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Baritones 2-Day 9

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Adalaide was randomly wandering around Moonlight, not really doing anything, not paying attention to anything or really being mentally present at all. Just kind of dead space... ( :hmpf_bad: )


Unfortunately, her walk on the pier proved fatal when she tripped on a duck, bashed her head on a post...


...and fell into the river, unconscious and drowned.

After searching her body and her home, it was discovered that Adalaide was loyal to the mafia.

Everyone arrived to the warehouse bright and early, before Iris even got there. Everyone sat around, chatting, waiting for her to arrive...


  • There are two sides: Mafia Goons and FBI Informants
  • FBI Informants win if they outnumber all of the Mafia Goons
  • Mafia Goons win if they kill all of the FBI Informants
  • Voting will not be done in the thread as in the past!
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  • You cannot change your vote. Once you've voted, it sticks.
  • You can discuss who you would like to vote, but can vote whoever you like by PM.
  • A player must have a majority of votes to be convicted. Today, 4 votes are needed to convict.
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The Cast and Players

The Made Men


Johnny Blue played by Jlblue


Quarrioni played by Quarryman

The Wife


Alicia played by Alice

The Captains


Piav Blockioli played by TinyPiesRUs


Dickie played by Sir Dillon

The "Front"


Ian played by ImperialShadows

Dead Rats


Boyd played by Bob the construction man-Dead. Stabbed to death on Night 1 Rat


Wynona played by wouwie13-Dead. Shot to death on Night 3 Rat


Perry Blockioli played by Cpt. Pegleg Blockbeard-Dead. Shot to death on Night 4 Rat


Trexxisanti played by Trexxen-Dead. Hung on Night 6 Rat


Pavarti played by ptdapen-Dead. Condemned on Day 8 Rat

Loyal, yet deceased


Pedro played by Pencoin-Dead. Killed by Adalaide on Day 1


Tony played by Atoll Dweller-Dead. Shot to death on Night 1


Zabrina played by Zepher-Dead. Throat slit on Night 3


Stanton played by stash2sixx-Dead. Condemned on Day 4


Richie played by ricecracker-Dead. Condemned on Day 5


LeAnn played by lego12-Dead. Shot to death on Night 5


Inertiatieri played by Inertia-Dead. Throat slit on Night 5


Dragonatieri played by Dragonator-Dead. Condemned on Day 7


Willie Fangolie played by WhiteFang-Dead. Shot to death on Night 7


Adalaide played by Adam-Dead. Accidental death on Night 8

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Dammit all to hell! :angry:

We kill a rat, we lose a loyal family member. AGAIN!

IT'S THAT BIRD, I TELL YOU! Since day 1, he's been there watching, he watched Tony die, he was spying on the first operation and now he's there when Adalaide joins her lost husband in the great hereafter and I swear, our security tape makes it look like he tripped her! :cry_sad:


You know, I really have suspected that bird since Tony died. I've told some of you, I think I've even mentioned it during the days. :wacko:

But enough of that...

We've got serious business to take care of today. As I recall, Iris warned us that something bad will happen if we don't deal with this problem today, and I for one am sick of bad things happening to us. Let's get this job done! :thumbup:

Who has any idea how we do that? :blush:

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We've got serious business to take care of today. As I recall, Iris warned us that something bad will happen if we don't deal with this problem today, and I for one am sick of bad things happening to us. Let's get this job done! :thumbup:

Who has any idea how we do that? :blush:

There is one thing I've been thinking about. After all the nastiness that arose from the theater job that my traitorous wife botched we learned that if only one rat is involved in an operation the feds can be made aware of the operation. I think this indicates that everyone who was involved in the successful operation can be trusted. Which means we are down to the two lovebirds.

There is also the part about how the current hitman was so triggerhappy and took out Pavarti before she could say who the last rat is. And then Dickie comes out proclaiming that he's the new hitman. So I think we should vote for either him or Alicia today.

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That was... weird. Who did you target last night, Quarrioni?

And I don't know what to make of the whole blackmailing thing. Quarrioni kills people, I check up on people, Ian has no night action, Alice stays with Dickie all night long, Dickie stays with Alice all night long (checked up on him last night), Piav has no night action. This whole blackmailing thing is very confusing, considering the whole deal with Agent Black. Dragonateri was telling the truth about him existing, presumably. Is it possible it was just a one-shot role or plot element that was fabricated to enhance the story somehow? A plot element of um... life, fabricated by, uh... God? :wacko:

I don't really know what to do. But Piav's probably not the blackmailer, come to think of it, considering that he was in the original mission and nothing went wrong.

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And I don't know what to make of the whole blackmailing thing. Quarrioni kills people, I check up on people, Ian has no night action, Alice stays with Dickie all night long, Dickie stays with Alice all night long (checked up on him last night), Piav has no night action.

The only thing I can think is that if anyone has a secret night action, they can't do it nightly and got lucky that you checked when they were home. Either that or they're trying to be careful and figured you would check on them.

Keep checking people every night, at random, something has to turn up. Something has to be out of place. It only takes one mistake and we can wrap up this whole nightmare.

This whole blackmailing thing is very confusing, considering the whole deal with Agent Black. Dragonateri was telling the truth about him existing, presumably. Is it possible it was just a one-shot role or plot element that was fabricated to enhance the story somehow? A plot element of um... life, fabricated by, uh... God? :wacko:

Tinypius Iris? Oh geez, that would be particularly evil. No, I believe it's true, it makes good sense for them to have some way to turn us, though I don't really know why they would tip their hand and let Dragonateri know about it. That part has always bugged me, he seems to have found out almost immediately.

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What I'd guess is that they either didn't know he was the hitman or they thought that if they converted him they could control his vote. All I'm saying, though, is that this is rough. It just seems that whatever's been going on, there hasn't been much conversion. I'll need to think about this.

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That was... weird. Who did you target last night, Quarrioni?

Being out and killing people so many nights in a row was very tiresome, so I chose to rest last night, I didn't target anyone.

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I think this indicates that everyone who was involved in the successful operation can be trusted.

I don't necessarily disagree with your logic, but don't you think some rats may have lain low for the first job?

There is also the part about how the current hitman was so triggerhappy and took out Pavarti before she could say who the last rat is. And then Dickie comes out proclaiming that he's the new hitman. So I think we should vote for either him or Alicia today.

I'm sorry I killed Pavarti so quickly, but I had no control over that.

I think I would have gotten the same reaction no matter when I said I was the new hitman, so what should I have done, not told anyone?

Look at these two pictures:



Notice that only those wearing blue overalls have been rats. I'm sure that's no coincidence.

I'm not a rat, and while I don't know about Alicia's alignment, I love her very much and think she is innocent.

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I'm not a rat, and while I don't know about Alicia's alignment, I love her very much and think she is innocent.

I'm not a rat. I am still very suspicious of Piav though. I don't know why everyone is concluding that the rat has to have a night action. Some of the others didn't have one at all. I go to Dickie's every night. Like he said, I am not sure of his alignment either, but we spend our nights together and have since the very beginning.

Also, I wonder if its time that I moved in with Dickie since Adelaide is dead and I was staying with her. RIP Adelaide.

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Ah, a shame to lose another loyalist when we are so close to succeeding. Those goddamned ducks...

I agree with Quarrioni that the last rat must be one of the lovers. It seems to have been quite a prominent subject throughout this game... of life. Different players... of life have received hints regarding this affair, from Dragonatieri to LeAnn. The ammount of emphasis that has been put on it would lead me to believe that there must be someone involved in the affair who's a rat.

Now, two days ago, Dragonatieri brought up something about Alicia copying Dickie's vote, and this stopping a few days ago. Neither of you have given us an explanation for this yet. Would you care to answer us now?

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I don't have much of an explanation. I was told that Dickie no longer wanted to control that aspect and loved me enough to let me vote on my own. I got no further explanation. I must admit that after it happened, I was quite suspicious of Dickie, but we have continued to spend our nights together without any problems. If you kill me, the rat is one step closer to winning. I suspect the same is true if you kill Dickie.

Maybe we should vote for the duck.

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Iris arrived and everyone gathered for the morning meeting.

"I am very worried for the future of our crew in this town. Another loyal member of the Baritones crew died last night, albeit an accident, it's still a major loss to us. Now we need to think about how to get out of town if we need to and therefore I have another job for you today which will require our attention instead of focusing on the final rat."


"I should also tell you that I've done some research and spoke with LeAnn's personal physician. According to him, she was a paranoid schizophrenic annoying psychotic nut job. Nobody should pay any regard to anything she ever said."

"I will PM instructions to you for today's job shortly. All of you will be involved in the job. Nobody should share their responsibility with the others before the job takes place. That is all..."

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A job for today? Sounds good. Might give us all a chance to take our minds off our problems and just do some good old fashioned mob work. :thumbup:

According to him, she was a paranoid schizophrenic annoying psychotic nut job.

With sprinkles on top? :laugh:

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Something tells me that there's a very little likelihood that this job will give us conclusive evidence. That would be just a little bit too easy, don't you think? But still, I'm excited as ever. Yesiree.

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"I should also tell you that I've done some research and spoke with LeAnn's personal physician. According to him, she was a paranoid schizophrenic annoying psychotic nut job. Nobody should pay any regard to anything she ever said."

Makes me feel good about killing her. :devil:

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After the job, Quarrioni returns to the warehouse first...


"You're first for once." Iris says, "How did the job go?"

Quarrioni tells her his view of what happened...


Piav and Dickie arrived next, followed shortly by Ian.


"Ian, your ear is bleeding." Iris says.

Iris speaks to each man individually about what happened on the job.


As Quarrioni tends to Ian's ear and Dickie worries about Alicia's whereabouts, two very unexpected guests show up.


It turns out to be Alicia and Johnny Blue. They also tell Iris about their view of the day's job.


"After listening to what everyone has to say, I believe we can catch our rat without any interference if we just stay put in this warehouse." Iris tells the crew, "We're on lockdown. I will collect all of your guns and keep them safe. I will only hand guns out to the hitman and my night killer, but not until they are needed."


"Nobody's going anywhere until we find that rat..."

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Can Dickie and I at least get a dark corner?

I still believe the last rat to be Piav going by what evidence I saw during this operation.

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These are interesting costumes, to be sure. I'm glad that I'm the Caped Crusader rather than the Boy Wonder, that's for sure. It would be more than a little emasculating to be caught dead in those tights.

So should we all say what happened or what?

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I for one feel lucky to have gotten out of there alive, they've clearly upped the ante a bit when they start taking headshots at us. Stupid bastards.

These are interesting costumes, to be sure. I'm glad that I'm the Caped Crusader rather than the Boy Wonder, that's for sure. It would be more than a little emasculating to be caught dead in those tights.

That's the only funny part of this whole day. :laugh:

So should we all say what happened or what?

What happened is one of you ratted us out, which I guess shouldn't be too much of a surprise at this point. :hmpf_bad:

Beyond that, I'm not going into detail yet. I'd like to see what everyone has to say for themselves.

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I don't have much of an explanation. I was told that Dickie no longer wanted to control that aspect and loved me enough to let me vote on my own. I got no further explanation. I must admit that after it happened, I was quite suspicious of Dickie, but we have continued to spend our nights together without any problems. If you kill me, the rat is one step closer to winning. I suspect the same is true if you kill Dickie.

Right. Dickie, can you explain this then? Because in these games... of life, these kind of things don't happen without a reason.

I still believe the last rat to be Piav going by what evidence I saw during this operation.

And what evidence is that? You've been pursuing me for two days now, and have yet to provide any sort of evidence besides your gut feeling. And gut feelings haven't gone very far this past week. Stanton and Richie would agree on that.

As for today's operation, I suppose I'll go first. Ian, Johnny Blue and I were tasked with transferring the cargo, which went along without a hitch. I was escorting the truck back when I heard the sirens. Ian fell out of the truck, which must've been how he grazed his ear. Johnny and I ran down the alley, though at some point he disappeared. Quarrioni pulled me into the theatre just before the police came by, and us two and another who I didn't quite see escaped the theatre. We then split up and I headed back to the warehouse.

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Right. Dickie, can you explain this then? Because in these games... of life, these kind of things don't happen without a reason.

And what evidence is that? You've been pursuing me for two days now, and have yet to provide any sort of evidence besides your gut feeling. And gut feelings haven't gone very far this past week. Stanton and Richie would agree on that.

As for today's operation, I suppose I'll go first. Ian, Johnny Blue and I were tasked with transferring the cargo, which went along without a hitch. I was escorting the truck back when I heard the sirens. Ian fell out of the truck, which must've been how he grazed his ear. Johnny and I ran down the alley, though at some point he disappeared. Quarrioni pulled me into the theatre just before the police came by, and us two and another who I didn't quite see escaped the theatre. We then split up and I headed back to the warehouse.

We don't know why Dickie did this other than to give me my freedom to vote. Apparently, he felt it was mysoginistic to continue controlling my vote and decided that I could vote on my own. Dickie did not stop protecting me at this point and I believe him to be loyal.

As far as my suspicions of you.. Your brother was a rat and I had the same gut feeling about him. Don't try to discount a woman's intuition. I didn't have any strong suspicians about Richie or Stanton. I just trusted my fellows. Also, I saw a wire when I was helping Johnny escape the police. It was smashed as if it had been stepped on so whoever the rat is dropped their wire. It also means it was someone in the part of the mission that you were working on. I don't think Johnny Blue or Ian. So that leaves you... Did anyone else see anything?

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As for today's operation, I suppose I'll go first. Ian, Johnny Blue and I were tasked with transferring the cargo, which went along without a hitch. I was escorting the truck back when I heard the sirens. Ian fell out of the truck, which must've been how he grazed his ear. Johnny and I ran down the alley, though at some point he disappeared. Quarrioni pulled me into the theatre just before the police came by, and us two and another who I didn't quite see escaped the theatre. We then split up and I headed back to the warehouse.

That's pretty close to what I recall. I don't think I actually fell out of the truck as much as jumped to avoid gunfire, which is when I was grazed by a bullet, just above the ear. I have a feeling it would have been the end of me if I hadn't jumped so quickly.

I'm a little surprised that the feds would try to kill us at this point after always seeming to just want to capture us, so it could have been someone within the operation who took the shot, accidentally or intentionally, I don't know. There was a lot of gunfire out there.

When we split up, I ran through the park and into a bathroom where I noticed the blood, caught my breath and then headed back to report in to Iris while trying to avoid being caught.

Pretty basic stuff. I did see what looked like smashed electronics on the ground as we ran through, but I have no way to be sure where it came from. I assume the rat dropped it, which may mean we're finally at an advantage if the feds can't listen in.

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Right. Dickie, can you explain this then? Because in these games... of life, these kind of things don't happen without a reason.

I didn't really have any control over that. I would have liked to keep having two votes, and never got much of an explanation as to why I lost it. I do think it's good for Alicia to make her own decisions though. It has occurred to me that she could have been turned, causing me to loose her vote, but I have not seen anything else to make me suspicious, so it could just have been a ploy by 'Iris' to make us suspicious with each other.

As for what happened to me this evening...

Quarroni, Alicia and I were charged with transporting the crates from the warehouse to the alley behind the tavern. Quarrioni drove the truck over to the Green Door Tavern, then we then helped transfer the cargo from our truck to the truck waiting there. I believe that was the truck Ian was driving.

That part of the job was successful and went very smoothly.

When we were returning to the warehouse, we saw some police cars fly past us towards the Tavern. Quarroni parked the truck, and we ran to the tavern to help the others out. Alicia went down an alley, and Quarroni and I decided to go through the theater.

There were two workers in the lobby, and I drew my gun on them and forced them to lay on the floor, to keep them from revealing our whereabouts and to give Quarroni the chance to get through to the back.

He went into the theater, and I heard gunshots, and then Quarroni and Piav burst out, we ran out of the theater, split up and met back here. While I was running I heard an explosion, but I don't know what it was.

Piav, did you not hear the gunfire?

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I didn't really have any control over that. I would have liked to keep having two votes, and never got much of an explanation as to why I lost it. I do think it's good for Alicia to make her own decisions though. It has occurred to me that she could have been turned, causing me to loose her vote, but I have not seen anything else to make me suspicious, so it could just have been a ploy by 'Iris' to make us suspicious with each other.

As for what happened to me this evening...

Quarroni, Alicia and I were charged with transporting the crates from the warehouse to the alley behind the tavern. Quarrioni drove the truck over to the Green Door Tavern, then we then helped transfer the cargo from our truck to the truck waiting there. I believe that was the truck Ian was driving.

That part of the job was successful and went very smoothly.

When we were returning to the warehouse, we saw some police cars fly past us towards the Tavern. Quarroni parked the truck, and we ran to the tavern to help the others out. Alicia went down an alley, and Quarroni and I decided to go through the theater.

There were two workers in the lobby, and I drew my gun on them and forced them to lay on the floor, to keep them from revealing our whereabouts and to give Quarroni the chance to get through to the back.

He went into the theater, and I heard gunshots, and then Quarroni and Piav burst out, we ran out of the theater, split up and met back here. While I was running I heard an explosion, but I don't know what it was.

Piav, did you not hear the gunfire?

The explosion was me... I blew up a gas truck so that Johnny Blue and I could escape. I also fired shots at the cops in order to try and save Johnny Blue. If it weren't for me intervening, he would have been dead. He agreed to put on the costume because we had to make it back to the warehouse safely and get back to Iris. Johnny, did you happen to see where the wire came from since you fell down at some point while all of that was going on? The wire was in the alley. Piav, do you know where the wire came from?

The explosion was me... I blew up a gas truck so that Johnny Blue and I could escape. I also fired shots at the cops in order to try and save Johnny Blue. If it weren't for me intervening, he would have been dead. He agreed to put on the costume because we had to make it back to the warehouse safely and get back to Iris. Johnny, did you happen to see where the wire came from since you fell down at some point while all of that was going on? The wire was in the alley. Piav, do you know where the wire came from?

It wasn't a gas truck.. it was the gas tank of the truck. The one that had all the stuff in it that we were transporting, so that the feds didn't get any of our information.

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