Cut the Kragle

LEGO Hidden Side World Tour (subtheme idea)

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I hope it's okay to post this here. I wanted to share with you my idea for a LEGO Hidden Side subtheme or expansion.

It's already been confirmed that we will be getting a second wave of LEGO Hidden Side sets in 2020. If the rumours are to be believed, these sets will again be focused on the town of Newbury and its continued hauntings. Whilst I'm looking forward to more Hidden Side sets. I am a little disappointed that LEGO aren't expanding the theme further afield. I'd love to have see Hidden Side go international and encounter ghosts and goblins and other pesky polterguiests across the globe!

What if Parker and Jack went on an international field trip with the school and ended up encountering creatures and characters from different countries myths and legends?

I've made two videos based on ideas for LEGO Hidden Side World Tour so far. I'd love to know what people think! 



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Interesting ideas, but I don't think it's very fitting for the HS theme. First of all, HS is all about hunting ghosts, not witches or creatures. Secondly, what makes HS sets so cool is that they always have a neat transformation feature that turns objects into monsters and your two example sets have none of that. Besides, popular myths such as these have been overdone and would make the sets kind of unoriginal.

HS might be limited in its variety of baddies and locations, but that's part of the charm of it and what makes it unique. While I would love to have a more varied spooky theme like Monster Fighters, I don't think HS is meant to be a theme like that. The way I see it, HS is basically a haunted version of City, so if anything, I think an HS subtheme should be similar to City subthemes such as Construction (haunted construction vehicles/site), Airport (monster planes!), mining (monster drill!), Farm (haunted harvester!), Deep Sea (J.B.'s ghost hunting sub vs. sunken pirate ghost ship?), firefighters (a firetruck modified into a ghostbusting vehicle like the school bus vs. a burning tree/house monster), Snow (monster snowmobile or snowplow), etc. I think there's still a lot of cool stuff they can do in and around Newbury.

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Don't know much about it but I quess Oky has a point.
However, your idea, I like it. Sounds cool. Like that kind of stuff. I always like to watch programs about ghosts, myths and that sort of stuff.

So I don't think it fits in that Hidden side part, like Oky says, but maybe it's more something for Monster fighters indeed? (don't know that much either). Or maybe a new (sub) theme? the Idea sounds great, some team who investigates paranormal stuff, myths and that kind of things. Reminds me a bit to those movies as Van Helsing, Hansel & Gretel: witchhunter.
I only think how far you can go with it, I mean copywrights? and is it not too scary for Lego. Just think of Frankenstein for some reason. Looks cool, a green Lego figure with bolts in its neck.

Cool video's by the way. Those drawings, yours?

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1 hour ago, Oky said:

Interesting ideas, but I don't think it's very fitting for the HS theme. First of all, HS is all about hunting ghosts, not witches or creatures. Secondly, what makes HS sets so cool is that they always have a neat transformation feature that turns objects into monsters and your two example sets have none of that. Besides, popular myths such as these have been overdone and would make the sets kind of unoriginal.

HS might be limited in its variety of baddies and locations, but that's part of the charm of it and what makes it unique. While I would love to have a more varied spooky theme like Monster Fighters, I don't think HS is meant to be a theme like that. The way I see it, HS is basically a haunted version of City, so if anything, I think an HS subtheme should be similar to City subthemes such as Construction (haunted construction vehicles/site), Airport (monster planes!), mining (monster drill!), Farm (haunted harvester!), Deep Sea (J.B.'s ghost hunting sub vs. sunken pirate ghost ship?), firefighters (a firetruck modified into a ghostbusting vehicle like the school bus vs. a burning tree/house monster), Snow (monster snowmobile or snowplow), etc. I think there's still a lot of cool stuff they can do in and around Newbury.

Thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed comment!

Whilst I get your point about Hidden Side sets having a transformation feature that turns objects into monsters, almost half of the sets don't actually feature anything like that besides the switching of headpieces. And in some of the sets that do, it's as little as just flipping up a rock piece to reveal a face. That said, I could see Baba Yaga's hut having a feature that transforms it from a more inconspicuous-looking cottage being pretty cool! 

Personally, I feel like Hidden Side is very reminiscent of the Real Ghostbusters toys and cartoons. And even though busting ghosts was in their name, the show, toys and lots of other merchandise saw them encounter everything from werewolves and vampires to even the Boogeyman! Hidden Side is at the moment purely about battling ghosts in Newbury, but for the theme to continue I feel it has to evolve and expand beyond that. With the shorts and comics building towards a big bad, this could almost be seen as the first season of Hidden Side. TV series' often stick to one tried and tested formula for the first season whilst they establish themselves and then explore new ideas in the second season. I'd love for Hidden Side to do the same and become an almost X-Files for kids! 

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Maybe after the theme has been around a while this could work... but I think doing so this early in the theme's lifespan would risk losing a big part of the theme's appeal: taking ordinary, familiar subjects and making them unfamiliar and spooky.

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