
Eurobricks Dukes
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  1. I don’t get the fuss about some colors on a sweater. Also male hairpiece and female appearance is not what a transgender is about of course. If you are trans you want to be a man/woman instead of a woman/man and not an inbetweener, right? Just born in the physical wrong body, so it’s more a genderfluid type of person if anything. But then again i am against trying to own colors/color combinations. So this looks like a regular knitted kitty sweater to me.
  2. Superb! as for the Dungeon, maybe you’ll need an extra level for the cmfs, some cool rooms and caves and whatnot and beneath that the actual dungeon for your dragon. Also maybe you need to get a slowly rotating disc for your coffeetable to show off your epic build
  3. Agreed. I just think it will be a persian because of the thicker (fluffier) tail, and if you look at his chin it looks like it’s getting wider instead of getting smaller (what would be the case with short haired cats). But it’s indeed hard to tell, so we just wait (and i’ll keep my fingers crossed) The cockatoo being also an australian bird, makes it a good match with the koala. They live in large groups i believe so comes in handy in multiples when you want to make an australian scenery. We just have to wait for a lego kangaroo i guess. Also, it is really a good pet, so it would be nice to see a new pet store along the way What does csj mean? That’s what is written on the longboarders shirt, right? The hamster will also be of use for dutch and belgian city lovers, as it can be used as mascotte for the Albert Heijn supermarkets, Hamsteren!!! Does the pterodactyl have hands on the wings? Or are they sort of thorns? I hope hands. too bad we cannot see the hair of cupid. It looks a bit like an existing piece, but i was curious if he would have something in his hair. The wings look new and short. Not something i have need for, but people with multiple birdpeople from the d&d series can make a birdkid with it? Most figures have some good parts, and are also nice to figswap as well. For me the least favorite are the longboarder and cupid.
  4. I love the squishmallows. Will try to find them for my own lego appartment (my daughter loves them) The cat lover’s yarn ball is something that i love about cmf series. Such an odd new piece that could have real moc potential if it comes in all kind of colors. The cat looks like it is a persian? A white persian is like the alltime favorite evil masterplan animal! Must have! Boogeyman is a bit weird with the somehow a bit different yeti piece. Also cool that it looks a bit the same, as if they are somehow related and distant family members. But it also looks like he wears trousers, so that means that it is a mask. Maybe it’s the big brother of the girl with the squishmallows and he wants to scare her! That book is looking superb by the way. Want! The pirate quartermaster looks like a nice addition for my D&D set. The cuckatoo is also very nice. Trying to get her. Wolfpackman and wolf will be added as well if i am going to be lucky I also want pterodactyl girl, hamster kid All in all a very good series if you ask me
  5. Woah, i like it. I don’t 500€ like it, but still. Great shapes on that ship. The henchmen Wooof and Vizam are great. But they should have given us a Jabba baddie with Sarlac pit as well. And although the barge doesn’t look that much bigger as the last one, it probably is. i hope we’ll get a jabbas palace as well. With the rest of the Max Rebo band and a Klaatu wearing the same helmet as wooof.
  6. Would be cool if the longboard came with a stretched teenage mutant ninja turtle
  7. 1- sounds interesting. I think he will have a new wolf, but he could be a werewolf knight as well 2- a fancy pirate with a map? A compass? And a pistol? 3- high hat with goggles would make sense. Some crazy tool to go along with him/her 4- ptero suit. Did we already see some of these dino pieces in some of the pictures of the vidiyo line that never made it? Anyway i just hope i can use him to make me a Sauron minifig (marvel character) 5- let’s hope he really looks creepy 6- maybe sci-fi? Maybe city? Maybe watersports? 7- you ain’t a lover if you don’t have multiple. A sitting cat is what we all want i guess. 8- longboards are just stretched skateboards, right? Probably a beach boulevard kinda type of fig 9- my guess is that this will be the worst fig. With some novelty space logo somewhere. 10- d&d birdwings, short legs and maybe a new hairpiece? 11- i can see them giving us a hamster to go along with him, but a recolor of something veggie/flower piece could also be. To be a hamster i think you need a short person. 12- a recolor of a costume suit in super bright colors with a rainbow, heart or sun printed somewhere? when do we get more details?
  8. Well i might be buying this set then. Don’t really need it, but a better sarlacc pitt is ok i guess. I still don’t like the beak (why did they change it in the ‘remade’ is still baffling to me, the earlier version was way more menacing), and too bad they aren’t giving us a new driver for the skiff (preferably a new skiff guard that hasn’t been made) anyway i really like Nien Numb
  9. Nien Numb is so good. Do y’all think he will end up eventually in a better set than this rehash set i don’t have the need for? (And why is that set so freaking expensive?)
  10. Yes! Very good! I hope they’ll give us a new cmf series one day where we’ll get the full crew
  11. Borex

    Super Mario 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    And it also looks like they go through a change design wise. The focus looks less on playability but more on esthetics. They got me interested again, so i might buy some new sets
  12. Borex

    Super Mario 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    But how many waves do we still get from this theme? I thought we were almost done by now
  13. Borex

    Animal Crossing 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Yeah, let’s hope they will make an AC cmf series with Orville in it. I like Orville better than Wilbur.
  14. Borex

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I think i missed on the hype of wonder man, but is he getting sets? And does he look a little comic-based? I think wonder man is a great character. What sets can we expect more?
  15. Borex

    Animal Crossing 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    My feelings are mixed with with this wave. Two great choices: town hall and airport, but the builds are not top notch. The town hall didn’t need the camper van of kk slider imho and the cupcake stand. I am not a fan of those cute cupcake stuff anyway. The sidebuilds are also too blocky or simple builds that downgrade the townhall with its iconic look. So they will be bin food. I am not sure on the flag build as well. the airport is pretty cool, but also with an unfinished tower and a too blocky and simple look sadly. but i will get both sets in the end anyway. I just hope that if they’ll do the museum they will step it up a few notches