
Heroica RPG - Quest #105: Eternal Reaper

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Mortimer sighs, his gaze focused on the behemoth, knees trembling.

"What have you done?" he growls, his voice quiet. "What have we done?"

Leaning on his shield, the Warden takes a deep breath, clutching his bow with white knuckles. He breathes a moment, exhausted, before rising to his full height, brandish his shield with tired vigour.

"Come to gloat, Regret?"

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"Oh how low you have sunk..." Johon mutters. "It seems this is what happens when you have an arrogant moron with self esteem issues. As they say though, the bigger they are, the harder they fall..." Johon says, glancing around his surroundings, looking for any and all details as he uses his magniscope to check for traps and searches the Eternal Reaper's thoughts.

"So, Regret, Reaper, whatever the hell you are, what actually dictates how you come out of these transformations anyways? It seems to me you're likely to end up contorting your bodily parts upon themselves. For all you know, you're about to fall over dead, no help needed."

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"̧Gloa̢t?̨ ̕No.҉ ̢I͠ am b͡ey͜ond t̵ha̡t ̡p͜óin͢t.̛ As͟ for ́wha͝t ̢y̧o͜u̶ h̵a͜v͠e̴ dońe,̷ w̡e͠ll...̨ Y̴ou'r͜e̴ ͘h̀e҉roes͘ ̷ņow͡.͢ Per͠haps̶ no͢t ̢h̴ow̶ you̵ ́wa͠n̨ted͏ ҉it͟,͟ b̧ut͘ ̧y͡o͞u ̡h̶a͜v̵e pl̨ay̴e̛d͝ a ͜v͞al̵ua̸b̨l̀e ͞pa̢ŗt i͜n ͢s҉a͞v͜i͠ng t̨hi͝s ̷w̡orld.̵"̕

"Oh how low you have sunk..." Johon mutters. "It seems this is what happens when you have an arrogant moron with self esteem issues. As they say though, the bigger they are, the harder they fall..."

"So, Regret, Reaper, whatever the hell you are, what actually dictates how you come out of these transformations anyways? It seems to me you're likely to end up contorting your bodily parts upon themselves. For all you know, you're about to fall over dead, no help needed."


"͏I͝ hav͏e͢ no ̀t҉ime ͢t̕o ̀wa͡ste ͢o͟n ͜y҉o̶ur̢ m̧i̛s͜p͏la͘ced̨ ̸e̷g͡o. I n͟o loǹg̛e͟r nee̵d͞ ̶t̨o̡ ͝ma̷ņip̛ul͝a҉te͏ y͟ou͟, ҉n͘or d́o y̢ou n͟eèd̴ ͘to ̀w͜ast͟e y҉o͏u̵r ҉b͘re̡ath ̨t̶rying to f̶a̵ze mè.͡"

Johon scans the ground with the magniscope, revealing the Reaper's thoughts. There is a surprising amount of clarity and clamness in his mind comapred to the emotional turmoil Mortimer obtained from The Regret's mind earlier.


The Eternal Reaper

Mood: Tranquil

Surface Thoughts: "Victory - or oblivion - awaits."

After that, the Spirit Glass notices four lights dirfting across the ground, illuminating all of the phantoms the heroes had encountered in their long journey.


With the aid of the scope they emerge from the tiny specks of light - Daranza the First, Daranza the Fifty-Third, Octus, and Royce Cour.

They stare down the Eternal Reaper... Minus Royce Cour, nervously fumbling in the back.


"A ͡few ģhos̛t̕s f̵r͡o͞m ͞my̢ pas͞t̛, I̶ s͞e̕e."͢ growls the behemoth.


"I never thought my creation would become this. I held you in my arms when you were just a larva - no bigger than a cat. I am impressed, massively so, Prometheus. But I have a responsibility to end what I have started."


"Don't think you'll do it single handedly, old timer."

Daranza the Fifty-Third turns to the heroes.

"Well, heroes, the cavalry is here."

Octus merely looks dissapointed.




"Is it... Really you?" says Masson, his voice soft and hoarse. "All these years, and I see you... Here, now?"


"...Yes. It's, well, it's me."

Edited by Endgame

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"We're here to help pull you out of the jaws of the beas you've unleashed."


"He was... Suppressing us, before. But something has changed..."

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Karie decides to show compassion towards her husband, and rubs his back, shortly before moving on to the Regret, looking worriedly at the being once known as the Regret. Words seem to fail her for once, as she tried to come up with something to retort back with.

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"Oh grand, the ghosts are back. I'm sure you'll tell us some cheery story about how he's impossible to kill and then we'll go ahead and kill him anyway. If you want to help, ghosts, prepare yourselves to fight." Boomingham squares off. "Well, chappo, are we going to talk all day or get down to the point?"

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Karie decides to show compassion towards her husband, and rubs his back, shortly before moving on to the Regret, looking worriedly at the being once known as the Regret. Words seem to fail her for once, as she tried to come up with something to retort back with.


"Imagine how different things would be, if he wasn't alive, Karie..."


"Perhaps not for the better, or, well, considering the behemoth..."

"Oh grand, the ghosts are back. I'm sure you'll tell us some cheery story about how he's impossible to kill and then we'll go ahead and kill him anyway. If you want to help, ghosts, prepare yourselves to fight." Boomingham squares off. "Well, chappo, are we going to talk all day or get down to the point?"

The Daranzas seem to review years upon years of research in their minds.


"We planned to impart no such warnings, but... It may be the opposite."

"What can you do?" Mortimer asks, tense. "Can we kill him?"


"I have a suspicion... I think that abomination we see before us lacks a lot of what The Regret originally was. His mutilated body and soul, which gave him his immortality... They're gone. That body is made of thousands of souls, and none of them are his. He may have made himself perfectly mortal, but... I don't see why."


"...Because... Because *wheeze* he's always longed to commit suicide..." Punii rasps. With his half lung he raises his voice as high as he can, confronting the Reaper.

"Because this was all so you could *wheeze* finally die, wasn't it? You took thousand supon *cough* thousands of lives over your entire life, for this? You ended the lives of so many just so you could *cough* kill yourself and be done with our "flawed world?!" How can you justify that?!"


"͟Be͡cause ͡I̸ h͜ąv̶e̴ w̴on. Ýou'r̴e ̴ŕi҉g̷h̨t ̸- fo͝r̷ ͜be͡i͞n͘g the͡ Et͝ern̕al̡ R͏eap̸ęr͜,͡ I͝ ̷a̸m͜ ͜a̢l͢ar͝mingl̴y͠ mo҉r̡t̸al. ̕H͏O̶W͝E̕VER̵. ͘Do ̢no̕t͘ ͠th͟in͝k ͏t͝his ̕is͘ s҉imp͟lỳ ͘an͏ot͟h̛e͞r͏ ͝pa̢tḩeti̡c ͡ąt̢t̕emp͟t͘ ̀at̕ s͏uic̢ide̷. The ̛Lif̵es̕p͏a̢rķ ͟ha̵s ̨made m̕e ̨so v̨e̵r҉y po̕w͜e̢rf̕ul҉.̶.̶. Ei͡t́he̶ŗ hu̷man҉it͜y̸ ̀d͜ies,̕ ͢or̶ I͘ di͠e. Either wa̴y͢ ìs a̸ ͡v̴ict͟o͏r͘y̷ as fár̢ a̡s͡ ͝I͞'m͢ ͝co͢nce҉ŕneḑ.̶ So I̡'͞v͠e ̵w̡on͟. From̨ t̴his p͡oin̡t̸ ͡on, ev͘er ̕sinc͝e you̧ ma̡de this҉ ͠w̡o͞nd̢e̡rfu̵l͏ reincąrn͟ation̕ p̴os͠si͟ble,͜ ͞th̵e͘re i͜s͢ n̢o o̡u͘t̨c̨o͡m̡e ͡r͠igh̕t́ no͠w ͠that ́w̶íl̶l n͢o̧t b͟e s͞o͘m̛è fo͘r̸m ̕of͝ ̧vi͢ct͘ory͞ ̸f͞òr̶ ͞me.̴

Thére ͠is̸ o͠ńly͝ o͢ne͠ par̴t͜ of̨ m̀y pla̢n ̧l҉e̶ft. As ͞po͘we͞r̸f̴u͢l͞ as ͡Í a̸m n̡o͜w͢, i͏t ̵stil͠l i̶s͝n̵'̸t ͢eno̸ug̷h͡...̴ I̵ ̶need̛ ̛s̀oul̡s,̵ a̸n͠d several ̴of̀ thèm,̧ ̀t͡o͘ ͟he̸lp̵ fu̴e͘l̀ my pla̛n̡ned c̵óǹqu͜est. ̧D҉o you ̡r͞e͞me̛m͘b͏e̷r ̴w̡he͝n I ̶sa͠id̡ th̴a̛t alļ ҉of̶ t҉he̛ ̴h͢u͠nte͝rs I̕'̵v͡e ͠d͠r̵ag͜g͟èd ͡h̵er̛e͜ wer̀e c̷a҉ttl̡e, ͠Boomi̵n̶g̀h̕am̵?͡ ͞T͞hat͜ wàs͘ th͞e ̵ţr̕uth.͢ Now̨ ̡th͠at ̸y҉o̶u͡ ͡h̵e͢r̶o̶és̢ f͠u̧lf̵ill͢ed m͘y̡ ̵ne͏ed͝s,̢ ̵t̢he̡ h̨u͜nters ͢c̡an ̶s̀e̸rve ̀t̡h͢ei͟r purpos̴e. ͜Take͟ a loo͜k ͟at the is͟l̢a͠nd ͟a͝n̛d ͏the oce͠a̛n,̡ h͞e̡r͜oe̶s̢."̀

Using the customized Magniscope, the party glances out to the horizon...


The Ameobosses break the perimeter they formed and close in, forming an inescapable killbox. They total ship after ship, ending life after life.


On the tundra front, even the heaviest armored hunters find themselves on the run from even the basic Oculoids. The prowling demons do not relent...

Using the soul glass attached to the scope, the party sees a plethora of souls rise from their eviscerated bodies. Before any can make contact their are snatched up by the Oculoids, captured for the Reaper's use.


"̢S̨o no͡w ͏y͡ou see̡. A̷ll thos͏e̛ ̸hu͜n̵t́èr͜s? ̶Ju̷s̴t̕ m̕eant̡ ̡to͠ be͘ my ́fi̷rsţ f͡ęa͠s̕t҉ as͝ t̡he ̷Et̀e͟r̵na͞l͠ ̨R͡eap̕er. A̵s͞ th͞e ͟Ocu̶l̷o̶i̡ds ͡t̛ol̴d́ ͢yo͏u̕, ̀wi̵t҉h̷ th̷eir ̕m͢aster n̡ow͠ stro̸ng̢ȩr ͞t͜ha̶n̷ e̢ve͡r, t̸he̢y ̕h̴av̵e gr̶o̕ẁn̛ ̸stŗóng̶e̢r.͝ T͞h͢e͞ ̷mo̴r͜e͏ I̸ ̧de҉vo͘ưr̕,̴ ̵t͏he ̀m͞ore̕ I̶ -̴ a͏nd̛ ̨m̶y a͢rm̨y - wil̛l ̶be̴c҉o͝me͡, an͜d ţhe e̷a̴sięr̷ ̀it'͏ll ͢be to ͢t͝o̶p͜ple҉ ̷c̨on̶t̸i͝nent̢ a̸ft̛er҉ ͞c̀onti͡ne͡n͏t͞.̢ T̶he̢se͏ hun̡ters ẃi͝ll͘ make a f͏in̸e̶ f͏irst̶ m̷ęa̶l̷,̡ an̴d̛ a͟ft͟er̡ ̸tha͟t̢, ͜yóur ̕wor͏l͢d w͜i͜l͝ĺ ͘fa͠ll ͢li̕k͡e a l̶ine ͠o̧f ̨d̵omin͝o͢es.


҉I̶n̶ f͢ąct, ́I̷ d͏o ̕bel͡i̶evé ͘t̸h̡at̢ Į ͜cr̡ave ͜a͠ s̸oul҉ ͟ŕíg̕h͘t no̢w̛.̢.͜."

The Eternal Reaper hwols and rushes with a speed seemingly impossible for a behemoth of his magnitude, his massive claws locking around one of the party members - Erdathcath!

He drags the druid to what would be eye level, clutching the terrified druid in his massive hand. The Reaper's teeth gnash and writhe as he speaks, his hellish voice terrifying his captive.


"̛How ͢p̡o̶e͞t̢ic ҉it is͞,͡ ̶Erd͘at͟hcat́h͜. I̧, ̶t҉h̕e v͡e͞ry̧ be͡as͢t҉ ͘t͟h́at̷ ̧h͞a̧unted ͏y̡our ͡n̸ig͢h͠tma̕ŕes͠ ̢f͘or̢ ̵so l͟o͡n̢g...̵ B̀a͘çk ̵th̨e͠n̨, ͞I̶ w̷as m̛e̴rel̵y͟ ͝f̕ictio͝ņ. D̀u͘ri͟ng th͞os̛e sl̕e̛e͜p̨l͢e̸ss̨ n̴i̛gh̶ts,́ r̨id̕d͠l̛ed҉ ̶wi͜th p̷e̶nt up f̵e͝a̸r ͝an͘d͘ ͞an̡xi͜e̶t͡y,̧ t̶he ́E͝ter̨nal R҉eape҉r ҉d́i͏d̢ no̸t ex̷íst̸.͜ ͞B͟ut ҉you? Y͡ou̕ ͏m̧a͘de ̸this ̡p͏o̧ssib͝l͠e̶. ͞Y̵ou̸ ar͟e re̡spón̵sibl̸e̕ fo͡r ̴m͡ak̴in̨g͟ y̕ou҉r̛ g͝r̨e̷atest̷ ̨fe̵a͏ŗ ҉a̴ rèal̵ity͜.̢ ̀I ́thanḱ ̵yo̡u,̢ E̕r͢d͏atḩc̴a͝th͜ ͡-͝ Y͝ou h̨el̡pe͟d s̛av̢e͞ ͘this p̡la͢n͢e҉t̡. I͠ ͝b͢ȩl̷ie̛ve͟ ̴it'̷s o͠n̵ly͜ fair t͡hat̷ sh̵e͝ w̶ho ͞h͟e̢lpe̶d ͜b͘ŗin͏g m͏e i̢ntǫ t̕hi̛s wo̢r͡ld deserve͝s t͢h̕e ̡hơn͞or͡ o̧f͡ ̵be̛in҉g ̀th̕e fi͞r͠st s̀a̢crifi͘ce.́ Go͝od ́bye, ҉Er͡d̶a̕t҉h͝cath,͢ a͟n҉d ̧f̶arew̴el͟l."̵

A myriad of oculoid-like tentacles, covered in hideous barbs, burst out of the abyssal darkness in the Reaper's mouth. Erdathcath screams as she is impaled, the tentacle plunging through her body and sapping out her soul. Her scream withers and fade as her soul is absorbed from her body, completely and utterly devoured by the Eternal Reaper. Satisfied with his meal,the Eternal Reaper discards Erdathcath's corpse like a used napkin, her crumpled body hitting the stone with a bone-crunching snap. Her skin pale, her torso torn open, and her irises a horrific milky white, there was no doubt... Erdathcath was dead.






"She can't be...!"


"...This is my creation. This is now my responsibility, more than ever."




"Just like that...?"


"S̕he's ̢d͝ead͞, ́he̷r̸oe͠s.͏ Heŗ ͡so҉ul ҉ẁill b͘e m̢y ̷s҉u͝s̵t̛e͜n̸a̸n҉ce ̨for҉ ͜thȩ r̴e̡st o͢f ̀e҉ter͢n̡i̧t̢y͟ - ͞a͢nd ̕you ͢w̶i̶ll s͡uf̶f̛er ͘the ͠same̸ ͞fate̷. ̶T͡h́e aǵe͞ of ͜E̷ter̨n͡al̀ ̀R̷e̛a͠pęr̡ h͢as b́e͠g҉u̢n҉,͟ ͡an͢d̶ ́I̢ ̶sh̨a͜lļ ̨śo͞on ̀r̢em͜a̧k̶ȩ t͘he ͡wòrld͜ as I̸ ́see̕ fi͢t̕!̸ ͏I̕f you, ̷ǫr a͞n̕y̢on̶e e̷lse̢ ͟w͜i̡s͏h͜e̛s to ͟o̷ppo͝se me, th̡en ́so b̷e ̶it. ͟I͟ ̨g̀l͝a͞dly ̸acc͠ept y̛o͜ur ̵c̀h̕a͞llenge!̢"͝

Will the party make last preparations?! Party update coming tomorrow morning!

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"Time. To. Die." He says, staring straight at the Regret.

OoC: I think we might split Erdathcath's stuff quickly before we fight, and based on the split I haven't consumed anything yet.

Edited by Bricksandparts

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Jeaux watches as Erdathcath's body is splintered and broken. He can't help but feel a twinge of grief at her death, knowing that the fight to come will be far more challenging without her assistance healing the party.

Edited by joeshmoe554

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Boomingham's eyes narrow as Erdy is soul-sucked. He widens his feet. "Are you trying to hasten your demise? We are a unit. We will fight until the last, Regret." Barty swoops in and heals Boomingham.

OoC: Did I get my gold from the last battle? Did we get the Regret's drops? I don't know if we have time to divide Erdy's stuff if we didn't have time for the Regret's stuff...

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OOC: Could you update all the party stuff before you start the final battle? I'd like to take a few consumables and such, but lost track of what I've got left in my inventory and still need to distribute the loot from facing the Regret earlier. Please include Erdy's stuff with that, as I want to keep track of it to distribute after the fight. Thanks!

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Karie looks on in shock as Erdathcath's body is tossed aside like a child's toy. It felt gut wrenching, even if Karie didn't like her. She was a valuable asset to the team, and seeing such a strong willed tree-thing destroyed within seconds rocked Karie. She tried not to vomit, but it became incredibly hard not to. Turning aside, Karie's stomach lurches and she begins to cough violently. Eventually, the queasy subsides and Karie quickly downs her Tasty Pretzel and a Herbal Infusion. She replaces her Witch's Talisman with her Paper Doll, and covers her Oculoid Palm with all of her venoms.

"I... I still feel a little queasy, guys..."

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Final preparations: Battle Begins Tonight or Tomorrow Afternoon!

Loot Left to be Distributed (The Regret's):

Phoenix Incense

Mead x3

Smelling Salts x3

Nostrum x3

Health Core x3

Ether Core x3

+Erdathcath's inventory:


Erdathcath Madilinas, 199 years old *Deceased.*

Level 25.66 Druid

Power: 41

Health: 9/39

Ether: 8/28

Gold: 473

Equipped: Tritech Handcannon (WP:16, Fire-elemental, permanent poisoned 7 + 10, cursed), Satchel of Awesomeness (Permanent Lucky-effect; bodywear, suitable for anyone), Amulet of Optimism (Adds the confused-effect to all attacks; accessory, suitable to Erdathcath only)


*Qlice (WP: 8, club, permanent Poison 4), Longbow (WP:7), Quick bow (WP: 6, bow, provides hastened effect for one round each battle)

Machine's Heart (The hollowed out heart of Monolith, after being defeated, halves all damage from Earth, Electrical, and Mechanical type enemies; bodywear, suitable for anyone) *Mage's muffler (protects from sealing; accessory, suitable for anyone), Helmet (+1 max. health; headwear, suitable for anyone), Snake Eye Charm (protects from petrified; accessory, suitable for anyone), Helmet (+1 max. health),

*Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Telescope,

*Scroll of Weakening

*6 Potions, Grand Potion x2, 6 Mead 15 Venoms, 2 Deadly Venoms, 2 Floral Bombs, 2 Ice Bombs, 2 Lightning Bombs, 1 Fire Bomb, 3 Smoke Bombs, 2 Water Bombs, 2 Holy Bomb, 2 Dirt Bombs, 2 Air Bombs, Bone, Skeleton Decoy, Saber teeth, Jinxy Juice x2, Grand Tonic x4, Love Potion, Blind Fury, Grating Stone, Mythril Shard x2, Silver Ore, 3 Elixirs, 2 Phoenix Essences, Sushi (restores 5 HP and 5 Ether), Neutralizer, Chaotic Bomb (Causes 100 random elemental damage to all opponents), Equilibrium Tonic,Remedy x2, Silver Ore, Smoke Bomb, Oculoid Miasma

The Party:

BoominghamMock2.jpg Lord Lawrence Boomingham (Zepher)

Level 33.25 Paladin *Immune to Darkness-, Fire-elemental; Immune to Fragile, Sleep, Weakened, and Blindness*

Power: 52

Power Bonus: 5

Defense: 10 (8)

Health: 56/56

Ether: 31/31

Gold: 1021

Equipment: Scupperer (WP: 14; Darkness-, Fire-elemental; inflicts Bleeding (-5) and Poisoned (-10); great sword) Round Metal Shield (SP: 7), Tome of Affluence (+10 Gold if equipped for the entirety of a battle; Immune to Fragile,Sleep,Weakened, and Blindness; Immune to Darkness-, Fire-elemental; accessory), Counterstrike Gloves, Mopag Helm (SP: 3; headwear), *Pseudo's Blessing (+4 Power; not an artifact)*

Inventory: Lullaby Wand (WP:6, Inflicts Sleeping Effect), Sabre (WP:6, Longsword), Darksteel Greatsword (WP: 10, Blinded Effect, Greatsword), Silver Sword (WP: 18, Longsword) Grand Potion, Grand Tonic, Remedy x2, Phoenix Essence, Health Core, Oculoid Miasma, oculoid Fireworks,

Hood of Belthazar Bluehood (Power +4; Ether -6; headwear) Cloak of Blood Magick (+5 ether, attacks made with darkness magic weaken the enemy, bodywear suitable for Mages, Necromancers, Chi Monks) Scarlet Hood (Sutiable for anyone, headwear. SP: 4, Immune to Stunned.), Frozen Saber (WP: 9; Light-, Ice-elemental; inflicts Stunned; great sword)

Chains of the Pongcanis Chief (Hero Pierces SP if fighting from Front, Enemies ignore SP if hero fights from the back row, cannot be removed in battle) Garnet, Sapphire, Amethyst

Scroll of Recklessness (Encouraged and Fragile; costs 5 Ether; 50/50 chance), Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Fragility, Scroll of Sealing,

Fire Brandy (Encouraged, Immune to Ice), Fireball Whiskey (Immunity to Fire One Battle OR 20 Fire Damage All Enemies), Emerald Lamp of Summoning, Hamantasch (Lucky, Blessed), Mead, x2 Nostrum, Ambrosia, Smelling Salts, Hair of the Dog, Grating Stone


*Chicken Leg (+2, Quest 28), Drumstick (+1, Quest 70)

**Pseudo's Blessing (+4, Quest 40), Big Apple (+1, Quest 70)


Karie Alderflask-Cour

23? years old human female

Level 28.33 Witch

Defence: 2 (0)

Health: 45/45 (7+27+8+2)

Ether: 34/34 (1+27+4+2)

Gold: 1059

Equipment: Blazing Palm (WP: 14, Fire elemenetal, whip, succeful hits lower the target's level by one.)Catsuit (Wearer becomes nimble and has a 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER, DAMAGE, and Free Hits, suitable to women only; body wear), Ethereal Cloak (SP: +2, Max. Ether: +4, back wear), Witch's Talisman (Makes the witch's poisonous attacks cause poisoned by 10-effect instead of poisoned by 1, suitable for witches; accessory) Inventory:


Spring Staff (WP: 12, healing someone else through this staff also heals the user by the same amount; water elemental staff), Grumpy's Staff (WP: 10, fire elemental staff), Sexy (WP: 9, disregards SP, longsword), Heirloom Dagger (WP: 3), Rusty Dagger (WP: 2, deals poisoned by 10 effect, breaks after 3 uses), Oculoid Palm (WP: 11, successful hits lowers the target's level by 1; coils around the users arm when outside of battle, whip),

*Minstrel Weapons: Angelic Trumpet (WP: 5, user is blessed, instrument), Vagrant's Guitar (WP: 5, user is lucky)


Glittering Dress (The user's job traits are replaced with those of a Harlot: Promiscuity, Flee, and Money Maker; suitable for women only, body wear), Medal of Valour (This pendant is awarded by the Bonapartes to those who show their heroism in the battle against piracy. The wearer gains double experience in battle. Accessory), Skull Mask (SP: 1, wearer can pose as undead, headwear), Trickster's Mask of the Elf (Changes user's appearance into an elf, accessory),Paper Doll

*Minstrel Artefacts: Encore Plectrum (If the same battle song is sung more than one round in a row, the song's ether cost for the consecutive rounds is halved; suitable for minstrels; accessory)

*Gems: Ruby (Fire)Sapphire

*Scrolls: Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Newtity

*Battle Songs: True Love's Serenade (restores 50 health to the rest of the party per round, cost 10 ether; Battle Song)


Potion, Grand Potion, Tonic, Grand Tonic x6, Remedy x4, Phoenix Essence x4, Nostrum x2, 9 Venoms, Pumpkin Bomb (causes poisoned by 1, asleep, blinded, sealed, and confused to all opponents when used), Neutralizer x2, Tasty Pretzel (1/3 chance each of granting lucky, hastened, and encouraged-effects upon consumption), 4 Herbal Infusions (Removes negative effects and causes Blessed and Transcended effects), Deadly Venom, Oculoid Miasma

*Tools: Telescope, Bedroll, Magnifying Glass, Shovel, Pickaxe, Magic Compass

*Sheep: Baaffy (Pet Sheep, whenever unleashed, puts random enemy fast asleep, unlimited use)

Quest Items/Roleplay Item: Masson's Journal Entry 11, Map of Brendenton, Spider Coin (worth 1 gp), Forest Journal, Blue Syndicate Uniform, Kayla's Mask, Ulric's Letter

Jeaux2.jpg Jeaux Elmfyre (joeshmoe554)

Automaton male, Evoker

Level 22*Blessed* *Transcended* *Immune to Sealing, Bleeding, and Confused*

Power Bonus: 0

Defense: 5 (0)

Health: 33/33

Ether: 21/21

Gold: 971

Equipment: Divine Cannonade (WP:13; gives blessed- and transcended-effects to user; Poison 7 and Cursed; empty; handcannon), Automaton Armor (SP:2, immune to bleeding and confused; suitable to automata only; bodywear), Golden Helmet (HP +3, SP +3), Spellbound Gloves (Spellpower +5)Bravado Boots (suit: Anyone, 1/6 chance of receiving *Lucky* at start of battle)

Inventory: Enchanted Bracelet (protects from sealing; accessory), Handy Suitcase (SP-2, use 2 items per round; accessory), Professor's Kit (successful attacks on Mechanical enemies have a 1/3 of turning them to the hero’s side for the next three rounds as a tamed monsters, accessory), Crescent Shield (SP: 5, halved damage from elemental attacks, shield), Topaz, Diamond, x2 Amethyst, Soma, Tonic, Grand Tonic x3, Grand Potion, Phoenix Essence x2, Remedy, Venom x2, Volatile Venom x4, Jinxy Juice, Smoke Bomb, Water Bomb, Bedroll, Bone x6, Experienced Turdwing (Deals the confused and poisoned by 1 effects on an opponent when used, fly familiar), Ruby, Sapphire, Ectoplasm, Oculoid Fireworks x3, Ether Core, Spellbound Gloves (Spellpower +5),Aquamarine, Garnet, Emerald, Opal, Scroll of Blidness, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Frailty, Oculoid Miasma

Summons: Nilrem (Paladin Armor, Lightning Armor, Demon Armor)


Mortimer "Em" Mahzan (Em) *Party Leader!*

Unknown age human male Warden

Level 21.33

Power Bonus: 5

Defense: 28

Health: 40/40

Gold: 314

Equipment: Blazing Bow (WP: 14, Fire-elemental)Iron Knuckle Armour (Body, foot, and hand wear. Counts as one artefact. Usable by knights and dragoons. SP: 10. Cannot be removed by enemies), Vigilant (SP 12, halved damage from elemental attacks, immune to electricity, shield), Anniversary Medal (Artefact/Accessory) (Power +3, SP +3, Max. Health +3, Max. Ether +3. The values will increase by 1 with each passing year),

Frost Helm (SP: 3, immune to ice, suitable for anyone)Inventory:

Consumables: Smoke bomb, Nostrum, Remedy, Venom, Grand Potion x5, Mead, Ambrosia, Silver Ore, Phoenix Essence

Weapons: Doppleganger (WP: 10, Retribution: The user inflicts any negative effects he or she has on the target enemy on successful hits; longsword), Aquabow (WP: 7, Water-elemental),

Tools: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe

Equipment: Crescent Shield (SP: 5, halved damage from elemental attacks, shield), Eyepatch, Bright Polish

Buffs: Permanent + 3 HP, +2 Power, and +1 Ether from Crystal Sovereign.

picture_8_inventory.png Johon [AKA Alf Gregory] (Bricksandparts) 25 years old male human Barbarian > Raider

Level: 32.5

Power Bonus: +0 (0art+0perm)

Health: 46/46 (lvl31+cls7+7perm+0art)

Defense: 5 (5art+0Shield+0perm)

Ether: 0/0/30 (lvl30

Kept Effects: *Natural Respite* *Restoration**Immune to: Fragile* *1.5 stealing multiplier* *Hide of The Bleeding*

Temporary Effects:

Gold: 5248


Weapon: Muckraker (WP:+13, suit: Barbarians/Knights/Beast Warriors/Necromancers/Regulators, *Water, Wood, Earth*, Causes *Weakened*)


Artefact 1 (1+): Heavy Armour (suit: Bararians/Knights, SP:+5, *Immune to Fragile*)

Artefact 2 (10+): Hide of The Bleeding (suit: Anyone, +10HP +5ETH for every enemy user defeats)

Artefact 3 (20+): Sticky Gloves (suit: Rogues/Beast Warriors, 1.5 multiplier for stealing)

Artefact 4 (30+):Barbarian's Boots (suit: Barbarians/Chi Monks/Beast Warriors, *Restoration*)

Artefact 5 (40+):

Artefact 6 (50+):

Artifacts: Simple Helmet (suit: Anyone, HP:+1), Pseudo's hood (suit: Anyone, Ignores Undead immunity), Quiver of Poisoning (suit: Rangers/Beast Warriors/Infiltrators/Winged Warriors, Causes *Poisoned by 1* using bows/crossbows),Blessed Amulet (suit: Anyone, *Immune to cursed*), Dog Statuette (Rover) (suit: Anyone, SP:+1), Counterstrike Gloves (suit: Anyone, deals damage equal to level when hit with free-hit), Sterile Gloves (Suit: Anyone,*Immune toPoisoned/Bleeding*), Scarlet Hood (suit: Anyone, pwr:+4, *immune to stunned*), Steel Core (Accesory, suit. everyone, +7 power)

Weapons: Sword of Decay (WP:+8, suit: Barbaians/Knights/Mages, Causes *Decayed by X-3 rounds* X=dmg dealt/4, Effect does not stack), Greatsword (WP:+3, suit: Barbarians/Knights/Beast Warriors/Necromancers/Regulators),Focal Staff (WP:+5, suit: Clerics/Mages, Ability: Roll 3 at cost of 5 ether), Gladius (WP:+15, suit: Anyone, Darkness, 1/3 chance of causing *Fragile* on succesful hits), Stalker’s Mallet (WP:+8, suit: Barbarians/Knights/Harlots, 1/2 chance of causing *sealed*), Lullaby Wand (WP:+6, suit: Mages/Necromancers, Causes *asleep*), Lovelorn Wand (WP:+6, suit: Mages/Necromancers, Causes *enamored*), Scaridy Wand (WP:+6, suit: Mages/Necromancers,Causes *afraid*), Wand of Wrath (WP:+6, suit: Mages/Necromancers, Causes *enraged*), Shield (SP:+5, Suit: Knights/Dragoons/Regulators/Skirmishers), Old Whip (WP: 10/20 against Beasts)

Consumables: Potions (25), Grand Potions (17), Grand Tonics (1), Health Cores (1), Phoenix Essences (2), Remedies (10), Mead (14), Smelling Salts (13), Nostrums 11), Venoms (10), Deadly Venoms (7), Smoke Bombs (1) , Fire Bombs (1), Water Bombs (5), Lightning Bombs (14), Bones (13), Skeleton Decoys (1), Ambrosia (2), Mulled Wine (1), (1)Trial Brews (1), Ectoplasms (1), Level-Up Mushrooms (1), Grating Stones (2)

Elements: Ruby (1), Sapphire (1), Topaz (1), Diamond (2), Amethyst (2)


Tools: Shovels (1), Pick-axes (2), Magic Compasses (1), Water Canteens (2), Magniscopes (1)

Quest/RP/Misc. items: Blue Rose (Invasion of Luosh) (1), Fifty Shades of Bley (1), Mythril Shards (1), Silver Ore

qi64g.png "Oh... No..."

Punii, Level 23 Alchemist

HP: 39/39

SP: 3

Gold: 19

Equipment: Yellow Carapace (SP: 3, Backwear, cannot be dequipped, suitable to Punii only... Unless you want to skin him alive?), Tiny Tail (WP: 7, cannot be dequipped, suitable to Punii only... Unless you want to amputate it?)

Inventory: Health Coire, Ether Core, Grand Tonic x2,Bravado Brew, Phoenix Essence, Smoke Bomb x2, Purging Water (removes all postive effects from all enemies)

u7CBkvs.png "..."

Alice Incor, Level 21.33 Sage

HP: 31/31

Ether: 23/23

SP: 2

Equipment: Leather Armor (SP: 2, Bodywear) Ivory Hammer (WP: 12), Diamond, Amethyst

Inventory: Grand Potion x2, Smelling Salts

Z5wDC5Z.png "Bloody hell..."

Masson Cour, 26 years old, Level 50.8 Paragon

HP: 70/70

SP: 5

Power Bonus: 5

Gold: 50

Equipment: Darksteel Zandatsu (WP: 15, Longsword) Ivory Syndicate Cowl (SP: 5, Headwear, suitable to Masson only), Regretful Robes (+5 power, Bodywear), Quickdraw Sheathe (1/6 chance of starting every battle Hastened, Backwear), Wedding Ring (Immune to Enamored, Suitable to Masson only, cannot be dequipped, Accesory)

Inventory: Spare Dagger (WP: 8), Remedy x2, Grand Potion x3, Paper Doll, Invisibility Cloak (Backwear: 1/6 chance of dodging rolls of Damage and Free Hits),


Daranza The First, Level 30 Archmage

HP: 50/50

Ether: 99/99

SP: 4

Equipment: Wand of the Creator (Wand, WP: 15) Spectral Robes (SP: 4, suitable for Daranza The First Only), Forever Mixing Shield Elixir (Accessory, creates a Bottled Barrier every 2 rounds, suitable for Daranza The First only) Speed Reading contacts (2/3 chance of becoming hastened for the next round at the end of every round)

Inventory: Phoenix Essence, Ether Core, Bottled Barrier x3 (Once used, the next 3 heroes in the battle order receive half damage on rolls of damage and special damage), Amethyst, Diamond, Opal, Ruby, Emerald


Daranza The Fifty Third, Level 25 Archmage

HP: 45/45

Ether: 60/60

SP: 6

Equipment: Wand of the Innovator (Wand, WP: 15) Refined Spectral Robes (SP: 6, suitable for Daranza The First Only), Forever Mixing Strife Elixir (Accessory, creates a Bottled Barrage every 2 rounds, suitable for Daranza The First only) Speed Reading contacts (2/3 chance of becoming hastened for the next round at the end of every round)

Inventory: Phoenix Essence, Ether Core, Bottled Barrage x3 (Once used, the next 3 heroes do double damage for that round.), Topaz, Sapphire, Aquamarine, Garnet


Octus, Level 40 Barbarian

HP: 64/64

SP: 2

Equipment: Spectral Claws (WP: 20, defy SP, Octus-only), Spectral Hide (SP: 2, suitable for Octus only)

Inventory: Grand Potion x5


Royce Cour, Level 50 Mime

HP: 70/70

SP: 5

Equipment: Spectral Cape (SP: 5)

Inventory: Grand Tonic x5, Spectral Club/Wand/Sword/Crossbow/Dagger/Staff (Six different weapons, each WP: 14, each suitable only to Royce Cour)

Edited by Endgame

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OoC: I should be hastened, lucky and encouraged. Archmages need ether.

"Drink up, chaps, and let's kill a monster."

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QM Note: I'm deducting all of the consumables and applying them when everything is distributed/used.

Also, good catch!

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OOC: I just got a potion, a Tiger Balm, a Pumpkin bomb, and a Garnet from the Decamon tournament.

Mortimer hastily distributes the loot:

Boomingham: Mead, Smelling Salts, Nostrum,

Johon: Mead, Smelling Salts, Health Core

Jeaux: Ether Core x2, Nostrum,

Karie: Ether Core, Smelling Salts, Health Core,

Mortimer: Mead, Nostrum, Health Core

Punii: Phoenix Essence

He then chugs back a Nostrum, Mead, and Ambrosia; next, he lathers his Blazing Bow with his venom, barely able to keep the consumables down due to his churning stomach.

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OoC: I believe we're all ready! If we could get back on the 24 hour update clock for this second final battle I think we'd all appreciate it. :thumbup:

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QM Note: I was in the process of writing it (and opening up various Eurobricks tabs to see what you folks had gotten during the Decamon tournament) where clicking into my own quest redirected me into various illegitimate celebrity gossip sites... I had to spend the better part of my afternoon disinfecting my computer, and by then it was too late. Sorry! Since I imagine this thing is going to be a two hour write-up, expect it around 4:30 PM, assuming I have no other surprises keeping me away from Eurobricks.

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"The͜n ͝th͠e̛ ̵de͠ci̡s͝ive͟ b̢a͘ttle͠ begin̸s̨.̕" says the Eternal Reaper, his limbs raising and surging with raw energy, preparing to attack.

This was a beast like none other - An enemy stronger than perhaps anything Heroica had encountered thus far. The weight of the hundreds of thousands of lives weigh on their shoulders, knowing that the Eternal Reaper was ready to wreak great havoc on mankind. No matter the outcome, if the heroes failed here, the bloodshed would be enormous.

Steeling themselves for the massacre that was about to ensue, the party draws their blades, knowing that this was the end.


"This̸ ͜i̵s̶ ţhe͢ enḑ ̀of ͞time̷s,̵ h҉e͡rơes.͡ ́Ì wi͝ll n͞ot ho̧ld b̛ac̡k; ̧I t̨rus͠t͝ ̵th͡at̨ yo͝u̴ will̸ ̴not ̕e̵it́h̛er. L̷e̶t̛ o̴u҉r̢ b͡a̴t̶t̷le b͘e ̢w҉orth̷ý ͞of̡ ̢t͜h̴e pri̴ce ͏it c̶arrięs͘.͟

N͝oẃ,̀ ͘cơme, He҉roes͞ of̛ He̵r̀oi͘c͘a̶! Bef̡ǫr҉e ́sunri̧s̴e̛, ̷the͠ f̡a͡té ͢o̶f̸ ̵Ole̸g҉a̡i̡à ͟wi̛l͞l̀ b͡ȩ d̸ecide͞d -͏ ̴a͡n͡d̢ ̡s͘ho̴ul҉d ̴you fail͝,͘ ̡it̵ will͠ ͞b̸e͢ m͡i͠n͡é ͢to҉ ͞con͠tr͡o̶ĺ ͏f̕oŕ ͢the͟ ̷r͞ést ͢o͡f ̴e̸t̨e͡rníty!̡ ͝E͏N͠ GAR͝D͏E̶!"

Prepare For The Grand Finale!


The Eternal Reaper, Level 200 Dark *Slowed on odd numbered rounds!*

HP: 6000/6000

SP: 25

Immune to Sealing, Minimization, Sleep, Fast Asleep, Hexed, Cursed, Doomed and Weakened!


Eternal Damnation: The Eternal Reaper makes all heroes Doomed with a formidable spell, a miasma of darkness swarming the battlefield and condmening the heroes.

Eternal Judgment: The Eternal Reaper passes judgment upon his foes. Any heroes above half health are instantly reudced to 1 HP, smited by columns of light.

Eternal Agony: The Eternal Reaper lunges at the hero who rolled Special Damage and impales them, knocking them out instantly.

Specials decided randomly.

Passive Specials:

Eternal Famine: At the end of every round he is attacked in, the Eternal Reaper locks one random hero's inventory, preventing them from using consumable items for the next turn. Cannot be remedied.

Eternal Pestilence: Targetting the Eternal Reaper has a 1/6 chance of inflicting poison equal to the heroe's level / 4. (Rounded up.)

Eternal War: The Eternal Reaper fights until the bloody end. He cannot be defeated until all of his limbs have been destroyed.

Eternal Death: When four of his limbs have been chopped off... (???)

Note: The Eternal Reaper's level goes down by 8 for every limb destroyed.


Reaper's Heart


Right Claw A, Level ??? Dark

HP: 1200/1200

SP: 10

Immune to Blindness, Sleep and Sealing!


Shredding Sweep: In a lightning-quick slash of his hand, the Eternal Reaper halves the current HP of the hero who rolled Special Damage and the two heroes below them in the battle order.

Lynch: The claw grabs the hero who rolled Special Damage, Binding that hero. If the claw does not take 200 damage in the next round, it knocks out the cluthced hero instantly.

Specials alternate.

Passive Specials:

Denial: In order to delude his opponents, at the end of every round this claw has a 1/3 chance of trapping a random hero in an illusion, Stunning them.

Worthy Opponent: The Claw's level is equal to the attacking hero's level x3.


Open Wound ("enemy")


Right Claw B, Level ??? Dark

HP: 1200/1200

SP: 10

Immune to Blindness, Sleep and Sealing!


Shredding Sweep: In a lightning-quick slash of his hand, the Eternal Reaper halves the current HP of the hero who rolled Special Damage and the two heroes below them in the battle order.

Lynch: The claw grabs the hero who rolled Special Damage, Binding that hero. If the claw does not take 200 damage in the next round, it knocks out the cluthced hero instantly.

Specials alternate.

Passive Specials:

Anger: Succesful hits targetted at the claw have a chance of invoking the Reaper's rage, making this claw have a 1/6 chance of Counterstriking for the next round.

Worthy Opponent: The Claw's level is equal to the attacking hero's level x3.


Open Wound ("enemy")


Left Claw A, Level ??? Dark

HP: 1200/1200

SP: 10

Immune to Sleep, Blindness, and Jinxing!


Energy Beam: The Left Claw blasts out a column of ether and sweeps the arena. The hero who rolled Special Damage and the heroes above him in the battle order all take 55 damage.

Deadly Slash: With a swipe of his immensely sharp claws, the Eternal Reaper cuts the hero who rolled Special Damage wide open. That hero has their SP cut in half for the rest of the battle, reduced to 1 HP, and becomes Doomed.

Specials decided randomly.

Passive Specials:

Bargaining: Rolls of damage allow the Claw to have a 1/2 chance of stealing one of the hero's positive effects. The effect is decided randomly, and lasts for one round.

Worthy Opponent: The Claw's level is equal to the attacking hero's level x3.


Open Wound ("enemy")


Left Claw B, Level ??? Dark

HP: 1200/1200

SP: 10

Immune to Sleep, Blindness, and Jinxing!


Energy Beam: The Left Claw blasts out a column of ether and sweeps the arena. The hero who rolled Special Damage and the heroes above him in the battle order all take 55 damage.

Deadly Slash: With a swipe of his immensely sharp claws, the Eternal Reaper cuts the hero who rolled Special Damage wide open. That hero has their SP cut in half for the rest of the battle, reduced to 1 HP, and becomes Doomed.

Specials decided randomly.

Passive Specials:

Depression: Targetting this claw has a 1/6 chance of inflicting either Fragile, Weakened, or Afraid.

Worthy Opponent: The Claw's level is equal to the attacking hero's level x3.


Open Wound ("enemy")


Reaper's Tail A, Level 110 Dark

HP: 1000/1000

SP: 5


Tailitzer Storm: The Reaper's tail shoots out a Tailitzer - and, at the end of the next round, fires off another.

Ether Explosion: In a blast of raw ether, the Reaper's Tail inflicts 40 damage to all heroes.

Eternal Storm: The Eternal Reaper cuases the storm around the heroes to worsen, bombarding the battlefield with freezing rain. All heroes recieve the Freezing 3 effect (functions the same as Poison.)

Passive Specials:

Healer: At the end of every round, the Tail chooses one random limb to remedy, alleviating all of its negative effects. (if it chooses a limb with no negative effects, nothing happens.)


Open Wound ("enemy")


Reaper's Tail B, Level 110 Dark

HP: 1000/1000

SP: 5


Tailitzer Storm: The Reaper's tail shoots out a Tailitzer - and, at the end of the next round, fires off another.

Ether Explosion: In a blast of raw ether, the Reaper's Tail inflicts 40 damage to all heroes.

Eternal Storm: The Eternal Reaper cuases the storm around the heroes to worsen, bombarding the battlefield with freezing rain. All heroes recieve the Freezing 3 effect (functions the same as Poison.)

Passive Specials:

Healer: At the end of every round, the Tail chooses one random limb to remedy, alleviating all of its negative effects. (if it chooses a limb with no negative effects, nothing happens.)


Open Wound ("enemy")


Apex Tail, Level 130 Dark

HP: 1500/1500

SP: 15

Immune to Blindness and Confusion!


Apex Explosion: In a blast of formidable ether, all heroes take 50 damage.

Apex Frenzy: In a flurry of jabs, all heroes take 15 damage, disregarding row and SP.

Apex Impaler: The Apex Tail skewers the hero who rolled Special damage, knocking them out instantly.

Specials decided randomly.


100 gold, Open Wound ("enemy")

Elemental Attacks:

-At the end of every round, the Eternal Reaper chooses an elemental attack to prepare, decided randomly.

-In order to prevent the attack, the heroes must hit each limb - area of effecs attacks such as Ravage disable only the targetted limb.

-Every single limb hit reduces the probability of the attack launching. (Example: Hitting 3 limbs next round reduces the chance of the attack launching form 7/7 to 4/7.)

-As limbs die, the odds scale with each death. (Example: After 3 limbs are destroyed, the odds start out as 4/4 and drop by 1/4 for every limb hit instead of starting at 7/7 and dropping by 1/7 for every limb hit.)

-If the odds are reduced to 0, the spell back fires and all enemies take 100 damage (disregarding row and SP), and have their SP reduced by 10! (The 100 damage burst is affected by Fragile, and SP can be dropped into the negatives.)

Crack The Sky (Light): The stormy sky seems to rip, beams of light striking down from above. Three random heroes have their current health halved and are made Blind.

Darkness Falls (Dark): A dark cloud envelops the battlefield. All heroes have a 1/3 chance of becoming Fragile.

Brimstone (Fire): An inferno ravages the battlefield. Next round, the first three heroes to act all recive the Burning 15 effect.

Soothing Storm (Water): Refreshing water pours down on the Eternal Reaper, relieving him of all negative effects.

Toxic Tendrils (Wood): Sinister roots rise from the ground, inflciting the entire party with the Poison 5 effect.

Earthquake (Rock): The entire battlefield shakes and tremors, all heroes taking damage equal to their level.

Wind of Destruction (Wind): A squall rips through the party. Three random heroes take damage equal to their level (disregarding row) and have all of their artifacts removed.

Deepest Freeze (Ice): The Eternal Reaper freezes the battlefield. Next round, all succesful hits have a 1/3 chance of doing nothing, due to the attakcing hero losing their balance and slipping.

Eye Of The Storm (Lightning): One random hero is struck by lightning, reducing their HP to 1 and making them permanently Fragiel for the rest of the battle.

The Eternal Reaper is preparing: Crack The Sky!

The Party:

BoominghamMock2.jpg Lord Lawrence Boomingham (Zepher)

Level 33.25 Paladin *Immune to Darkness-, Fire-elemental; Immune to Fragile, Sleep, Weakened, and Blindness* *Encouraged!* *Hastened!* *Lucky!*

Power: 52

Power Bonus: 5

Defense: 10 (8)

Health: 56/56

Ether: 31/31

Gold: 1021

Equipment: Scupperer (WP: 14; Darkness-, Fire-elemental; inflicts Bleeding (-5) and Poisoned (-10); great sword) Round Metal Shield (SP: 7), Tome of Affluence (+10 Gold if equipped for the entirety of a battle; Immune to Fragile,Sleep,Weakened, and Blindness; Immune to Darkness-, Fire-elemental; accessory), Counterstrike Gloves, Mopag Helm (SP: 3; headwear), *Pseudo's Blessing (+4 Power; not an artifact)*

Inventory: Lullaby Wand (WP:6, Inflicts Sleeping Effect), Sabre (WP:6, Longsword), Darksteel Greatsword (WP: 10, Blinded Effect, Greatsword), Silver Sword (WP: 18, Longsword) Grand Potion, Grand Tonic, Remedy x2, Phoenix Essence, Health Core, Oculoid Miasma, oculoid Fireworks, Mead, Nostrum, Smelling Salts

Hood of Belthazar Bluehood (Power +4; Ether -6; headwear) Cloak of Blood Magick (+5 ether, attacks made with darkness magic weaken the enemy, bodywear suitable for Mages, Necromancers, Chi Monks) Scarlet Hood (Sutiable for anyone, headwear. SP: 4, Immune to Stunned.), Frozen Saber (WP: 9; Light-, Ice-elemental; inflicts Stunned; great sword)

Chains of the Pongcanis Chief (Hero Pierces SP if fighting from Front, Enemies ignore SP if hero fights from the back row, cannot be removed in battle) Garnet, Sapphire, Amethyst

Scroll of Recklessness (Encouraged and Fragile; costs 5 Ether; 50/50 chance), Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Fragility, Scroll of Sealing,

Fire Brandy (Encouraged, Immune to Ice), Fireball Whiskey (Immunity to Fire One Battle OR 20 Fire Damage All Enemies), Emerald Lamp of Summoning, Hamantasch (Lucky, Blessed), Mead, x2 Nostrum, Ambrosia, Smelling Salts, Hair of the Dog, Grating Stone


*Chicken Leg (+2, Quest 28), Drumstick (+1, Quest 70)

**Pseudo's Blessing (+4, Quest 40), Big Apple (+1, Quest 70)


Karie Alderflask-Cour *Blessed!* *Transcended!*

23? years old human female

Level 28.33 Witch

Defence: 2 (0)

Health: 45/45 (7+27+8+2)

Ether: 34/34 (1+27+4+2)

Gold: 1059

Equipment: Blazing Palm (WP: 14, Fire *Poison 19!* elemenetal, whip, succeful hits lower the target's level by one.)Catsuit (Wearer becomes nimble and has a 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER, DAMAGE, and Free Hits, suitable to women only; body wear), Ethereal Cloak (SP: +2, Max. Ether: +4, back wear), Paper Doll



Spring Staff (WP: 12, healing someone else through this staff also heals the user by the same amount; water elemental staff), Grumpy's Staff (WP: 10, fire elemental staff), Sexy (WP: 9, disregards SP, longsword), Heirloom Dagger (WP: 3), Rusty Dagger (WP: 2, deals poisoned by 10 effect, breaks after 3 uses), Oculoid Palm (WP: 11, successful hits lowers the target's level by 1; coils around the users arm when outside of battle, whip),

*Minstrel Weapons: Angelic Trumpet (WP: 5, user is blessed, instrument), Vagrant's Guitar (WP: 5, user is lucky)


Glittering Dress (The user's job traits are replaced with those of a Harlot: Promiscuity, Flee, and Money Maker; suitable for women only, body wear), Medal of Valour (This pendant is awarded by the Bonapartes to those who show their heroism in the battle against piracy. The wearer gains double experience in battle. Accessory), Skull Mask (SP: 1, wearer can pose as undead, headwear), Trickster's Mask of the Elf (Changes user's appearance into an elf, accessory)

*Minstrel Artefacts: Encore Plectrum (If the same battle song is sung more than one round in a row, the song's ether cost for the consecutive rounds is halved; suitable for minstrels; accessory), Witch's Talisman

*Gems: Ruby (Fire)Sapphire

*Scrolls: Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Newtity

*Battle Songs: True Love's Serenade (restores 50 health to the rest of the party per round, cost 10 ether; Battle Song)


Potion, Grand Potion, Tonic, Grand Tonic x6, Remedy x4, Phoenix Essence x5, Nostrum x2, Pumpkin Bomb (causes poisoned by 1, asleep, blinded, sealed, and confused to all opponents when used), Neutralizer x2, 3 Herbal Infusions (Removes negative effects and causes Blessed and Transcended effects), Oculoid Miasma, Elixir, Tiger Balm, Ether Core, Health Core, Smelling Salts

*Tools: Telescope, Bedroll, Magnifying Glass, Shovel, Pickaxe, Magic Compass

*Sheep: Baaffy (Pet Sheep, whenever unleashed, puts random enemy fast asleep, unlimited use)

Quest Items/Roleplay Item: Masson's Journal Entry 11, Map of Brendenton, Spider Coin (worth 1 gp), Forest Journal, Blue Syndicate Uniform, Kayla's Mask, Ulric's Letter

Jeaux2.jpg Jeaux Elmfyre (joeshmoe554) *Lucky!*

Automaton male, Evoker

Level 22*Blessed* *Transcended* *Immune to Sealing, Bleeding, and Confused*

Power Bonus: 0

Defense: 5 (0)

Health: 33/33

Ether: 21/21

Gold: 971

Equipment: Divine Cannonade (WP:13; gives blessed- and transcended-effects to user; Poison 7 and Cursed; empty; handcannon), Automaton Armor (SP:2, immune to bleeding and confused; suitable to automata only; bodywear), Golden Helmet (HP +3, SP +3), Spellbound Gloves (Spellpower +5)Bravado Boots (suit: Anyone, 1/6 chance of receiving *Lucky* at start of battle)

Inventory: Enchanted Bracelet (protects from sealing; accessory), Handy Suitcase (SP-2, use 2 items per round; accessory), Professor's Kit (successful attacks on Mechanical enemies have a 1/3 of turning them to the hero’s side for the next three rounds as a tamed monsters, accessory), Crescent Shield (SP: 5, halved damage from elemental attacks, shield), Topaz, Diamond, x2 Amethyst, Soma, Tonic, Grand Tonic x3, Grand Potion, Phoenix Essence x2, Remedy, Venom x2, Volatile Venom x4, Jinxy Juice, Smoke Bomb, Water Bomb, Bedroll, Bone x6, Experienced Turdwing (Deals the confused and poisoned by 1 effects on an opponent when used, fly familiar), Ruby, Sapphire, Ectoplasm, Oculoid Fireworks x3, Ether Core, Spellbound Gloves (Spellpower +5),Aquamarine, Garnet, Emerald, Opal, Scroll of Blidness, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Frailty, Oculoid Miasma, Ether Core x2

Summons: Nilrem (Paladin Armor, Lightning Armor, Demon Armor)


Mortimer "Em" Mahzan (Em) *Party Leader!* *Lucky!* *Encouraged!* *Reinforced!*

Unknown age human male Warden

Level 21.33

Power Bonus: 5

Defense: 28

Health: 40/40

Gold: 314

Equipment: Blazing Bow (WP: 14, Fire-elemental)Iron Knuckle Armour (Body, foot, and hand wear. Counts as one artefact. Usable by knights and dragoons. SP: 10. Cannot be removed by enemies), Vigilant (SP 12, halved damage from elemental attacks, immune to electricity, shield), Anniversary Medal (Artefact/Accessory) (Power +3, SP +3, Max. Health +3, Max. Ether +3. The values will increase by 1 with each passing year),

Frost Helm (SP: 3, immune to ice, suitable for anyone)Inventory:

Consumables: Smoke bomb, Remedy, Venom, Grand Potion x5, Silver Ore, Phoenix Essence, Health Core

Weapons: Doppleganger (WP: 10, Retribution: The user inflicts any negative effects he or she has on the target enemy on successful hits; longsword), Aquabow (WP: 7, Water-elemental),

Tools: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe

Equipment: Crescent Shield (SP: 5, halved damage from elemental attacks, shield), Eyepatch, Bright Polish

Buffs: Permanent + 3 HP, +2 Power, and +1 Ether from Crystal Sovereign.

picture_8_inventory.png Johon [AKA Alf Gregory] (Bricksandparts) 25 years old male human Barbarian > Raider *Encouraged!* *Hastened!* *Lucky!* *Reinforced!*

Level: 32.5

Power Bonus: +0 (0art+0perm)

Health: 46/46 (lvl31+cls7+7perm+0art)

Defense: 5 (5art+0Shield+0perm)

Ether: 0/0/30 (lvl30

Kept Effects: *Natural Respite* *Restoration**Immune to: Fragile* *1.5 stealing multiplier* *Hide of The Bleeding*

Temporary Effects:

Gold: 5248


Weapon: Muckraker (WP:+13, suit: Barbarians/Knights/Beast Warriors/Necromancers/Regulators, *Water, Wood, Earth*, Causes *Weakened*)


Artefact 1 (1+): Heavy Armour (suit: Bararians/Knights, SP:+5, *Immune to Fragile*)

Artefact 2 (10+): Hide of The Bleeding (suit: Anyone, +10HP +5ETH for every enemy user defeats)

Artefact 3 (20+): Sticky Gloves (suit: Rogues/Beast Warriors, 1.5 multiplier for stealing)

Artefact 4 (30+):Barbarian's Boots (suit: Barbarians/Chi Monks/Beast Warriors, *Restoration*)

Artefact 5 (40+):

Artefact 6 (50+):

Artifacts: Simple Helmet (suit: Anyone, HP:+1), Pseudo's hood (suit: Anyone, Ignores Undead immunity), Quiver of Poisoning (suit: Rangers/Beast Warriors/Infiltrators/Winged Warriors, Causes *Poisoned by 1* using bows/crossbows),Blessed Amulet (suit: Anyone, *Immune to cursed*), Dog Statuette (Rover) (suit: Anyone, SP:+1), Counterstrike Gloves (suit: Anyone, deals damage equal to level when hit with free-hit), Sterile Gloves (Suit: Anyone,*Immune toPoisoned/Bleeding*), Scarlet Hood (suit: Anyone, pwr:+4, *immune to stunned*), Steel Core (Accesory, suit. everyone, +7 power)

Weapons: Sword of Decay (WP:+8, suit: Barbaians/Knights/Mages, Causes *Decayed by X-3 rounds* X=dmg dealt/4, Effect does not stack), Greatsword (WP:+3, suit: Barbarians/Knights/Beast Warriors/Necromancers/Regulators),Focal Staff (WP:+5, suit: Clerics/Mages, Ability: Roll 3 at cost of 5 ether), Gladius (WP:+15, suit: Anyone, Darkness, 1/3 chance of causing *Fragile* on succesful hits), Stalker’s Mallet (WP:+8, suit: Barbarians/Knights/Harlots, 1/2 chance of causing *sealed*), Lullaby Wand (WP:+6, suit: Mages/Necromancers, Causes *asleep*), Lovelorn Wand (WP:+6, suit: Mages/Necromancers, Causes *enamored*), Scaridy Wand (WP:+6, suit: Mages/Necromancers,Causes *afraid*), Wand of Wrath (WP:+6, suit: Mages/Necromancers, Causes *enraged*), Shield (SP:+5, Suit: Knights/Dragoons/Regulators/Skirmishers), Old Whip (WP: 10/20 against Beasts)

Consumables: Potions (25), Grand Potions (17), Grand Tonics (1), Health Cores (2), Phoenix Essences (2), Remedies (10), Mead (14), Smelling Salts (13), Nostrums 10), Venoms (10), Deadly Venoms (7), Smoke Bombs (1) , Fire Bombs (1), Water Bombs (5), Lightning Bombs (14), Bones (13), Skeleton Decoys (1), Ambrosia, Mulled Wine (1), (1)Trial Brews (1), Ectoplasms (1), Level-Up Mushrooms (1), Grating Stones (2), Health Core (1)

Elements: Ruby (1), Sapphire (1), Topaz (1), Diamond (2), Amethyst (2)


Tools: Shovels (1), Pick-axes (2), Magic Compasses (1), Water Canteens (2), Magniscopes (1)

Quest/RP/Misc. items: Blue Rose (Invasion of Luosh) (1), Fifty Shades of Bley (1), Mythril Shards (1), Silver Ore

qi64g.png "Oh... No..."

Punii, Level 23 Alchemist

HP: 39/39

SP: 3

Gold: 19

Equipment: Yellow Carapace (SP: 3, Backwear, cannot be dequipped, suitable to Punii only... Unless you want to skin him alive?), Tiny Tail (WP: 7, cannot be dequipped, suitable to Punii only... Unless you want to amputate it?)

Inventory: Health Core, Ether Core, Grand Tonic x2, Bravado Brew, Phoenix Essence, Incense Smoke Bomb x2, Purging Water (removes all postive effects from all enemies)

u7CBkvs.png "..."

Alice Incor, Level 21.33 Sage

HP: 31/31

Ether: 23/23

SP: 2

Equipment: Leather Armor (SP: 2, Bodywear) Ivory Hammer (WP: 12), Diamond, Amethyst

Inventory: Grand Potion x2, Smelling Salts

Z5wDC5Z.png "Bloody hell..."

Masson Cour, 26 years old, Level 50.8 Paragon

HP: 70/70

SP: 5

Power Bonus: 5

Gold: 50

Equipment: Darksteel Zandatsu (WP: 15, Longsword) Ivory Syndicate Cowl (SP: 5, Headwear, suitable to Masson only), Regretful Robes (+5 power, Bodywear), Quickdraw Sheathe (1/6 chance of starting every battle Hastened, Backwear), Wedding Ring (Immune to Enamored, Suitable to Masson only, cannot be dequipped, Accesory)

Inventory: Spare Dagger (WP: 8), Remedy x2, Grand Potion x3, Paper Doll, Invisibility Cloak (Backwear: 1/6 chance of dodging rolls of Damage and Free Hits),


Daranza The First, Level 30 Archmage

HP: 50/50

Ether: 99/99

SP: 4

Equipment: Wand of the Creator (Wand, WP: 15) Spectral Robes (SP: 4, suitable for Daranza The First Only), Forever Mixing Shield Elixir (Accessory, creates a Bottled Barrier every 2 rounds, suitable for Daranza The First only) Speed Reading contacts (2/3 chance of becoming hastened for the next round at the end of every round)

Inventory: Phoenix Essence, Ether Core, Bottled Barrier x3 (Once used, the next 3 heroes in the battle order receive half damage on rolls of damage and special damage), Amethyst, Diamond, Opal, Ruby, Emerald


Daranza The Fifty Third, Level 25 Archmage

HP: 45/45

Ether: 60/60

SP: 6

Equipment: Wand of the Innovator (Wand, WP: 15) Refined Spectral Robes (SP: 6, suitable for Daranza The First Only), Forever Mixing Strife Elixir (Accessory, creates a Bottled Barrage every 2 rounds, suitable for Daranza The First only) Speed Reading contacts (2/3 chance of becoming hastened for the next round at the end of every round)

Inventory: Phoenix Essence, Ether Core, Bottled Barrage x3 (Once used, the next 3 heroes do double damage for that round.), Topaz, Sapphire, Aquamarine, Garnet


Octus, Level 40 Barbarian

HP: 64/64

SP: 2

Equipment: Spectral Claws (WP: 20, defy SP, Octus-only), Spectral Hide (SP: 2, suitable for Octus only)

Inventory: Grand Potion x5


Royce Cour, Level 50 Mime

HP: 70/70

SP: 5

Equipment: Spectral Cape (SP: 5)

Inventory: Grand Tonic x5, Spectral Club/Wand/Sword/Crossbow/Dagger/Staff (Six different weapons, each WP: 14, each suitable only to Royce Cour)

Edited by Endgame

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Can you explain what a "Tailitzer" is?

"So let's put the big boy down. Only father ghostly can survive an attack by the big boy, so, Mr. Cour Sr., I think that's where you'll have to be. For the time being, you can take this sword off me - aim for the eyes next round." Boomingham tosses his Darksteel Greatsword at Royce Cour, and then, facing the beast, swings at the the Reaper's Tail A from the back row with his Frozen Saber.

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