
Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Dublad

  1. Dublad

    €125, 18 sets...

    So I find myself in an interesting position. I have €125 to spend and 18 sets on my wishlist. If you where in my shoes which combination of sets would you choose and why? I have a fairly good idea how I'm going to go but thought it'd be interesting to see what other people would choose. Sets and prices are: 9500 Sith Fury-Class Interceptor €80 7675 AT-TE Walker €90 6205 V-Wing Fighter €17 7658 Y-Wing Fighter €50 75038 Jedi Interceptor €30 7669 Anakins Jedi Starfighter €17 9498 Saesee Tiins Jedi Starfighter €30 7915 Imperial V-Wing Starfighter €20 8098 Clone Turbo Tank €100 9491 Geonosian Cannon €17 8091 Republic Swamp Speeder €22 8095 General Grevious' Starfighter €45 7931 T-6 Jedi Shuttle €45 7660 Naboo N-1 Starfighter and Vulture droid €30 7679 Republic Fighter Tank €90 7753 Pirate Tank €35 8019 Republic Attack Shuttle €45 8128 Cad Bane's Speeder €35
  2. Dublad

    €125, 18 sets...

    I prefer some of the older sets. I've had both 7658 and 9495 in the past and think 7658 looks much better. Most of the sets on the list are sets I owned in the past but sold last year before I moved to a bigger place (and decided if it's not on display it's going to get broken and put in a ziplock). None of the sets from the last couple of years really appeal to me so I'd rather use the cash to pick up older sets I enjoyed than newer ones. I'm very on the fence about 9500. It looks great and the Darth Malagus MF is great but I have no major connection to the games. RE the prices: From the few I've bother checking up on they seem pretty much in line with bricklink pricing
  3. Dublad

    LEGO Star Wars Pricing Discussion Thread

    Ireland and the UK are seen as one region for most companies. I'm 99% sure I read this recently of Lego too so our prices are pretty much the UK prices converted from GBP to EUR what I can see.
  4. I had an expensive splurge yesterday! I sold off a big chunk of my Star Wars sets early last year and have recently regretted it (Damn you Super Hero sets!) I picked up: 7752 Count Dooku's Solar Sailor 8096 Emperoe Palpatines Shuttle 7961 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator 7959 Geonosian Starfighter
  5. Dublad

    DC Superheroes 2016 - Rumors and Discussion

    That new Juniors set has great minifigs and some cool printed pieces for €20, will definitely be picking it up ASAP!
  6. Dublad

    Marvel Superheroes 2016 Rumors And Discussion

    Sure, if I can figure out how to post pictures!
  7. Dublad

    Marvel Superheroes 2016 Rumors And Discussion

    That look's great! I joined mine the other way but it definitely looks better the way you have it!
  8. Dublad

    Marvel Superheroes 2016 Rumors And Discussion

    Thanks for the pictures! Still not sure about the mech but defo want Captain Stacy and his boat to go with my bridge battle sets!
  9. Dublad

    2016 City Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    New sets out in Ireland today. I hadn't really paid any attention to the new Volcano sets but I've been re-reading Jurrasic park and the lost world recently and think you could make some great MOC vehicles using all those lovely green pieces. I think I'll have to pick up some later. Also a bit disappointed the city people pack is €45.
  10. Dublad

    Marvel Superheroes 2016 Rumors And Discussion

    Is there an image or any details of the Dr Strange set? I keep reading about it but can't find any info on it.
  11. Dublad

    Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here

    If it's for the Green Lantern I'd go with 6212 for the simple reason that it has a storage area under the fuselage. Giving you somewhere to store his lantern.
  12. Dublad

    Marvel Superheroes 2016 Rumors And Discussion

    I can't wait until Wednesday to pick two of these up! Thanks for the vid, looks great
  13. Dublad

    [76057] Web Warriors Ultimate Bridge Battle!

    Roll on Wednesday morning! I've been selling off minifigs and older sets to fund picking up two of these. Cannot wait!
  14. Dublad

    What's your purchase plan for next month?

    I'm picking up 2 x 76057 Web warriors ultimate bridge battle and if I have enough VIP points hopefully a 76059 Doc Ock's tentacle trap. Roll on June 1st! Most excited for new sets that I've been for a long time!
  15. Dublad

    LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors

    Waaaayyy off topic but would really like to see the part of consumer law that states a store should stock a product if a customer demands it... Back on topic, I'm not hugely excited by the new frigate set but I'll hold off making any decisions until I see it reviewed. I really like the look of 75150 and will probably pick it up. I assume the Tie Advance is smaller than 8017?