
Eurobricks Vassals
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About gregorski904

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  1. second version done ,colours are better matched and I'm happy with it now
  2. I rebuilt it today again ,cleaned up colours and made better replacement for one of the 3x7 panels
  3. they compressed under the model weight
  4. first thank you!!! and yes with this new beam would look bit more cleaner ,will try to clean it up colourwise and few other minor mods to make it look better........would buy original one but will wait for price drop ;)
  5. made this tonight from random spares plus powered up hub and two L motors ,had to work out how to replace new parts but all works ok
  6. put the road tyres and became some starnge looking hot rod
  7. this video inspired me to build this
  8. when ordered my parts black blades were listed but out of stock
  9. ordered those parts over month ago directly from Lego to replace orange pieces and they arrived today