Parrothead Rasmus

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Everything posted by Parrothead Rasmus

  1. Parrothead Rasmus

    [Review] The Millennium Falcon Microfighter

    I'm surprised... I actually like these. Don't know if I will be going out of my way to purchase any, but I like them. And Han's new "unamused" face, shall we say, is awesome.
  2. Parrothead Rasmus

    LEGO Star Wars 10236 Ewok Village

    So... am I the only person who didn't help but say "Holy sh*t!" when I saw this on the main page? Now this is a lego set! My only complaint is that they changed the scout trooper...
  3. Parrothead Rasmus

    LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors

    I'm not sure if this has been addressed already, but will the new Han minifigure be made out of regular ABS or cheap Chinese plastic? It's a pretty nifty-looking figure compared to the prior verion, but I may not want to spend the money is he's not ABS.
  4. Parrothead Rasmus

    [MOC] Empire fighter

    Awesome! Looks like a legit 'Star Wars' ship. Not to crazy, but nice, clean, and sleek.
  5. Parrothead Rasmus

    LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors

    Via For any of you going to Celebration later this month, here is a description of the Lego Star Wars panel: Friday, August 24, 2012 Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm Location: Collecting Stage (W303 ABC) Description: Whilst the LEGO brick has been around for almost 60 years, it’s only existed as a Star Wars licensed product since 1999. Now in its 14th year, there are hundreds of sets, thousands of minifigures, and millions of possibilities. Join James Burns, Duncan Jenkins and special guests as they look back at the history of LEGO Star Wars sets, how the minifigure has evolved over the last 14 years, the elusive exclusives and a brief glimpse into the future.
  6. Parrothead Rasmus

    MOC: X-Wing and TIE Fighter

    The X-Wing makes me smile. Lovely work.
  7. Parrothead Rasmus

    Lego MOC: Persian Desert Tavern

    Veyr nice! Clean and effective.
  8. Parrothead Rasmus

    Star Wars sets anyone?

    Summer sets are now available on Shop @ Home, along with the exclusives!
  9. Parrothead Rasmus

    LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion

    6873: Spider-Man's™ Doc Ock™ Ambush is available form Shop @ Home.;jsessionid=lnG80bnYFqhZ2sQJx6r93g**.lego-ps-3-2?ShipTo=US&_requestid=2647527 via FBTB.
  10. Parrothead Rasmus

    REVIEW: 9499 – Gungan Sub

    Ha ha, no prob. I was afraid you'd take it the wrong way. We learn something everyday though. Yay for learning!
  11. Parrothead Rasmus

    Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion

    Believe it or not, those are the exact sets I was thinking! Unfortunately, the B.A.T. and a camo tumbler seem like a bit of a stretch. That's two sets in one! My finger are crossed... very tightly.
  12. Parrothead Rasmus

    Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion

    Contains a minor (but very insignificant) spoiler in concern to 'The Dark Knight Rises': Commissioner Gordon (Gary Oldman), if my memory serves me correct, is never in a SWAT uniform. Spoiler ends here. Gordon did, however, have SWAT uniform in 'The Dark Knight': So, could we possibly be getting more than one Nolan Batman set, or will we get one set (most likely the Tumbler), with minifigures from all 3 films? Just a thought.
  13. Parrothead Rasmus

    Harry Potter 2011 Discussion

    My local Target has gotten rid of all their HP sets already. If you want to grab some on clearance (Star Wars and POTC ones too), I suggest you act fast so you don't end up like me.
  14. Parrothead Rasmus

    REVIEW: 9499 – Gungan Sub

    Thanks for the fantastic review! I love the Amidala minifigure, but she's WAY taller then the others (I know that all dress-figures are, but her hat also adds to it). Also, Ewan has a cleft chin. A double chin would refer to having enough fat around your neck and under your chin, making it look like you have a second one. So you could say Jabba has a double chin, while Obi-Wan has a cleft!
  15. Parrothead Rasmus

    [MOC] 1400mm X-wing

    Usually, I don't much care for technic projects, but your's are an exception. I'll be following this thread!
  16. Parrothead Rasmus

    Transfiguration Classroom.

    Very nice! Love it. Simple with just the right amount of detail.
  17. Parrothead Rasmus

    [MOC]Batman Tumblers and The Bat

    The bat is fantastic. Since we know that were are now getting at least one 'Dark Knight Rises' set, it could be this or a tumbler... or maybe even both!! Regardless, you have my vote!
  18. Parrothead Rasmus

    Future Star Wars Minifigs

    Bail Organa anyone?
  19. Parrothead Rasmus

    LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors

    Is it just me, or did that Rancor magically get bigger?
  20. Parrothead Rasmus

    Favorite 2013 Superhero fig

    I'm really only excited for the DC stuff, especially The DArk Knight RIses sets. I've been waiting for this news for months! Gordon and Bane are great.
  21. Parrothead Rasmus

    Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion

    Nolan Batman figures? I think I just wet myself!!
  22. Parrothead Rasmus

    LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors

    I thought everyone already knew that! You're not the only detail-oriented person around.
  23. Parrothead Rasmus

    LOTR & The Hobbit 2012

    These play sets are amazing! It's be nice if themes, like Star Wars, strayed away from doing all those ships. I will need this set!
  24. Parrothead Rasmus

    LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors

    Very nice! I love it, and now I have to get Jabba's Palace. My only complaint is the empty center. I really can't want to see more!
  25. Parrothead Rasmus

    LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors

    Which picture is that?