
Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. It is a bit lighter than I would have chosen but I think when the whole minifigure is together it will work.
  2. I know, I just hadn’t been able to find it until today.
  3. A picture of the new riddler torso is now in the usual place and I’ve got to say it looks awesome! By far my favourite riddler torso so I hope the rest of the minifigure looks as good!
  4. So given we haven't even had a hint of anything else coming I think we can safely say this theme has ended?
  5. Nsk97

    Future DC Super Heroes Rumors & Speculation

    Interesting, I was expecting something similar to the Dark Knight batmobile where we would get a couple of minifigures on a display stand.
  6. Nsk97

    Future DC Super Heroes Rumors & Speculation

    So the Arkham knight batmobile has no minifigures? I guess it's bigger than minifigure scale then?
  7. Nsk97

    Future DC Super Heroes Rumors & Speculation

    Completely agree, DVD sales in no way reflect what sets would sell well.
  8. Nsk97

    Future DC Super Heroes Rumors & Speculation

    Yeah those dvds are always in bargain bins so I doubt anyone will buy them full price if there isn't a minifigure.
  9. He does have legs, one of the videos or photos was at an angle where you could see what looked like a gap between the cake and legs.
  10. Looks like the minifigure stands inside of the cake, it's not a skirt piece or replacing his legs.
  11. Haha well I decided to buy it so I look forward to having it built to see how swooshable it is.
  12. Thank you for your help too. I agree with what you said, but I decided I liked the look of the cannon build and the hammer, and we haven't really gotten a substantial batwing build before so I decided to buy it and see what I think.
  13. Thank you for your help, I decided to order it while it's £58.
  14. Hey everyone, just wondering what your opinions are on the batwing set? It's the only one I haven't bought yet from that wave of sets and I am currently trying to weigh up whether I should buy it. What do you think of the set in general? What do you think of the pricing, build, minifigures etc?