
Eurobricks Citizen
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About CDKiii

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    Star wars
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    mandalorian helmet

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    Custom napoleonic minifigure


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  1. CDKiii

    war of the gauls

    That's the point. LEGO makes roman, but not their opponant. Thanks, everything is custom made.
  2. hello everyone, i don't know where to put this post, as it speaks about french movie, i think it is the right place. Maybe some of you known the infamous old french serie of movies, "les gendarmes" with the mighty LOUIS DE FUNES. Le gendarme by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr So i decided to make the minifigs which come with it FB_IMG_1727684838796 by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr FB_IMG_1727684843867 by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr
  3. CDKiii

    [MOC] My grande armée

    gentlemen, i made some upgrades with my army easier to make, less painting drummer boy French grenadier bonnet de police by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr Line infantry Charleville musket by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr new decals for chasseursFB_IMG_1727684552496 by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr new schemes for hussars FB_IMG_1727684565821 by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr
  4. CDKiii

    war of the gauls

    ladies and gentlemen, i'm proud to show you some adversaries (which are really scarces in the LEGO WORLD) for our beloved roman legions. Gallic warriors (around 1st century before christ) FB_IMG_1727684597591 by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr the mighty CARNYX, war horn FB_IMG_1727684630294 by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr and the well known warthog FB_IMG_1727684647227 by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr i tried to be more accurate than the ASTERIX representation.
  5. CDKiii

    New Custom Uniforms 

    awesome way to improve minifigs! well done.
  6. CDKiii

    [MOC] Siege of Toulon Collaboration Display

    OUTSTANDING, and very impressive. congrats.
  7. CDKiii

    french late war/postwar général

    Thanks. It was more complicated. For the french, that i know better than germans but i think they had good generals too, some were reluctant to send troops for nothings. The complexity of french history comes from petaib for example, who during this war took account of this. And it was an other time when dying for own's country( and fellow comrads) was an honnor. We can't understand that with our eyes of 21th century citizen. But this minifigs was just to make some historical accuracy, no politics inside.
  8. CDKiii

    Is Mini Figure Customization Dead?

    There is still lots of people who make their own design. Maybe the way of customization has changed. We can see more and more "hard" customization, with minifig body becoming less recognizable (some parts will replace the torso, with pouches, muscles etc...). I've seen a kickstarter project for doing hoodies for example). I think purists will increase because of the wide range of genuine designs, hard customization is increasing thanks to 3d printing, so middle customization is decreasing.
  9. Gentlemen, please allow me to show you my new custom, of a french general at the end of the WW1. Fire at will for the critics.. thanks. French general after war by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr
  10. CDKiii

    [MOC] My grande armée

    In fact the 1st hussar (blue) is genuine lego but uv printed. And thanks, but you know, to military for lego policy.
  11. CDKiii

    [MOC] My grande armée

    Thanks, but the torso and leg designs are not mine. I think i bought it from nevabrick (uv printed).
  12. CDKiii

    [MOC] My grande armée

    hello everyone, going always further to simplify the creation of a french imeprial army, i managed to make new pelisses, without painting nor decals. I'm proud to share my new chasseur à cheval of the guard, and hussar of the 1st regiment. Chasseur à cheval de la garde by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr Napoleonic area classic pirate lego musket by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr Hussards français by LA BRIQUE DE CAMBRONNE, sur Flickr pelisses, colpack,shako and sabretache are custom made by myself.
  13. CDKiii

    [MOC] French Frigate 'Saint Germain' PART 2

    Thanks for letting us to see her. amazing job!!!!!
  14. CDKiii

    lego like napoleonic musket

    strange, indeed
  15. CDKiii

    lego like napoleonic musket

    As the barrel is a standard 3.18 bar, i think every clip can fit on it. Some custom manufacturers have made double clip piece so it is possible to put a knife on it. And my bayonet fit on genuine lego musket