
Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Guybrush

    [MOC] Disembodied Imperial Shuttle Turret

    It's going to be about the size of the official. I was actually going to buy the official, but it's like $1200 for no apparent reason, and there's a bunch of stuff I'd want to fix on it anyway.
  2. I dunno when I'm gonna get to finish this thing, so here's the rear turret of the Tyderium made out of superhero shoulderpads. If you just made the top half it could also work as a cute awning for a little shop. The underbite is deliberate. Studio model looks like that. Kinda bugs me but it's accurate. Also apparently you can stick a shovel up a 3x2x3 brick and block the bottom off with a 1x2 plate to make kind of a weird intake-looking thing. I had to scrap these from the final project though. Too big. Anyway, nothing special, just having fun with new parts. Or at least new to me after me thousand year siesta.
  3. Guybrush

    Star Wars is kinda fading

    It's normal for interest in a hobby to come and go. It's healthy to take a break. I know because it happened to meeeeeeeee...
  4. when bricklink runs entirely out of grey I guess we'll know who to blame :D
  5. That's amazing! Some very very good sphere work on the cockpit area. Interior looks great too! I'm amused by the extra seats in the cockpit area, like he's got a bunch of buddies he can bring with him. What are the parts to either side of the ball, on the top front edge of the wings? They look like curved grey panels and you've got a bunch of black and dark detail under them?
  6. Guybrush

    [MOC] UCS V-wing starfighter

    Oooh, that's quite nice! There's some very precise angle work required to get all of that to line up so nicely
  7. Guybrush

    UCS X-Wing 2023 - Mods

    Wait they had a bigger R2 this whole time and they stuck that minifig one on there?
  8. Guybrush

    [MOC] The Return of The X-Wing

    I love how the fuselage works with the panels hiding the angled parts. And proof positive that if lego should have canted the canopy on the new official one.
  9. Guybrush

    [MOC] UCS Cloud Car

    Thank you! I was super excited to do the trick with the bars in the central body. I was kind of hoping people would be a little more stumped how that works but I guess I should have known better :D Man that takes me back! I don't even have pics of that old thing. That takes me back too! Is that still the only cloud car set?
  10. Guybrush

    [MOC] UCS Cloud Car

    The other windscreen option was to do the same thing with the old school minifig-scale xwing cockpit, which is arguably a more accurate size, but always looked too small and gave me no room to build an interior. I could have scaled the whole thing down a little to accomodate them, but then the central box would be way too big unless I stopped using the window bar trick for the side pipes, and I definitely wanted to keep that. Ironically it looks like brickshelf finally moderated it while we were talking :D
  11. Guybrush

    [MOC] Classic Space Nebulon-B Frigate

    Someone took apart his 2022 galaxy explorer :D I really like it at this scale. Doing the iconic window shot as just an open panel also has an extremely "classic space" feel to it :D
  12. Guybrush

    [MOC] Droideka Minifig

    Looks good! The round bottom plate under his butt is a nice touch that would have been easily missed!
  13. Guybrush

    [MOC] UCS Cloud Car

    I'm not! :D No other projects. Just this. Ever since I moved the collection has been mostly in the closet. I had the basic idea for this (the nose section with the wedges) way back around the time I last posted something, but the long ones weren't available in red, so I packed it away, and then I had to pack everything up for the move, and suddenly it was 14 years later. My nephew came for a visit so we dug the collection out and had a blast with it, and that's what made me decide to dust this idea off again. Thank you thank you! You're all very kind to someone who disappeared for so long :D Thank you, thank you! The shaping was definitely the focus. It's something I was never very happy with back in the day but now there's so many new curvy bits! Thank you! The stuff the community has been putting out since then makes my stuff look super old and dated. It's kind of crazy how far it's come :D Thank you! Oh, it's still pretty dull! Just two blobs. Would have been more fun to build with more details. Maybe. Thank you though! Thank you! I'm particularly proud of those radiator parts, or whatever they're supposed to be! It was a fun challenge building them into the central box thingy. Thank you! I dunno man, the official gunship looks pretty solid to me :D. The windscreens are this part turned sideways and half buried in the body: Also, fun fact! There's a variant of that part that bricklink hasn't recorded. Some of them have additional detail molded into the inside of the glass in the form of a textured frame. One of the windscreens I got had it and one didn't! Thank you thank you! Wanted to ask, I've only just noticed the brickshelf gallery is not publically viewable. That just means its waiting moderation? It's been a while since I uploaded anything there :D Should I post more pics or just wait?
  14. Guybrush

    [MOC] UCS Cloud Car

    Well it took me almost 14 years but I finally finished the least interesting vehicle in Star Wars! It is red instead of orange, which is unfortunate but unavoidable. And it has hotdogs on it. That was avoidable, but preferred. There is no windscreen that suits this thing, so I used the closest thing I could and as a result is a windscreen that's a little too tall. More pics are here if interested. Thanks and see you in another 14 years!