Frank Brick Wright

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Frank Brick Wright

  1. Frank Brick Wright

    ToR III Official Entry I — Metamorphosis

    My apologies to the staff for creating such problems. My intention was not to take advantage of gaps in the rules. The truth here is that I do not have any islander nor any minifig which could be adapted, moreover my Lego budget at the moment is 0. Then I had this idea that since redcoats are so primitive/dumb they could easily be taken as islanders/turn into islanders. Since it fitted in the rules I saw no problem, but it clearly generated a lot of discussion. Unfair? I don't think so -- even if I am not imparcial in this case. I must say I hadn't quite understood what efulner's entry had to do with islanders when I finished reading it, whilst my entry has a clear point: redcoats turn into islanders. You can say that there aren't any islander figs and that is true; but the main theme of the sotry is nevertheless their turning into islanders. I have to agree with your first critic, the first photo was a night-shoot and moreover its on black-and-white, thus the created effect is odd. Your other remarks, however, seem all off to me. Chaotic? Lack of organization? Boxes thrown in? But that was more or less my idea when I made it! I'm glad I succeeded. I don't know whether or not you are a great fan of bd -- I am. This is not a classic comic. On of my great inspirations was The Sandman by Neil Gaiman (a true masterpiece). My idea here, for the story, was a bunch of redcoats which ask red-hat/bandana for a story, their story. While he tells his story, images pop in, like memories, whilst the narrator voice keeps sounding in the back. Thus the "thrown in" boxes! The panels are misaligned for some reason, also, it is part of the aesthetic principles I was following, indeed not classic ones Again, this tournament is all for fun, so let's have it! Let's not ruin it for details or exhaustive discussion of the rules.
  2. Frank Brick Wright

    TOR III Entry: Escape from home island

    Although I'm not really a fan of marshmallows… Great entry Technically speaking your entry is one of the best so far, for its layout and clear photography, albeit there are quite some things happening at the same time and I think some panels have a bit of over-information because there a lot of balloons and the reading-order is not very clear. The Croissant-scene was an inspired one
  3. Frank Brick Wright

    ToR III — Teaser: Metamorphosis

    This is *not* my entry, just a really small prologue to it but you can count with the official one in the next days…
  4. Frank Brick Wright

    RvB part IV: Marksmanship

    I feel your pain there Scorpiox. We have to explain things to Brickington all the time… Nice comic Mstr, great layout has always!
  5. Frank Brick Wright

    RvB: Killing two birds (read: chickens) with one stone.

    Someone just has too much free time Great comic again AC, funny story! The arrows help a lot, though there is still some confusion around! The problem this time is (at least for me) that the crab does't appear to be a slide-separator. Of course when you get that its very easy to follow. I wonder, perhaps you are still in time for asking a couple more jars for Christmas? At this pace there won't be any jar-heads left till the end of TOR, and it would be a pity if you had to stop this wonderful collection for lack of space
  6. Frank Brick Wright

    Tournament of Retribution III Rules and Entries Overview

    Why, do you think your current one has been over-humiliated?
  7. Frank Brick Wright

    TOR III Entry: The dramatic sculpture incident

    Delicious!! The butt-showing and the lalala pretty sculpture made my day!!! Good luck for your exams ;)
  8. Frank Brick Wright

    Tournament of Retribution III Headquarters!

    The redcoats are attacking, the redcoats are attacking!!! Oh wait… spam by Luso Shipyards, on Flickr The spam is strong with this one *EDIT: you're right Brickington, I apparently uploaded the photo in the wrong format…*
  9. Frank Brick Wright

    RvB: Another Pig Tale

    Dear Admiral, I'm starting to become a bit borred. If you are killing all the redcoats, where will the fun be for us? Leave at least one or two for we common soldiers to kill! And Sebeus taking the photo… the best part of it all Great comic
  10. Frank Brick Wright

    RvB: Mr. Spielbricks Wedding

    Am I missing something or has Spielbrick just married with Captain Becker?
  11. Frank Brick Wright

    ToR III — The sleeping beauty

    This is the first episode of this small saga… Just a teaser, more is to come soon! I can promise more episodes in the near future, featuring other red-stars
  12. Frank Brick Wright

    ToR III — The sleeping beauty

    Yellow… Those are the "available colours at the moment" Which means I don't have yellow and because we bluecoats only use top-quality material to equip our soldiers, red epaulettes due to their poor manufacturing quality are excluded… I'm glad you liked it Brickington!
  13. Frank Brick Wright

    ToR III — The sleeping beauty

    To clear things up, this is *not* my official entry Just a story that will be built slowly along time… Here is the next 'episode', called… Redcoats get smarter (or at least Brickington) What will be the next episode? I don't know… but perhaps a visit at Blackmoor's wardrobe
  14. Frank Brick Wright

    WIP: Godwin-Austen

    I'd agree with you in the tumblehome, it isn't really very noticeable and would bring some disadvantages as you said. This is the only angle from where its absence is felt 'cause it makes things a bit more squarish. The vertical curve is much better now A thing to remember when building both vertical and horizontal curves is that they tend to be progressive and continuous, so if you should have each small section like 8-6-4-4-2-1-1-1 studs long (just an example) and not like 8-6-4-6-4-2-4-2-1. Another thing which is nice to remember is both the stern and the bow are the places where in a ship both vertical and horizontal curves get more abrupt and are therefore more noticeable, so don't be ever afraid to put too much sheer in this areas I'm looking forward to see the continuation of this project!
  15. Frank Brick Wright

    WIP: Godwin-Austen

    Oh wow, this is looking absolutely great Tremendously better than your previous one, I must say. I only have two actual points of criticism. The first is that I'd say that it lack a bit of tumblehome. I know these ships didn't really had much tumblehome but they rarely made 90º with the waterline. The other is the end of the vertical curvature. Your vertical curve is fantastic, very well built, but it should continue at the end instead of stopping. There: Check here. Besides the railing continuing to increase in height you should notice that the deck is not parallel to the waterline, as you have built it This being said… Great colourscheme, details and delicious modularity, it really adds a lot to the ship Keep up the excellent work!
  16. Frank Brick Wright

    RvB part III: Navigation

    Mazin is right as always… I guess you red guys just can't understand harder maps! This being said… I really like the comic, very simple and of great graphical appeal, plus an original idea. I think that for it to be perfect it just had to feature me. Oh wait, but it does!
  17. Frank Brick Wright

    Tournament of Retribution III Rules and Entries Overview

    Sure! I thought that but just wanted to be 100% sure. Thanks for the fast reply!
  18. Frank Brick Wright

    Tournament of Retribution III Rules and Entries Overview

    Excuse Admiral, but I'm not 100% sure about this. So in my entry I may have ten panels like in Example 2 or my entry is just one panel? To put this in another terms: can I only have 10 photos distributed as I want from a certain number of panels or can I have 10 panels with any number of images in each?
  19. Frank Brick Wright

    ToR III — The sleeping beauty

    Not good… Fast recoveries! Really? Oh… Brickington/Law said I was going to appear soon in an avatar and it really looked similar to me… My apologies then. I have some plans for your avatar too…
  20. Frank Brick Wright

    ToR III — The sleeping beauty

    Really? Yet that is me, isn't it? Why would I just ruin all the fun for some irrelevant details? This is for FUN! Scandal! Scandal! This is not me! I have white gloves! WHITE GLOVES! Scandal again! That is NOT my torso! I have a different torso, I refuse to recognize that as being me! Triple scandal! That is not exactly my face! My avatar face is slightly-different-altough-I-can-recognize-it-by-looking-at-the-face-you-have-given-me! Doesn't this sound a bit childish? But if you don't want I won't place you in more comics.
  21. Frank Brick Wright

    RvB 2 Bluecoat Prisoners Treatment Procedures

    Ha, foolish redocats. They think they can hang me and kill me with a rope. I'm roop-proof. What now, poor rope maker? (you can expect a revenge later today)
  22. Frank Brick Wright

    Your guide to Tournament of Retribution III

    Commander Law/Colonel Brickington, you have been WARNED. Your offenses against bluecoat members will NOT be tolerated. Expect to be humiliated publicly soon. Best regards.
  23. Frank Brick Wright

    RvB part I: Fencing

    Funny As if anyone believed that happened…
  24. Frank Brick Wright

    [Tutorial] Sailing ships - tech specs and workings

    Take a look here: This is a formula for the minimum beam So actually, as the beam is larger than this number, it is "correct". Moreover, even with a ridiculously small beam of 13.27ft we even get 47 cms of planking. Whilst this sound more close to the real thing (and I'm pretty sure it varies from ship to ship), I'd say that a frigate has the Surprise would have a thickness of 10-20 cms (somewhere in between). I am basing this in speculation but I've got plenty of ref-pics from other vessels (perhaps not as large, tough) where the planks don't appear to be very thick.
  25. Frank Brick Wright

    [Tutorial] Sailing ships - tech specs and workings

    I've read the tutorial again and it is indeed a great one I'm curious about the source of this formula: I've tried to calculate a bit with this but I'm getting odd results. Take the surprise: length 129 feet, beam 31.66 feet (to convert this primitive units to the decimal system ). Now according to this formula I will get a thickness of… 2.68 feet! Which is 82cms… It looks like a lot, doesn't it? Planks of 82cms of thickness? This is one of my favourite drawings by Chapman. The planks certainly don't look that thick…