
Eurobricks Vassals
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About scarovich

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    1x2 tile
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    Jazz Club Modular

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    United States

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  1. This is my second MOC from a collaboration project where members are creating chess pieces. This one represents the bishop piece. However, instead of a standard bishop, I chose to create a wizard in a classic pointy hat to keep with the medieval (albeit fantasy) theme. Like the knight I designed previously, he is primarily white with yellow and blue trim for contract. I've positioned him hunched over so that he would be shorter than any future King or Queen piece while his hat makes him slightly taller than the knight if you ignore the lance. It's a bit hard to see in the images but he is holding a crystal ball with a black "King" inside. Check out my other projects on Instagram and Flickr.
  2. scarovich

    [MOC] White Knight

  3. scarovich

    [MOC] White Knight

    Thanks for the comments. I'm not necessarily a fan of the leaves on the armor either but as stated in the description, this is part of a collaboration build and the gold leaves are part of theme with the white knights. I expect they will be dotted around all on all the pieces. I created an alternative version using different colors and far less leaves just for fun. As for the legs, I have seen them done several ways in various MOCs. I opted to try using the axle connectors to reflect the skinny legs and the bulge at the knee horses have. Maybe not great but better than how I had it before with a basic ball joint connection. I also wish I didn't have to have the transparent support but that horse is sold and heavy and if the pieces are to be using in an actual game, it has to be build to be moved around. The base will be the same on all the pieces including the pawns. I have to give Ryan McBryde credit for designing the base. He is the lead on this project. We're still in the planning stages and have to design several more parts but it will get built in the end and hopefully appear at a one or two conventions.
  4. scarovich

    [MOC] White Knight

    This is a MOC from a collaboration project where members are creating chess pieces. Once every piece and the board have been modeled, we're hoping to take the whole build on tour so a few major conventions. Having never created a horse before, I took on designing the knight figure for the medieval team (white). Check out my other projects on Instagram and Flickr.
  5. scarovich

    [MOC] Perfect Dive

    Nice underwater effect. Very cleaver.
  6. scarovich

    [MOC] Medusa's Lair

    Thanks. I was concerned that the diorama was going to be a bit too crowded with every new element I added. Glad you liked it.
  7. scarovich

    [MOC] Medusa's Lair

    Thank you. Thanks. I appreciate the comment.
  8. scarovich

    [MOC] Medusa's Lair

  9. scarovich

    [MOC] Medusa's Lair

    Finally completed my largest creation to date.This MOC depicts the legendary Medusa defending the temple ruins of Minerva. The build is 20” wide, 30” deep, stands 19.5” tall, and consists of 14619 parts. Medusa herself measure 5' 8" if fully expanded. The spartan warrior and statues posted earlier were created for this diorama. This was a fun creation involving lots of hinge bricks and round end plates to create those curves. The 1x1 tooth parts are turned around 15 degrees off center in order to create that layered look of snake scales. Would love to hear what you think of it. Check out my other projects on Instagram and Flickr.
  10. Well done. The broken windows are particularly good.
  11. scarovich

    [MOC] Frozen in Fear

    These are two more character models I have created which are part of a large diorama I am working on. They are statues of warriors who dared to take on Medusa in her lair only to be petrified once they gazed upon her. I'll upload the entire diorama in another post later this week. Check out my other projects on Instagram and Flickr.
  12. scarovich

    Leshy in lumberjacks' camp

    Like the camp, the mixed set of log styles in the pile, and how you did the antlers on the creature. Great build.
  13. scarovich

    [MOC] The Golden Temple in Amritsar

    Well done. I especially like the flower inlays as wall carvings.
  14. scarovich

    [MOC] 🦜☠️Pirate Paradise V2☠️🦜.

    Fantastic model. Lots of great details.
  15. scarovich

    [MOC] Spartan Warrior

    This is one of several new character models I have been working on which I hope to include as part of a new project. Check out my other projects on Instagram and Flickr.