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[MT] SMC Roadster (Creator 7347 Alternate)

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I'm proud to present the SMC Roadster:

Edit: LDD I a the bottom of this post.








High Resolution Photo's:








It's functions are:

Steering, Although there's no HoG (hand of god) or functioning steering wheel and the angle is limited.

Opening doors. (There tiny, I know.)

Removable Canvas roof, Allowing the driver to stay dry(ish) when it rains. (Fortunately I do not have a photo of that right now.)

Quite Possibly the best feature:

You can build one for yourself (as soon as the instructions are done) if you own Lego Creator Set: 7347.

This build had been hiding in my WiP box for a long because I wasn't happy with the rear-end, I recently sat down to redesign that bit and now it's ready to be shared with the community. I've entered it in the model team competition but the entry might be to late, And it might not qualify. (If that's the case the title needs to be changed and the topic possibly moved to a different forum.)

I'm undecided on making step by step instructions for it, Because that would require some work and some learning as the model would need to be rebuild in Ldraw format in order to make instructions using Lpub (which I need to learn how to properly use).

The LDD file I have is a bunch of modules which combined together will make the model but not everyone will find it easy to use such a file.

When I've made my decision on the instruction they will be added to rebrickable and I'll add the link here.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my creation.

If you've got any questions feel free to ask them, I'll try to answer them as soon as I can.

EDIT: LDD File added:

7347 - SMC Monte Carlo Coupe v2.lxf

Edited by Sato

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I like this so much better without the gray roof. It breathes Model Team. Could have been a set. Perfect.

And the fact that it's an alternate model makes it even better.

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Cool! I'd love to see a lot more of Creator alternates, they're the closest today to Model Team and IMHO the best for small kids.

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Very cool, although I'm not to fond of it with the top up. Nice entry!

I like this so much better without the gray roof. It breathes Model Team. Could have been a set. Perfect.

And the fact that it's an alternate model makes it even better.

Thank you both for your comments, I had already anticipated not everyone would like it with the top on.

And while I agree it looks better without the top, It does have its charm to me with the top.

The parts limitation enforced by using a single Lego set and no additional pieces meant I couldn't give the roof a better shape. (The 2x12 plates on top would ideally be 2x10 plates, But whose aren't in the set.)

And in the end I enjoy giving my alternates some details that can easily be changed to match the taste of whoever builds it, The roof is one such detail.

Cool! I'd love to see a lot more of Creator alternates, they're the closest today to Model Team and IMHO the best for small kids.

It's a shame Lego doesn't see this or ignores it, Its been a while since the released a larger Creator set with lots of Mocing/Alternating potential. (I'd really love to see a new set comparable in size and potential to 4896: Roaring Roadsters.)

I prefer to work with sets that are currently available but not all of those offer enough potential for the quality of detail/finish that I like to achieve. (as you can see in this Roadster, It's got rear-view mirrors, indicator lights (front and back), handbreak and gearstick, It's only missing gas, break and clutch pedals.)

You can see more of my alternates here, But there all from smaller Creator sets except for the 10220 VW T1 Pickup Alternate. (Currently I've got a couple of projects on set 31024 that only need there photo's taken.)

I want to try a larger scale build again, This time out of set 5893 or 5892, But those sets has been discontinued for a while now.

Edited by Sato

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Ok, in my all honesty...looks like an advertise abut your entry during the voting period :grin:

About the instructions my opinion is: no need of them, simply cos it's nothing complex, by looking at the pics it's easy to rebuild it.

And eventually you are thinking about instructions remember that it's the other way round....first you do them, second you put them on sale. Instead here you are asking people if they want them....and then eventually you would do them! :tongue: :tongue:

But hey, it's just my opinion!

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Ok, in my all honesty...looks like an advertise abut your entry during the voting period :grin:

You are right, It wasn't my intention and it feels wrong so I edited that bit out.

As for instructions, Again you make a great point.

And I've made a decision on that based on a couple of reasons,

1. While you have a valid point when you say that its nothing complex and relatively easy to rebuild based on the photo's, This may not be the case for everyone. Request for instructions (Which sometimes are more like demands) usually come from people commenting/rating my creations on Mocpages (Which isn't odd as this is the first alternate I ever posted on Eurobricks, Creating and maintaining a topic for all of them would take time I rather spend on building)

2. As I just said, I'd rather spend my time building instead of learning how to use Ldraw and Lpub. I work both in real bricks and in LDD (as its an easy to use program) with pre-made parts set files while designing/creating my alternates, And final details are usually worked out in LDD. This process of building result in a finished brick build alternate and LDD file (Usually three, 1 with just the model, 1 with the model broken up into modules and the third being a combination of the first two.) This allows me to easily rebuild my own work, Keep an archive of all my alternates and continue to develop new alternates when I don't have the time to take publishable photo's.

3. There's doesn't appear to be much interest in alternates in general, Unless the builder/designer has a well known name in the community. (Creator alternates by Nathanaël Kuipers get considerably more views and ratings on mocpages compared to others. But I would be the first to admit that so far I haven't done much to promote mine and I don't really plan to do that either. See 5.)

4. I assume that those who frequently request instructions on mocpages probably don't want to spend money on them anyway.

5. I build/create Alternates for Creator (and other) sets because I like to do so, And don't have the budget (nor ever will) to stock up on pieces and create mocs like the ones you see at events.

Whether or not people like them is up to them, Everyone is entitled to there own opinion, Some here don't like the roof which I can understand as it's not perfect but it is something I personally kinda like. The cars design is loosely based on 1970'ish kitcars and alot of them had wierd looking roofs which where an afterthought. (And the roof on this roadster is no exception.)

The reasons above have helped me to decide to share the LDD files I have already made for personal use as is, And won't provide step by step instructions

As I don't want to interfere with voting, The LDD file for this roadster will be made available when the voting period is over regardless of the results.

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Ok, nice words. So if you allow me as final suggestion I would say: regardless how big, or complex, or how many pieces a moc has, it's always a pleasure and something to be proud of! So your time it's not wasted at all and my suggestions is: share the LDD file, someone probably will be kind and make instructions from it for all those people who may struggle at re-creating your model only by looking at photos...

In my opinion it's a great compromise! :laugh:

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An LDD File has been added to the first post of this topic.

Unfortunately I don't have time for building instructions right now, Maybe sometime later his year.

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