
Eurobricks Citizen
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    Scooby Doo

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  1. Now up on LEGO Ideas if anyone wishes to support.
  2. Now up on LEGO Ideas if anyone wishes to support.
  3. jp-30

    [MOC] Perfect Dive

    This is stunning. I hope you win!
  4. My final Retro Robot MOCs (for the time being, after recently finishing my Black Hole movie trio). Robby the Robot from the Forbidden Planet movie (1959), and B9 'The Robot' from the Lost in Space TV show (1965-1968). Both robots were designed by the same person, Robert Kinoshita, and Robby once appeared on Lost in Space where he fought B9, which is why the two are often mixed up. B9 is a new build, you can extend and retract his arms and wave them about from the back while you yell "Danger, Will Robinson!" Robby is the 4th iteration of him I've made over the last 5 years or so - each time using lots of the same parts, but mostly different torso builds (phots of these older versions included). I think this will be the final version, unless some new part comes out that is begging to be swapped out. and my older Robby iterations. more on my Flickr gallery
  5. jp-30

    Kom'rk Mandalorian Gauntlet

    That's gorgeous! Love the size. Those technic panels add that lovely smooth curve too.
  6. I made Maximilian from The Black Hole movie a month or two back, and got asked lots about making VINcent and BOB. So I obliged. And popped it up on LEGO Ideas for good measure. This LEGO Ideas set recreates the 3 iconic main robots from the 1979 cult favourite sci-fi movie The Black Hole. Included are plucky robot V.I.N.CENT (Vital Information Necessary CENTralised), a crew member of the USS Palomino research ship. B.O.B (Bio-sanitation Battalion) is a disheveled but loveable earlier model of the same robot lineage. He lives on board the USS Cygnus. Rounding out the trio is the antagonist robot, the terrifying Maximilian, built as a servant and bodyguard by Dr Hans Reinhardt aboard he Cygnus that sits at the edge of the Black Hole.[/img More on my Flickr gallery
  7. Now up on Ideas if anyone feels like supporting.
  8. As a break from long-build LEGO MOCs I wanted to start and finish one in a day. My usual subject is 1970-1980s pop culture nostalgia. So I whipped up this Maximilian robot from The Black Hole (1979) over 3-4 hours. The head cone doesn't come in dark red, so a bit of colour adjusting, plus a photoshopped print on that piece to finish it off. Positioned to hide the support, in case you're wondering how it's standing. Flickr gallery.
  9. Miss Piggy, Captain Link Hogthrob and Dr Julius Strangepork, the Pigs in Space set, and a LEGO model of the USS Swinetrek. Plus a few assorted hangers-on. A MOC I've been working on (and off) for the last few months. Yes, a bit of spray paint over the Swinetrak, some blu-tak for the portholes, and photoshopped minifig prints. Might redo the USS Swinetrek one day as brick-built, as it'll let me attach the potholes properly. I could have made custom stickers for a slightly more purist build, but I prefer the shape of the 2x2 radars. flickr gallery
  10. jp-30

    [MOC] THX-1138 vs Police

    Thank you! Here's my latest one.
  11. LEGO MOC - THX-1138 diorama #2. The finale scene when THX-1138 escapes through the expressway in a stolen police car (a modified Lola T70 Mark III), pursued by 2 motorcycle officers. Flickr Prior TXH-1138 MOC.
  12. jp-30

    [MOC] THX-1138 vs Police

    LEGO MOC - THX-1138 diorama. The scene after the trial when 3 Police Officers punish THX-1138 in a large white void. flickr
  13. jp-30

    [MOC] Brix Headroom

    That looks great! And definitely on brief for the contest. Best of luck! Glad I gave you a bit of a nudge.
  14. Got approved on Ideas overnight: