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Everything posted by Thedarkmaster2

  1. Thedarkmaster2

    LEGO Ninjago 2019

    I did not know that, but thanks for the information. As to this: Actually Yes Wolves evolved from Foxes The Genus Canis that includes Wolves evolved from fox like ancestors 6 million years ago, They're foxes like we're apes
  2. Thedarkmaster2

    LEGO Ninjago 2019

    Wolfs are larger foxes. Probably they got rid of the Faun leg molds
  3. Thedarkmaster2

    Are G2 sets rare all a sudden?

    Are Mega blocks
  4. Thedarkmaster2

    [REVIEW] 81000 Koi - Lego Forma

    That's what I meant.. It doesn't matter how successful it is if it's not widely available.
  5. Thedarkmaster2

    Are G2 sets rare all a sudden?

    I've never personally said that any theme was not real Lego! I just hate people who do. It is kinda frustrating that Licensed themes have slowly taken over. Like a cancer.
  6. Thedarkmaster2

    Are G2 sets rare all a sudden?

    Yeah. Also, how people feel about the specific meaning something has to them isn't always affected by the reality of what it actually means. I never said she said it I was talking about the people she was talking about. The snobbish people who say constraction isn't Lego. They have less justification that the people who say Licensed themes,Belville, or minidolls are not real Lego
  7. Thedarkmaster2

    Are G2 sets rare all a sudden?

    I meant 2000. Don't act like you don't know what I mean
  8. Thedarkmaster2

    [REVIEW] 81000 Koi - Lego Forma

    I never implied my experience was universal, nice strawman. I was just saying that the marketing is a bid misleading.
  9. Thedarkmaster2

    LEGO Ninjago 2019

    Still big pieces of plastic if you don't like it...
  10. Thedarkmaster2

    [REVIEW] 81000 Koi - Lego Forma

    I mean I agree but you can often use Sail and wing pieces in multiple ways. Theses skins only work if the inner beams are molded a specific way. And yeah it's not a huge investment but if they were to make more of these? SEE That's what I mean when I said the skins are specialized. Yeah this is what I mean It's kinda like false advertisement It's no more stimulating than any other set. In fact I say it might be worse with a lack of minifigures.
  11. Thedarkmaster2

    LEGO Ninjago 2019

    Have you heard of Dogshank? Or Killow?
  12. Thedarkmaster2

    LEGO Ninjago 2019

    Ok So what is Oni stand for i Japanese? I was thinking that kitsune was a specific Yokai. Like Ninetails from pokemon
  13. Thedarkmaster2

    [REVIEW] 81000 Koi - Lego Forma

    Ok okay clam down.. Also those skin pieces are pretty specialized as well
  14. Thedarkmaster2

    [REVIEW] 81000 Koi - Lego Forma

    Sorry I confused Dacta with Znap... But they don't really seem like they're going to sell well
  15. Thedarkmaster2

    Are G2 sets rare all a sudden?

    How can you even consider Bionicle not Lego? It's been around since 2000! It's old enough to drink!
  16. Thedarkmaster2

    LEGO Ninjago 2019

    Okay so This might be a long post but I wanted to share my thoughts on the Legacy set I just got. I got The Samurai Mech set and The Golden Dragon. I have built the Samurai Mech and I gotta say when people said it was a miniature they really meant it. It's like less than half the size of the original mech. The villains are kinda cool. I defended the Skeletons in the past and I can now understand why people might not like them. They look like different characters and their feet make them easier to knock over. But I've replaced their feet with the old one. For some reason this small mech has the same articulation as the old one... even though it's small enough to have knees.. Why are knees so difficult? But I have to ask why do you dislike the skeletons? Is it because they're bad representations of the original characters? I sadly never got much of the first wave of Ninjago so I don't really have any of the skeletons, except for the lower ranked Chopow. But I mean can't they be used as like new characters in play? Don't they make good additions to the skeleton army/ Is it the head molds? I mean they have more uses than the old ones as these have a stud that can attach to helmets and other accessories. They're like a mixture of the lower and higher ranked head molds. I would really like to know. No that's just a rumor
  17. Thedarkmaster2

    REVIEW: 70666 The Golden Dragon

    Great Review! I got the set recently along with The Samurai Mech
  18. Thedarkmaster2

    [REVIEW] 81000 Koi - Lego Forma

    That's what I meant
  19. Thedarkmaster2

    [Compilation] Every LEGO Unikitty ever produced

    While I would say the Trailer of the Lego Movie 2 does have a !@$t joke in it. The Line isn't terrible. I'd rather have it than another licensed line...
  20. Thedarkmaster2

    [REVIEW] 81000 Koi - Lego Forma

    I think This is an interesting concept but I doubt it'll be widely successful/ .It might just be the next version of Lego Dacta,Jack stone or....Galidor...
  21. Thedarkmaster2

    LEGO Ninjago 2019

    We haven't really seen the Oni transform either... Just mist.. The overlord has transformed more times than they have Aren't the Oni that by defination?
  22. Thedarkmaster2

    LEGO Ninjago 2019

    But that's just it Kitsune are fox like. It's very possible that this thing they allege, without pictures Is it in it's true form. It's a nice minifigure but it's kinda a shame that The show writers care more bout the armor he worse than the character that wore it. Seriously thoug The Overlord is an Oni in everything but name. Shape-shifting check. Darkness check, wanting to destroy Ninjago. Check
  23. Thedarkmaster2

    LEGO Ninjago 2019

    Those are called Kitsune I believe. Which are in Japanese mythology like Oni and dragons
  24. Thedarkmaster2

    [Compilation] Every LEGO Unikitty ever produced

    It is genuinely amazing that they were able to make a figure with (Usually) just one point of movement (The head) so diverse.
  25. Thedarkmaster2

    LEGO Ninjago 2019

    I can't wait either