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SoNE Ep II Free build - "FUBAR"

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I've been on missions that have gone wrong before, but never one that went this wrong, this fast. We barely had boots on the ground when we received word that a rebel transport and several fighters were headed our way.


Our TIE escorts notified us that they were headed to intercept. Minutes later the wind picked up, the skies darkened, and as we ran for the cover of a nearby canyon we were swallowed by the sandstorm.


Our armor protected us from the worst of it, and after about 20 minutes the storm ended as quickly as it had begun. We couldn't raise anyone on our radios but we did pick up the emergency beacon from one of our TIE escorts. We headed that way.


We were hoping to find the fighter intact, perhaps only stuck in the sand, but as we neared the location of the beacon the amount of debris on the ground suggested we were setting our hopes too high. Still, we were getting close.


It's hard to tell which group was more surprised. I noticed three things immediately:


1. Although we out-gunned them, they had a wookie.


2. Despite being rebel scum, the soldier was attempting to perform first aid on our downed pilot.


3. The woman pointing a blaster at my head was named Marla. We'd served together for two years on the Imperial frigate
I thought she was dead.


I lowered my blaster and motioned for the rest of the squad to do the same. If we wanted to get out of this desert alive, we stood a better chance if we worked together.


I didn't feel like dying on Tatooine.


A little back story for my Ep II entry. I'd like this free-build to be judged as well.

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I love the presentation! The photography, the writing, and the order you posted the photos in. :wub: Really nice work on the weathering of the TIE wing and the scattering of the random greebles, too. :thumbup: My only suggestion for improvement is that the sand seems a little flat on the top; just some slight 1-2 plate-high texturing in some areas would make it seem even more organic.

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Great landscaping, minifig posing and photography! Well done! :classic:

A tiny word of advice: in one of the pictures the lack of ground underneath the elevated part is visible, try to get at least two full sides "photography friendly" and you will have more options of selecting camera angles for the overview shot as well!

(I'm probably going to borrow that desert elevation design to some Kaliphlin build :wink:)

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