
Official 2.0 Hero Thread

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I like this one.... :thumbup:

Looks like a hero corrupted by the witch doctor. Maybe Jefferson Necro(mancer)? :wink:

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This was mostly just an exercise in seeing what I could do with various pieces from the new 3.0 stuff.

Bulked up the same build from above. Made him significantly taller, and found a cool connection for some massive shoulder armor.



Didn't bother cleaning up the back, this is nothing I plan on keeping together. Just some quick experiments :classic:

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I didn't have any idea where to post this. So pardon the double post.

Was messing around with Hero Factory pieces, trying to see if I could make a basic frame that did not use the central Hero torso piece. It was met with some mild success.




Hopefully one of you here will be able to riff of it. I don't think I have the pieces to flesh out anything over the frame. But I thought it was neat-o, nonetheless.

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I really like that hero, but i got to know, how did you do the tubing in the torso?

I never thought of this HOW question. Nonetheless, it gave me an idea. :) Cool!

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Here are some heroes I made in LDD. First up is Eric Zeal, who is designed so that I can purchase him in Recon Team Creator and paint a proper color scheme.


Next is Mallory Shields. She's a member of Zeal's team.


I'm working on a System diorama for these two in LDD. :classic:

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guys i'm been using ldd extended to make hero factory mocs and i like to share some with you and also for you to share some of your creations with us hero factory fan

here's Titanium (1.0)

here's Titanium 2.0

here's Titanium 3.0

more coming soon!

Edited by LegoLegend8867

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I think that these would belong in this topic, where you can share all of your HF creations.

But these are some pretty nice MOCs, with a pretty consistent color scheme as well.

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I think that these would belong in this topic, where you can share all of your HF creations.

Alrighty then, merging...

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My brother and I recently collaborated on a couple Hero Factory MOCs using the various parts we have here at college. Most worthy of mention is the female hero Sophia Blaze, whom I went on to build on LDD! The main image links to the full image and description in my Flickr photostream.


Front | Side | Back | LXF File

Each image on Flickr has descriptions of different details of the MOC. It would be tedious for me to list them all here, so just follow all of the image links to learn about some of the difficulties in making this MOC, particularly on LDD.

Edited by Aanchir

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Mom walks into the room, sees this thing on the floor and makes a nasty face. "I only bought it for the pieces," I hastily reassure her.

"Oh, good."


Lego forgot little Noah the Walker's forearms. :(

but yay more spikes

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Mom walks into the room, sees this thing on the floor and makes a nasty face. "I only bought it for the pieces," I hastily reassure her.

"Oh, good."


Lego forgot little Noah the Walker's forearms. :(

but yay more spikes

You definitely should be able to get those forearms from Customer Service. That's a really glaring oversight.

By the way, could you take pictures of what the instruction booklet looks like for Hero Recon Team orders? I've never seen any.

Edited by Aanchir

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Hey thanks! Yeah, I switch the limbs around to afford a bit more articulation. Its not a piece swap you can notice much with the armor layered on. So I think its worth it for the added articulation.

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Here's an angel hero I made. I only used existing parts. I'm very pleased with how the axes look as armor detail.




If I take screenshots with LDD, the translucent color comes out dull, does anyone know why?

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Here's an angel hero I made. I only used existing parts. I'm very pleased with how the axes look as armor detail.

If I take screenshots with LDD, the translucent color comes out dull, does anyone know why?

Do your screenshots from LDD have a transparent background? If so, transparent parts are actually rendered as semitransparent, so it makes them look dull compared to solid-colored parts. And in that case, you can correct the dullness in Photoshop or any other image editing program that can work with layers-- just copy and paste the image on top of itself until the transparent colors become opaque.

Anyway, beautiful Hero design, and I love how it uses only existing parts! The weapon and the axes on the armor are both great ideas!

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Has made once two Heroes just for experiment.


His nickname is Sarge. This Hero has been attached to Makuhero Police Department in order to catch villain named Shredder.


He's armed with infantry shield and stunner pistol. This shield represents protection for Makuhero Citizens, and pistol pepresents mercy for any crimes. Instead of murder.




The name is Pathfinder. He is a member of Hero Recon Team, and one of the most valuable. His profession line is stealth missions, villain hunting, operations' support and reconnaissance.


His only weapon is good old blaster bow combined with power shield.



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Hey, wow! Those minifigure axes really do work brilliantly as small color accents. Thats some really great usage there!

Thank you :sweet:

Do your screenshots from LDD have a transparent background? If so, transparent parts are actually rendered as semitransparent, so it makes them look dull compared to solid-colored parts. And in that case, you can correct the dullness in Photoshop or any other image editing program that can work with layers-- just copy and paste the image on top of itself until the transparent colors become opaque.

Anyway, beautiful Hero design, and I love how it uses only existing parts! The weapon and the axes on the armor are both great ideas!

Thanks Aanchir! I hadn't thought of copying the layer.

I like how Sarge's police theme is done.

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