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[Challenge 5][Cat E] Track and Field

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On Farmolis's Famous Octan Olympic Arena, where all the best and brightest athletes have come to train! Including none other than Dr. Danielle Long, who was surprised to wake up to a holo-mail from CEO Pombe, requesting her presence at the games... on penalty of forfeiture of shares...

29507115902_1931c9e59c_z.jpgOctan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr

Emily: "Alright! Wonderful job in the Mech wrestling contest, but you've still got one category left to enter! Track and Field."

Dr. Long: "Oh joy. By the way, I don't believe we've been formally introduced. I'm Dr. Danielle Long."

Emily: "Emily DuPont, Special Forces, at your service."

Dr. Long: "A pleasure. And... thank you for... back on Onix."

Emily: "Just doing my job, mam."

Dr. Long: "I appreciate it. Speaking of... what are you doing here?... and where's Engineer?"

Emily:"This is track and field! You don't need an engineer, you need a coach!"

Dr. Long: "Aiya!"

Emily: "Alright, so, I know you're no athlete, so let's do this like science and throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks!"

Dr. Long: "That's not how science works."

Emily: "I'm not a scientist."

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Emily: "Run!"

Several hours later.....

29327062340_deb73af8aa_z.jpgOctan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr

Emily: "your best was 20 minutes... for a mile... maybe Running's not your thing."

Dr. Long: "I have never experienced such agonizing physical pain in my life."

Emily: "No pain, no gain!"

Dr. Long: "ouch..."

28991613344_562edcdbef_z.jpgOctan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr

Dr. Long: you want me to swim in that?..."

Emily: "Yes."

Dr. Long: "I am a scientist. I have a dual degree in Experimental Physics, and Xenobiology. I studied the water systems of Farmolis when we first arrived in Andromeda. This research comprises the first two chapters of one of my books. I know what is in this water."

Emily: "And?"

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"I'm NOT swimming in it."

29617303065_749f6c8572_z.jpgOctan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr

Emily: "Alright, scientist! Let's see how you are with Animals! Ever rode a horse before?"

Dr. Long: "So... this is a horse. It's a lot bigger in person than I thought it would be from the holographic replications I've seen."

Emily: "I'll take that as a no."

Dr. Long: "How does it work?..."

29536372141_720b831537_z.jpgOctan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr

Dr. Long: "OoOoh no!"

Emily: "Maybe we should try something else... You've improved your running time, at least!"

29582715856_7361d2738a_z.jpgOctan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr

Emily: "You know what?... maybe Fencing is not a great idea either."

29507115902_1931c9e59c_z.jpgOctan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr

Emily: "oh! I know! Have you ever fired a gun?!"

Dr. Long: "yes."

Emily: "You any good?"

29506832202_b69ed3db9e_z.jpgOctan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr

Emily: "Damn, Danielle..."

29536328211_0aab61cc27_z.jpgOctan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr

Emily: "You should have told me you were an ace shot. How did you keep your hands so steady?"

Dr. Long: "Years of pipetting, I suppose."

Emily: "Do you shoot often?"

Dr. Long: "No. I took a class a few years ago in preparation for the frontier."

29582653566_3b759e5edc_z.jpgOctan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr

Emily: "So you're just a natural good shot?"

Dr. Long: "No. I practiced every night for hours, forgoing sleep, in order to prepare for my final exams. I graduated top of my shooting class, not because of talent, but because I worked my ass off to perform better than everyone else. And I did."

Emily: "Coldblooded. I like you."

Dr. Long: "Likewise."

To be graded:

29582643646_d14b8a7ae2_z.jpgOctan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr

~Insectoid Aristocrat

Edited by Dannylonglegs

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Nice Octan sports field and I also two nice figures. Most of all: a very entertaining read!

Emily: "your best was 20 minutes... for a mile... maybe Running's not your thing."

Dr. Long: "I have never experienced such agonizing physical pain in my life."

Dr. Long: "How does it work?..."


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Emily: "Alright, so, I know you're no athlete, so let's do this like science and throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks!"

Dr. Long: "That's not how science works."

:laugh: These Olympics have been fun as a kind of "fish out of water" thing. I mean, when would you ever have Kodan or Dr Long actually competing in sports? :wacko:

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Nice Octan sports field and I also two nice figures. Most of all: a very entertaining read!


Thanks! Glad you like the figures too, that usually goes unnoticed, but the figures do get a lot of thought put into them too. :classic: Glad you enjoyed the story! :laugh:

This entry give me some idea for future builds...

Maybe will I test Dr Long shooting accuracy one future day... :devil:

:look: Perhaps.

Although, I will let you in on a secret.

You won't be the only one to test her ability to fire a gun.


Emily: "Alright, so, I know you're no athlete, so let's do this like science and throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks!"

Dr. Long: "That's not how science works."

:laugh: These Olympics have been fun as a kind of "fish out of water" thing. I mean, when would you ever have Kodan or Dr Long actually competing in sports? :wacko:

Totally agree! As I was wrapping my head around the entry I was thinking, how the heck am I going to get Dr. Long to do sports. :laugh: I figured I'd run with a loosish canonicity, and just go full on comedic. :laugh: Glad you liked it!

Love the story!

Haha, thanks!

~Insectoid Aristocrat

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