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Hello there!

I would like to present you my recent MOC which is this small scale semi truck with crane and flatbed trailer: 

This is not my first attempt on building this type of machine. As a kid I've been enchanted by 8528 set which wasn't afordable for me, so I tried buiding one on my own and throughout the years I crated many of them.


The idea behind this model was to build small 4 axle semi truck with fully functional crane and trailer with hidden electronics inside so it could be remotly controled.


It was the part from which I started. Through the building process it changed a lot from its first version. 
Cab features openable doors and removeable roof section in case you would like to get acces to detailed interior.
Also the cab can be tilted to uncover fake static v6 engine.   


There are 4 of them in total. I had really hard time figuring out how to make them work in a way that at least resembles how real ones work. I came up with an idea I have seen in
7037 set where the footbrige comes out of sige tower when you pull cord from the other side.
For needs of my model I rolled cord on a spool and added second thread to make mechanism work in both directions.   
The upsides of this solution is that it uses minimum of space while still working smoothly.
The drawback is that assembling it, so it's not loose, is somtimes very frustrating.


Crane has 3 moving sections including fly Jib on its end. Fly Jib and the second section can be also extended using the same solution I used in outriggers.
One cranes second section I have mounted fully functional winch with release ratchet.
Whole structure reaches up to 40 cm high when fully extended. 

Middle section

The most compicated one I guess.
Inside it contains  a distribution mechanism that makes three functions(deploying outriggers, crane first section unfolding and crane rotation)
Work from one knob and a slider.
Also in one place I needed to use a flex hose instead of axle wchih was getting in the way of bevel gear.


Simple as it is. It holds inside plenty of elctroncs (M motor for steering, Xl motor for drive, standard Bbox and Ir reciver.
Driving whole model gives a lot of fun, as it's quite fast for its mass(1,4kg).
Trailer also fetures simple supporting legs so it can stand on its own.


I achived every goal I have put in front of me while building this model and I'm very satisfied with how it came out.


Pics from building process

Thank you for your attention hope you enjoyed;)

Edited by Krall

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I totally dig these function-packed small scale models. I wish they'd make an official mini crane truck set

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