
Eurobricks Citizen
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    Bonsai Tree

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  1. Autumn

    Help with identifying parts/sets!

    Maybe you found something special? I couldn't find it in that colour either. Is there any unique lettering on it that might indicate it's a test or prototype piece? FF is used on prototype pieces sometimes, for example.
  2. Autumn

    Futuron Lander Explorer

    That's a nice and unique design for Futuron, looks like it hops across the terrain. I would maybe have the astronaut sit a little bit higher, he looks like he's struggling to see over the rim!
  3. The Pterodactyl Costume Fan sounds fun! I really like all the dinosaur costumes. Also as an Adventurers fan I can't help but think about opportunities to reuse minifig parts, so the Steampunk Inventor sounds like it has potential. Look forward to seeing pictures.
  4. Besides the obvious in the first picture... this is a nice example that shows it looks good in a tribal theme. If I was to do it myself I would include some similar colours on the rest of the figure though to make it fit a little better, like the hands or waist. Pearl gold but not sure what the other is... sand green?
  5. I mean, Basil The Bat Lord isn't really a bat either, so...
  6. Autumn

    UK rare stores

    That's a clever way of doing it I'd not thought of. Thank you for sharing!
  7. Autumn

    Unpopular Opinions about LEGO

    Me too. I think all the pearlescent colours are really nice and not overdone. They feel "special" enough to look good and highlight a specific piece, like treasure, but can also be used to either be used as highlights or complimentary elements or even a more central and main part of the build. That makes me want to scrub my eyes! Amish Majisto!
  8. Autumn

    UK rare stores

    Unfortunately I don't know of any UK stores myself (not even sure how to find them either), but I'd love to know what kind of rare or q-parts you know of if you can even if it's just a list! I don't have the kind of money to drop like £10 or something like that on just a single 2x4 brick just because it's in an marbled colour for example, but the topic still really interests me. The only store I have favourited is Cornholio'sBricks located in Belgium and I have a wanted list on Bricklink for rare parts. Recently I found that this part comes in a few unreleased colours. (I'm also holding onto the slimmest hope of finding a Sea-tron minifig in the wild!)
  9. Lego could do a really unique suit for the groom if they wanted. Like a metallic coloured suit? Something really flashy (and / or tacky). Or the groom could have a plaid suit with detailed printing on the arms and legs, which I don't think has been done before.
  10. Autumn


    Well deserved! This one became my favourite as soon as a I saw the interior hidden within the modularity sections. It's packed with so much fun!
  11. Autumn

    [CONTEST] Infamous Steve - WINNERS

    Well done everyone! I'm pleased that Tapu Island took first place in the large category, it is definitely my favourite!
  12. Autumn

    [Figbarf] Jungle Warriors

    That's some clever re-utilising of some of those parts. Rather insipiring actually, I'll have to think of this next time I feel like doing a figbarf!
  13. "Steve Origins: Meeting Redbeard" by Oky
  14. Autumn

    [Figbarf] Jungle Warriors

    These are really cool! Do you mind if I ask where you got the torsos and heads from? I don't recognise them. Also, do you have any plans on where you want to use them? They seem like evil spirits as a counterpart to "good" jungle dwellers.
  15. This was an idea I was think of too. For what it is worth I didn't jump on any "band wagon," my building entry votes were purely based on my personal favourites after reviewing the list of entries, but I can kind of see what OP is saying. I don't know how feasible it would be but perhaps, in addition to YellowFrog's suggestion, voting should take place on a page with a list of all the entries (in an order randomised each time the page is loaded) and a thumbnail and checkbox next to them to place a vote. This could increase visibility of every entry and make it a little more fair.