well with the Arachnix head piece. I really like how this turned out, and I wish ya luck in the competition! I think you'll go far with this!
  20. Cirkit

    [HoM] Bonnie Crusher

    Interesting concept, having the brain tail become an extra limb. I really like it! Also, lilac and lime together at last.. ah.. Very nicely done!
  21. Cirkit

    B/A: Koboldon

    Tried to comment once, computer froze :/ I like how this looks. Starts off as a simple beast with big, shovel-claws and bulbous lime green eyes, but keeps the teeth and the giant hand as the Brain Slug takes hold. The transformed version is awesome. Love what was done with the Savage Planet armor for the face. Perfect. Love how the lime and red made its way down its arm to the fist. Heads for finger-ends.. nice use of the part. And those feet. Can't see much of the construction, but from what I can tell.. they're neat. The fact that it's a dual-effort from two brothers makes it all the better.
  22. Cirkit

    [LDD MOC] Xplode 2.0

    I like what you've done with this version of Xplode. The spikes on the back I enjoy in particular. Nice use of the Savage Planet 'paw' part. I would think, though, that maybe the Exo-Force arms with the same sort of spikes as on the club and lower back would work better here, maybe with the spikes themselves in yellow, to match the original Xplode? Also, I see what you did with the spiky ball parts. More spikes, less pieces. Me like. Can't believe you built the club completely in the HF system pieces. It looks just right in terms of size and shape, though again, I think some of the spikes could benefit from being yellow instead of red, to match the look of the original tool and all. And I like the choice you made for the lower leg armor. Kind of looks like the old shin armor from the original Xplode. I like this a lot, really I do. Nice work :)
  23. Cirkit

    Hero Factory 2013

    A black brain you say? This I must see. I imagine it'll be black with red eyes.. to match the other brains, bar the one that came with "Dragon Bolt". Strangely the only color brain they haven't released is Red, like all the brains seen in the Brain Attack episode. And purple, but I doubt we'll see that any time soon. EDIT: Just had a thought. If Hero Factory still has trouble with the Brains, and an undead-type theme comes into being.. problem solved right there. Zombies and their brains..
  24. Cirkit

    sMakuta Icarax: Shadows Risen

    Mata Nui protect us... I like this version of Icarax. Thanks to those HF parts, the torso looks very solid, and even muscular in its structure. I like the use of the Savage Planet 'paw' part in black with the Visorak foot piece. They just look right together. The arms and legs are just right- not too thick or thin with the armor layering, though the way the Rahkshi limbs are placed on do look a little.. odd, to me anyway. I can get it as armor, but the ball connections on the ends stand out a bit, especially on the arms. I do like what you did with the hands, claws more like. Makes him look more.. evil. I like that. The bladed sword they hold is nice, and I kind of prefer it to the curved Antroz blades as seen before. Can't tell what's going on with the feet, but I see black Bohrok eyes being used as claws. Nice! I'd like to see as well how you pulled off the construction of the head. Those wings deserve a paragraph all to themselves. The raggedy, torn look given by those Vezon capes, the Chima blades, the basic shape of the wings.. perfect, just perfect. Those wings are another thing I'd like to see up-close. Seriously the best Icarax 'Revamp' I've ever seen. If you ever do any more Makuta like this, or make your own, I'd love to see them. :)
  25. Cirkit

    MOD/MOC: Emma's Place

    Taking three and making them into one.. I like it, I really like it! Each floor has all the elements of the original sets, and with more elements involved. The Beauty shop is the main floor, and the other two floors above are rented? I do wonder how they get from floor to floor- then again, most LEGO building sets I have seen do not have stairs at all, so it makes sense not to include any here. I don't mind the lack of floor tiles so much- it makes the building look more like the 'Friends' sets, and I like that a lot. And I imagine it would look good next to Friends or LEGO City sets.. it looks very versatile. I would buy this, really I would. Excellent work :)