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Sam Vimes

Star Trek (General Discussion)

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I'm intrigued by your post, Flipz, but I don't really know what it means. I was actually part of a Trek RPG set about 100 years after TNG before, but it was not LEGO related. How would that fit in?

Well, you know Guilds of Historica here? The Phoenix Command Group is sort of like that, only set in the future of Star Trek and slowly absorbing all of LEGO Sci-fi into it. :tongue:

We started out just as a group of Trek builders (and I as a story/ideas guy) who teamed up on the LU Creation Lab. We called ouselves the "Phoenix Battlegroup" then, and just wanted to see Star Trek in LU. Then some other people expressed interest, so we let them join, then they invited their friends, and their friends...we ended up becoming the largest group on the Creation Lab, and our forming a Council was by necessity to try and have some semblence of order. At the same time, some of us joined the "story craze" that had swept the Lab, and that laid the seeds for our storyline...

Eventually, by becoming so large we attracted some who wanted to be our "enemies," and that's when the role of the PCG became the sort of "galactic cops" who had the strength to keep the peace and had less bureaucratic restriction than the Federation. We reasoned that, since the Federation seemed to be on the decline in the late TNG-era movies and games and in the materials associated with Star Trek Online (which we include as a sort of "loose" canon, the way Star Wars does with KotOR and TOR), a few incidents convinced them that they needed a peacekeeping force that wasn't bogged down by pacifism. The PCG then became and allied but independent territory that acted as a "buffer" between the Federation and the other galactic powers. Then our own politics with the other user-controlled groups seeped in, and before we knew it we had our own backstory and canon. (I must confess, out of all the Council, I'm the one most dedicated to story, timeline, and the like--it's my specialty. I was the one who calculated exactly how far ahead we needed to be--the PCG timeline syncs with our own calendar, roughly, it's just that the PCG exists in 2508 instead of 2012.) As Star Wars builders and other Space builders crept into the PCG-verse, we sort of absorbed them all (one of the PCG's strongest allies has a fleet of stunning Mars Mission ETX ships), but at heart most of us are still Trekkies, albeit rather unorthodox ones. :tongue:

Of course, now, with LU shut down and the Creation Lab only open for a limited time, we need a new home, and I believe EuroBricks is the perfect place for it. We have a strong RPG community, which works well with our story elements and the RPG I've started up on a couple of smaller forums, and we also have a strong building community that wishes there were more Star Trek LEGO builders out there. Well, we're here, and if you're willing to have us, we'll do all we can to give you all the inspiration you need.

Do you think this would catch on here?

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Hmm,I haven't been here nearly long enough to know how many Star Trek fans there are on Eurobricks. I would recommend starting a new discussion and seeing how many interested responses you get.

On another note, I watched "Death Wish" yesterday. Talking about it made me realize that's it's been about 2 years since I've seen it. And wow, it's amazing how much tastes change. Episodes that I used to love (Caretaker), I now find to be just okay, while episodes I found just okay (Death Wish) I now love. I still found Q's hide-and-seek game to be rather annoying, but once the asylum hearing begins, the episode becomes amazing. I especially love Janeway's post-decision speech to Quinn. I almost want to watch it again!

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On another note, I watched "Death Wish" yesterday. Talking about it made me realize that's it's been about 2 years since I've seen it. And wow, it's amazing how much tastes change. Episodes that I used to love (Caretaker), I now find to be just okay, while episodes I found just okay (Death Wish) I now love. I still found Q's hide-and-seek game to be rather annoying, but once the asylum hearing begins, the episode becomes amazing. I especially love Janeway's post-decision speech to Quinn. I almost want to watch it again!

I was never fond of Q, especialy in VOY, why Janeway didn't ever think of asking him to magic them back home is something I'll never understand from a Captain who started a war between the Udine and the Bord in order to get back :sceptic:.

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I was never fond of Q, especialy in VOY, why Janeway didn't ever think of asking him to magic them back home is something I'll never understand from a Captain who started a war between the Udine and the Bord in order to get back :sceptic:.

Well, given Q's attitude, Janeway probably figured there'd be some sort of huge catch or that he's refused. Or, considering how obnoxious and self-confident he is (most of the time), they probably didn't want to give him the satisfaction of saying "we need your help", even if it meant taking all that time to get home. :shrug:

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I've watched all the films and the new film. Chekov is by far my favourite character. It would be cool to be able to speak Klingon, then I could understand what they are muttering all the time.

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Well, given Q's attitude, Janeway probably figured there'd be some sort of huge catch or that he's refused. Or, considering how obnoxious and self-confident he is (most of the time), they probably didn't want to give him the satisfaction of saying "we need your help", even if it meant taking all that time to get home. :shrug:

And that lack of satisfaction was worth the deaths of her crew.

I've watched all the films and the new film. Chekov is by far my favourite character. It would be cool to be able to speak Klingon, then I could understand what they are muttering all the time.

You can take online courses to learn it. Nor seriously :laugh:.

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My favorite villains are the Duras sisters, Lursa and B'Etor ( :wub_drool: their cleavage) and the Duras house in general for all the trouble they caused my favorite character, Worf.

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why Janeway didn't ever think of asking him to magic them back home is something I'll never understand from a Captain who started a war between the Udine and the Bord in order to get back :sceptic:.

Actually, Q is the one who brings it up. On 2 different occasions, he tempts Janeway with getting her back to Earth if she does what he wants. Unfortunately, in both instances, Janeway couldn't bring herself to do what it was he wanted. The first time (Death Wish) was for her principles, the second (The Q and the Grey), was for personal reasons.

To her defense, she probably assumed that Quinn, with his vast knowledge of space, could lead them to all the known shortcuts in the Delta Quadrant... too bad he died shortly after he became mortal.

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I watched every single episode of Star Trek, (TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and Enterprise) every movie and can even remember the Animated series :wacko:

Favorite Series: DS9 (Season 3 plus)

Favorite Movie: First Contact

Favorite Character: hard .... Garrack from DS9 maybe (I know he is just a tailor ....)

Favorite Episode: Yesterday's Enterprise ( I know its not DS 9, but its simply amazing ...)

They are showing the remastered episodes of TOS now on German television. I usually get hooked instantaneously when I zap to that channel.

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Favorite Series: DS9 (Season 3 plus)

Favorite Movie: First Contact

Favorite Character: hard .... Garrack from DS9 maybe (I know he is just a tailor ....)

Favorite Episode: Yesterday's Enterprise ( I know its not DS 9, but its simply amazing ...)


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Massive fan here, seen all but a few Enterprise episodes and have been to a few coventions, I even have a clock that wakes me up to the noise of photon torpedos! Following suit to other people...

Favourite series in order: OS/TAS,DS9,TNG,VOY,ENT

Favourite character: Its though, but I would say its between Garrak, Worf, Quark, Mcoy or O'Brien (as I am one myself).

Favorite films in order:2nd,8th,4th,6th,10th,11th,7th,3rd,9th,5th and 1st.

Favourite episode: Dam thats a hard one. Balance of terror, Arena, The Doomsday Machine, A Taste of Armagedan,City on the Edge of Forever, Q who, The Schitzoid man, Best of Both Worlds, Yesterdays Enterprise, Future Imperfect, Cause and Effect, Second Chances,All Good Things, Eye of the Needle, Scorpion, The 52s, Flashback, Dark Fronter, Endgame, The Die is Cast, Hypocratic oath, To the Death, All of S5,6,and 7 of DS9 and The zindi saga are some of my favourites of the top of my head. This is what happens when you have seen nearly all of them...

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I'm a Star Trek fan too.

Favourite series: DS9

Favourite movies: The Undiscovered Country, First Contact

Favourite character: hard to choose one, but let's try... Spock, Data, EMH, Seven... from DS9, that is more of a choral series, I liked the "bald bearded" Sisko (the character evolved very much from the early seasons), Garak , Gul Dukat and Worf.

Favourite episodes: even harder! "The City on the Edge of forever", "The Enterprise Incident", "Yesterday's Enterprise", "The Best of Both Worlds", from DS9 I name only "The Visitor" but there are so many excellent episodes!!

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Yeah, I watch 'em all on Netflix. :grin:

Favorite series: Enterprise

Favorite movies: Can't say....probably the 2011 Star Trek movie.

Favorite character: Lieutenant Tuvok

Favorite episode: "Terra Nova" (which also happens to have been the title of an amazing TV series on antennae, which was, unfortunately, cancelled. :cry_sad: )

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Well, I'm not much of a Trek fan, I've only seen the new movie, which I found excellent, but I don't think I will watch the older films and TV series. I am pretty excited about the sequel, mainly because of Benedict Cumberbatch, who is one of my favorite actors. Is it known what character is he playing?

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Well, I'm not much of a Trek fan, I've only seen the new movie, which I found excellent, but I don't think I will watch the older films and TV series. I am pretty excited about the sequel, mainly because of Benedict Cumberbatch, who is one of my favorite actors. Is it known what character is he playing?

Khan, Gary Mitchell, Charlie X and Q have all been banded about, I reckon the last one is a lie.

I reckon He plays Harry Mudd.

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First trailer to the new movie:


It looks promising! I really liked the 2009 movie. Looking forward to the trailer. :sweet:

Also, I heard 9 minutes of the movie is going to be shown before The Hobbit in IMAX theaters...

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Neat trailer, although I wish we could've seen more of the Enterprise in it!

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How can one be a Star War and Star Trek fan at the same time?

How can you not, they aren't mutually exclusive.

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I've been a Trekkie since 1984. A friend talked me into going to see "Search For Spock" and I enjoyed it very much. After that I started watching reruns on TV and by the time "Voyage Home" premiered I was hooked. They must have seen me coming because the next year TNG made its debut and I loved it. I went to my first convention in the summer of 1990- I had a good time even though there was no guest. With the 25th anniversary in 1991 it seemed like Trek was as popular as it ever had been. I spent most of the year looking forward to "Undiscovered Country" and in September attended a marathon screening of the first five films. The following years through the 90's was basically an all-you-can-eat Star Trek buffet. I went to at least one, if not two conventions a year, got to enjoy a new feature film every two years, and of course dropped tons of cash on all the cool Playmates merchandise!

When Trek finally lost steam in the early 00's I was ready for a break. Star Wars was going very strong with the prequels at the time so I had plenty of geekness to hold me over. When the JJ Trek was announced I couldn't have been happier that it was coming back, but I was concerned about the new cast. I remember all of the protesting when TNG came out, and I also remember when Harve Bennett wanted to do a Starfleet Academy movie after "Final Frontier" tanked. My concern was for nothing, as I loved the new film. I thought the actors were fantastic and the story was great. Very much looking forward to seeing the next film- another milestone as it will be my first Trek in 3-D!

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What is your favorite Series: Probably Next Generation, I love Data.

Your favorite Characthers from the shows: I love Data, Spock (who dosn't), the EMH (from Voyager),Q, and Tom Paris.

And your favorite epsiode : Any episode with Q. :blush:

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