
Eurobricks Vassals
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About ABrickDreamer

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    LEGO Icons
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    Ninjago City Gardens

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  1. ABrickDreamer

    Eurobricks' Licensed Summertime Style Contest - Voting topic

    My votes: 14 8 3
  2. ABrickDreamer

    [MOC] Two sides of MULAN

    Thank you so much, the warrior Mulan is quite cool indeed
  3. ABrickDreamer

    [MOC] Two sides of MULAN

    Here's a vignette I made a few week ago for Vignweek, the prompt was Contrasting reflections If you are interested, here you can see how it's built: https://youtu.be/0ab9B3q9xWg
  4. ABrickDreamer

    25 Years of Adventure! Cat. C Voting

    2 - 1 point 6 - 1 point 18 - 1 point
  5. ABrickDreamer

    25 Years of Adventure! Cat. B Voting

    1 = 1 point 11 = 1 point 12 = 1 point
  6. ABrickDreamer

    25 Years of Adventure! Cat. A Voting

    4 = 1 point 8 = 1 point 12 = 1 point
  7. ABrickDreamer

    [MOC] The Bandits of Golak - Star Wars Visions

    Thank you
  8. Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it. He has to be ready for everything
  9. Thank you, I'm glad you like it. You never know where his adventures will lead, better have all the equipment ready
  10. Here's the sidecar that I made for the 25 years of Adventure contest over on Eurobricks, vehicles category. It can be built as a simple motorbike or adding the sidecar. Along with it a very simple base, but a couple of interesting techniques has been used for the motorbike. The back side is connected to the legs of Johnny and I used a tan microfigure for texture, it cannot be seen much from the pictures. At the back of the side car I used a seat sideways. For more details you can check out the video tutorial: YouTube tutorial
  11. ABrickDreamer

    [MOC] The Bandits of Golak - Star Wars Visions

    Thank man, I'm glad you like it
  12. Here's my latest MOC inspired by the beautiful episode 7 of season 2 of Star Wars Visions, which I highly recommend you to watch. The episode revolve around a force sensitive kid and her brother. The episode starts with them having trouble on a train ride and continues into a temple looking motel where they meet an inquisitor. For more details about the building process check out the following video: https://youtu.be/dfsRKUfmzBU