Captain Ironhook

Pirate Facebook Captain
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About Captain Ironhook

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    Guinea Pig

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  1. Captain Ironhook

    Master eBay Auctions thread - post noteworthy auctions here

    That first item interests me. Allows me to build my own ship!
  2. Captain Ironhook

    Master eBay Auctions thread - post noteworthy auctions here

    I like that Shipwreck Island. Only 15 USD still!
  3. Captain Ironhook

    Master eBay Auctions thread - post noteworthy auctions here

    Cheap Brickbeard Bounty's! Yay!
  4. Captain Ironhook

    Master eBay Auctions thread - post noteworthy auctions here

    I don't mind paying a bit more sometimes, the closest decent LEGOstore is almost 100 miles away! Trying to convince my dad to drive that distance twice is not easy (gotta get back too!)
  5. Captain Ironhook

    Master eBay Auctions thread - post noteworthy auctions here

    looks like there are many cheap MISB sets on sale now!
  6. Captain Ironhook

    Master eBay Auctions thread - post noteworthy auctions here

    WOW, a lot of soldiers for sale this time it seems!
  7. Captain Ironhook

    Master eBay Auctions thread - post noteworthy auctions here

    I paid mine 4 USD. that isn't that cheap IMO.
  8. Captain Ironhook

    Master eBay Auctions thread - post noteworthy auctions here

    that big knights and pirates army at the end looks good! and cheap too!
  9. Captain Ironhook

    Master eBay Auctions thread - post noteworthy auctions here

    I really want a Republic Attack Gunship. They are much cheaper here it appears.
  10. Captain Ironhook

    Master eBay Auctions thread - post noteworthy auctions here

    I wanted to bid on that Lego Star Wars Republic Cruiser, too bad it already ended...
  11. Captain Ironhook

    Master eBay Auctions thread - post noteworthy auctions here

    Brickbeard Bounty's are cheaper on eBay then in stores, it seems. Too bad I already own one, I paid it 99,99 USD!
  12. Captain Ironhook

    The potential of LEGO Digital Designer for Pirate MOCs

    wow this is so cool!! does anyone think that lego might be adding pirate figures to ldd in the future?? if they did that then we could really get into designing so pirate stuff with ldd
  13. Captain Ironhook

    Fort Laurence - a LEGO Digital Design Creation

    cant he just buy it straight from the lego factory though?
  14. Captain Ironhook

    LDD Pirate MOC - Imperial Port

    cool!! so indy are you going to buy this from the lego factory or did it cost too much? uhhh how much does it cost anyway?