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LEGO Ideas Books

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Hello all

While traveling the net, I came across some rather interesting pictures of 'LEGO pirate set ideas' from there 'Idea books' released in the 90's, I put them all together and complied them in a blog post, and thought the best place to let people know about them would be here.

I know if anyone wanted to build some of them and write a review I would be most excited.

Special Pirate sets

I hope you all enjoy

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Oh wow. Love the classic stuff. :pir-wub:

To add another picture, I've scanned this off the back of the Legends BSB instructions.


I spent hours trying to build this ship when I was younger, but it was impossible with only the frontal view. Looks the same as the one in your first picture though.


Pics links to higher res.

I'm going to have a go at some of them in LDD later, I'll post them when I finish. :pir-sweet:

Edited by Skipper

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It’s kind of funny how the largest building the Imperial Armada ever more or less officially had wasn’t a set of its own, but only a part of an idea book.

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Ay Carumba! First one done. :pir-grin:



SirSven7, would you rather have them here or in new topic with more in-depth pictures/words?

Edited by Skipper

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wow some nice stuff already and sunday is usually the slow day on Eurobricks.

Thanks for the extra pics Skipper, if anyone can find more of these (the alternate build pics), then this would be a good place to put them all as its nice to see what could have been. If you want to make a seperate post for the builds your welcome (with an indepth review on the sets and couple of shots from different angles) but i would love to see the results here too (that little fort is brilliant, I might make a redcoat version).

It is weird that the armadas largest land set was not even built, its a shame that pirates died the same year the second book was released

If anyone can find a alternate build for the enchanted island I would be most pleased, as I just got mine back from my mums attic and am looking for a interesting design to build with it. As of now I am attempting the little tavern thing from the Barracuda pic, ahh lazy sundays.

Cheers all

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I was wondering, has anyone ever tried to build the fort (also pirates one) that is on the pictures of this Idea book? During my childhood those have been my dream and I would have liked to see them from different angels.

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Theres a link to the whole book (if fact all the idea books) at the end of my post on my blog.

Your right about all the other theme ideas but I decided to place all the pirates ones together for this pirate site, that mismash of all the themes at the back of the book was actually a theme in its own right know as time crusiers, they made some strange if interesting sets.

I am little jelious you have the orignal book that must be cool.

Cheers all

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Some of those sets are really good! This is some valualble info, so expect it to be blogged soon!


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Here's another pic, from a review I hope to publish soon (damn RA rules :pir-tongue: ) on the Imperial Trading Post:


Edited by Skipper

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Here's another pic, from a review I hope to publish soon (damn RA rules :pir-tongue: ) on the Imperial Trading Post:


I look forward to reading that! It's great that you're putting the time in to learn how to make good reviews. It's much more fun to read a good review than it is to read a bad one, as obvious as that might sound. :pir-tongue:

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I have most of the old ideas books, I actually have the little soldiers fort from book 260 built up as part of a review im doing on that book-


I seem to have misplaced the large flag needed sadly,I feel yet another Bricklink order coming on!

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Ah but as it came from a nineties idea book, I think it needs a nineties canon! (Especially as I had no idea there were different ones out there!) I only used the later minifigs as I stupidly sold all of my early soldiers last year :pir_bawling:

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Awesome Charlieboy, looks so much better than my LDD versions. Imagine this as a set! :pir-wub:

Are you planning to review the entire book?

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Are you planning to review the entire book?

I sure am yes. I have already built several models from the book covering almost every theme in there. The pictures have been taken so really its just a case of uploading them all and writing the review. Should be up shortly!

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