Alpha Draconis

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  1. Alpha Draconis

    LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!

    I too am pleased with how droideka looks. Will probably buy it around middle of May (when classic space GWP promotion is up) as may 4th is reserved for UCS TIE interceptor. Can't wait for pics! I have the old UCS TIE fighter and I'm really interested in how they will make the cockpit this time as opposed to a somewhat classic approach with the UCS TIE fighter
  2. Alpha Draconis

    LEGO Sci-Fi Ongoing - Rumors, Speculation, and Discussion

    true, I'd forgotten about the Forestmen GWP arrangement. Anyway, even though I got my space GWP I hope they make it available again or, better yet, make it available for a purchase (even though they probably won't)
  3. Alpha Draconis

    LEGO Sci-Fi Ongoing - Rumors, Speculation, and Discussion

    I think Lego underestimated the popularity of this GWP and will make it available again in a year or so. They did it with Forestmen hideout GWP and that Blacktron GWP set (I think - not a 100% sure on this one), therefore we may expect a price drop on the secondary market afterwards. It's one of the best GWP sets of this calibre for me though
  4. Alpha Draconis

    LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!

    I agree 100%, it's my dream set too. However, I wouldn't discard the thought of TLG making UCS MTT so quick. It is one of the most iconic vehicles of the prequel area (although with many good contemporary vehicles, worthy of UCS title). With a couple years of patience I think the chances of getting one are quite significant
  5. Alpha Draconis

    LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!

    this. This is more of a potential deal-beaker for me. I always felt like the 2014 MTT was too small, hence I never got it, as my expectation was (and still is) fixed on 2007 scale. It felt too squished too me. To do this set justice it needs to be as big as it can be (in my opinion)
  6. Alpha Draconis

    LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!

    UCS Venator looks really good! A worthy set of all my VIP points I currently hold, which should bring the price down under 500€. Might wait for Black Friday to get double VIP points
  7. Alpha Draconis

    LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!

    I hope that's the case. Still weird that they skipped on this in the first wave
  8. Alpha Draconis

    LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!

    I like Ashoka sets that were revealed today. I love the fact that E-wing's landing gear can actually retracts somewhat On the other hand, and since I don't follow all the rumours closely, are there still any Ashoka sets left unrevealed? The most obvious fact that there's been no Thrawn in the new sets and skipping him would not make a sense at all
  9. Alpha Draconis

    [OFFICIAL] 10320 Eldorado Fortress - Available NOW

    One word: Neat! Though I would like to see a variation of captain Red Beard, which I don't think is included Also I LOVE that they used non-Lego props for official box art! Now THAT brings around the true 80s/90s vibe
  10. Alpha Draconis

    New Rumored Pirate Set in July 2023

    realistically, I think it will be revealed sometime mid to 2nd half of June, if the release date is indeed July 1st. Of course, leaks are most likely to happen at least a few days before that, maybe even accidental by Lego/retailers themselves (which happens more often than one would think)
  11. Alpha Draconis

    Bionicle 2025 Rumour

    I'm reserved, we don't have much to go off, except a promise by a leaker (which can go both ways) that Bionicle will return. Tempering expectations is very important at this stage. Even if Lego did indeed decide to revive Bionicle, the development time is usually 1-2 years on average, meaning that at best, the development is only half done and in worst case, it's just begun or it's in very early stages. Meaning that a lot of things can still happen (at worst - cancellation of the entire theme as well). Would I be glad that it's actually true? Yes, but my enthusiasm intensity will depend on the approach they take. A new story won't be as intriguing to me then a retelling of the story, with redesigns of the classic sets, much like the approach to current "tribute sets" for other classic themes (castle, pirates, space etc.). The tricky thing here is that while current tribute sets can stand on their own, without much other context (or supporting sets), Bionicle will in my opinion, need to have some sort of story basis, so the development scope is much bigger than anything attempted by Lego in terms of tributes so far (if the tribute approach will indeed be decided upon and not a creation of a new story).
  12. Alpha Draconis

    LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!

    Everything clone-related (minus Yoda's starfighter, if it isn't anything special) - gunship, swampspeeder, even UCS Venator at some point, but I won't rush it as I'll wait for a discount. Tie interceptor vs. fang fighter for sure, T6, the Ghost and also the Executor, maybe Death Star 2 duel (not sure, will probably BL the figs, the same with Yavin set unless it really catches my eye)... oh man, writing this list I realised how long it actually is I hope that the sets will be good once we have some pictures
  13. Alpha Draconis

    LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!

    the engines on the UCS x-wing look a bit oversized to me. Maybe a poor screen-capture method was used and the proportions were distorted or maybe it's just a weird angle - need to see the official pics
  14. Alpha Draconis

    New Rumored Pirate Set in July 2023

    I might as well - just in the beginning, as the fortress is supposed to come out earlier and I feel like that it would be a special experience getting it on a day 1 Star Wars can wait
  15. Alpha Draconis

    LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!

    One can hope - I know that if the Venator sells well it may actually become a reality! And there is a market for it, I'm sure of it (they cloud do something similar to UCS AT-AT where they released a complimentary battle pack to fill in the seats)