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About Petter

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  1. My Buwizz finally arrived yesterday.The Buwizz itself works great, but being of the Nintendo generation, I'm not really comfortable using a touch screen. Thanks to Eurobrick user imurvai's app, the Sbrick can be controlled using a gamepad. So I was thinking, why not connect the Sbrick to the Buwizz? I tried to make a video showing the the difference between the 8878 Lipo and BuWizz's fast speed mode. The difference in performance may not seem remarkable, but this video doesn't do justice to the Buwizz. My little hatchback went from a Lada to a Ferrari It may of course seem unnecessary to use both the Buwizz and the Sbrick,but the fast speed mode was the reason why I supported BuWizz. Until someone comes up with a gamepad app for Buwizz, this is a very satisfying solution to me
  2. Looks promising! I've done a couple of small drift cars like this myself. Keeping the weight down was the most challenging part to me, but I bet you'll come out with a wonderful model!
  3. Try gear it up even more (5:1 or higher). Should work fine since your rear tires are taped. I have never built a 4x4 drift car using xl-motors, but some time ago i did one with a buggy motor ( ). When using the slower output, the rear didn't slip at all, but after gearing it up, the vehicle drifted quite well.
  4. Weight is around 1.1 kg. I was a little bit inspired by some Jeeps I've seen without doors, but yes,I agree with you, it looks a bit strange on my model
  5. Hi I want to share my latest creation with you. It's a pickup truck, remotely controlled by PF. Differentials on both axles, and a centre differential. The rear axle might seem to be fragile, but with some maintenance now and then, it actually does it's job. The front axle got a positive caster angle, at the cost of poor ground clearance. More pictures can be found at A small video of the truck in action: (I'm sprry for the bad quality and poor editing )
  6. Thanks, everyone! . The shock towers bend slightly inwards when suspension is compressed, and the axles pop out once in a while, so it's not a ideal setup.
  7. Hi! I've been a member here for a while, and I'm amazed by the creations all of you guys come up with! I didn't really care about LEGO Technic when I was a child, but two years ago (I'm 24 years old now) I bougth a Technic set on impulse, and I was sold. I've built a couple of MOCs the past years, but none of them turned out to be really great. Almost a year ago I got inspired by Far Cry 3, and created a buggy from the game. A week ago I wanted to improve it, and here is the result: No advanced technical solutions in this model, my focus was on the looks of the car. Suspension on all four wheels, working steering wheel in the cabin and HoG steering ( the spare wheel on the roof). are the only functions. I'm not able to add more pictures here ( because this is my first post here, maybe?), but you can see more on Regards Petter