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Everything posted by Mesonak

  1. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    I don't know why everybody's freaking out; history shows that it takes a bit for extensive coverage of Nuremberg to make its way online. People have to go home and sort out all the photos/videos that they took and get around to posting them online. Patience is a virtue; I'm happy we got the singular picture from yesterday to tide us over.
  2. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Well, that's perfectly fine if you don't view it as enjoyable. I'm just trying to help explain why people feel the need to do it; the majority of people, myself included, find great enjoyment in the quest for leaked images. Also, you'd be correct in assuming I wasn't trying to offend; my apologies if it came off that way. I'm just saying, it's become so deeply ingrained in the Lego fan community over the years, it seems as if it's sometimes done more out of habit than anything else. Long, bullet-point lists giving opinions on things, overly critical analysis, and the comparisons between preliminary and finalized imagery... it's deeply woven into the fabric of the community itself.
  3. Mesonak

    Star Wars Constraction 2015 Discussion

    This is incredible. I'm not even that big of a Star Wars fan but I can't stop myself from anticipating this sub-theme. Think of the pieces... the new molds... the colors... If Lego doesn't disappoint this will quickly become MoCist heaven
  4. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    1. Because it's fun 2. Because it's a traditional part of the community 3. It gives people plenty of extra time to get accustomed to the design of the sets and allow them to grow on people, so when they're seen at a Toy Fair it's only upwards from there A lot of people like to underestimate exactly how much can be discerned from leaked images, even taking into account the watermarks. Pretty much everything deduced from those pictures has come to pass, despite a few instances of coloration changes. Nothing has really changed about these sets to make them any "better" or "worse." It's all a matter of perception, and the slow warming process. There's no real need to stamp it out. (also it appears like the majority's opinion is negative, or at least partially so)
  5. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Some thoughts - Skull Warrior is mostly unchanged, still looks cool enough. Skull Slicer is garbage-tier, I understand the skeletal theme but having no armor is a little overkill. Not a fan. Skull Basher looks excellent and has received some small tweaks to his color scheme that make the figure far more appealing. Skull Scorpio is fine except for that atrocious tail. Skull Grinder looks pretty gappy but is decent enough. Ekimu's cool. Looking forward to more close-up pictures.
  6. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    I mean, don't get me wrong, the light gray color would be more suited for the skeletal theme than the bleached white color we're used to. I"m not really denying that. I'm just holding out hope that they're white for personal, MoC related reasons. Heck, the bones can be gray, just make the skulls white. ;_;
  7. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    If these pieces end up being gray and not white there will be much pain.
  8. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Ya, fun fact: We're sitting down to record it right now. Should be out Monday.
  9. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    There have been only three sets that I can recall which drastically changed from the preliminary photos. Those sets are Fire Lord, Witch Doctor, and Rocka XL. All other sets typically remain close to the same. That's not to say there can't be alterations made, just nothing on a grand scale. That's why leak season is so fun; it gives us an insight into how the sets are going to look and gives us time to adjust to them before their grand unveiling. I for one think this upcoming wave looks fantastic, but I don't mind that a lot of people seem to disagree. The critique is simply a traditional part of the community and how it operates. There;s no need to stamp it out.
  10. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Agreed; a part is only as useful as the MoCist allows it to be. I'm excited to get some of these new pieces as well. On the topic of prototype sets and their differences, anybody who believes these sets will change drastically from their preliminary stages is probably kidding themselves; we rarely get leaks from incredibly early development cycles. What will change is how the sets are seen; obviously these aren't their best angles, and the prototype box imagery doesn't do anything for their appearance. I'm sure they'll all look fine when we see them at Toy Fair.
  11. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    LOL, yeah pretty much. Funny how things change.
  12. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    A billion times no A billion times yes
  13. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    His actual build is solid, but the overly complex, impractical, and straight up bizarre tail design makes him look very unappealing, as do the random bits of red. Hopefully the tail undergoes some revisions or there's some hidden ingenuity we're not aware of.
  14. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Well, they are asymmetrical in some areas; Warrior's legs are flipped much in the same way as Furno 2.0 was handled. Nah, you're not coming off as overly negative. I can definitely see where people that aren't happy with some of this stuff are coming from. There are plenty of aspects I dislike, like the frequent use of red in the color schemes and almost everything about Skull Scorpio. :|
  15. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Alright, awesome! PIcture time! Let's go through these one by one if anyone cares to listen to me ramble. Skull Warrior looks pretty nice! I think I almost see a transparent blue torso beam, but it could just be armor. Overall, I'm pleased with him and think he looks complex enough to warrant the price point. Skull Slicer, though... ehhh. I appreciate what he's trying to go for, and I'm sure the four arms on a gearbox will be very cool in person. The actual set just isn't that impressive, and seems to line up with Shakar's prior worries about limb complexity being sacrificed for the four arm feature. Regardless, I feel like I'd enjoy him more if the trans red was gone. Still, not terrible, just not my favorite. :| Skull Basher is my second favorite of these sets. He looks very menacing, bulky, and well built. There's not a lot to say about him, but I'm pretty confident in this set. Skull Scorpio, pulling no punches, is my least favorite set of the entire wave and my least favorite constraction set since Evo Walker. There are very few redeeming qualities about him amongst his overcomplicated "tail" build and generally awkward looking build in general. In terms of positivity, I like his mask, the choice of legs, and uhh... I hope he ends up being tan. Mask Maker vs. Skull Grinder is outstanding in every way! Ekimu looks very well built, and I didn't expect him to have a shield. That's a nice touch. Skull Grinder looks very menacing, well built, and with a plethora of new pieces. The Mask of Creation's pretty nifty too. OVERALL: I love, love, LOVE the presence of new "bone" pieces to further the Skeletal theme. Honestly speaking, I'd be 10 times more disappointed with this wave if they weren't included. Yes, they look to not feature traditional armor attachments. Yes, it looks somewhat odd to go from bulky to skinny in a short period of time. The purpose they serve, however, is very important, as they tie together the visual theme of this wave. Without them, we would have a bunch of slightly awkward looking villains without any team cohesion and bizarre color schemes. Taking away the bone pieces, none of them look all that "skeletal." With them, however, as well as the excellent masks, the wave ends up looking very nice despite one or two disappointments. I think it'd going to be pretty good.
  16. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Yeah... I'm a little puzzled as well. Just because they're not all titans doesn't mean they're not going to be complex and well designed sets.
  17. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Interesting; thanks for sharing that information. I can't really say it surprises me, it's felt like a pretty low budget relaunch from word go. That doesn't mean Lego doesn't care about it; they put it up front and center at NYCC, produced 8 golden masks, and clearly have a lot of passion for the line. I don't think anyone can look at BIONICLE 2015 and claim they're dialing it in. With that being said, a lot of aspects about the relaunch have always clued me in that it doesn't have too large of a budget backing it. Online, minute and a half long webisodes with narration instead of a proper TV series is probably the best example. The best way for BIONICLE to improve and gain a larger budget is for the sets to sell very well, which is why I'm glad they're as excellent as they are. (Of course, when speaking in context of actual MOVIES, I don't think a constraction theme has had that much budget behind it in quite a while).
  18. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Many thanks to you (and Huw) for putting my fears at ease!
  19. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Okay... that's pretty reassuring. I shall cling to that.
  20. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    So based upon the guy's response to Scarilian's inquiry in the comments of the article: Scarilian • 5 hours ago Any Bionicle Sets, if so do you have details? Barry Donovan • 2 hours ago Don't have any info on Bionicle other than the main bad guy is a spider? I'm a little concerned. The implication sounds to me as if the BIONICLE sets weren't even present there, and the last time that sets were missing from a Toy Fair was Chima 2014 constraction, and we all know how that turned out. Hopefully I'm reading too much into it and the guy just skimmed over them. EDIT: Yep, BrickFanatics included Hero Factory in their initial writeup last year. As such, I see no reason why they'd not include BIONICLE if it actually had a presence there.
  21. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Although I personally agree with the spirit of what you're saying, in the interest of being fair to all parties, I'd say that DV's direct line of contact with Lego months in advance outweighs our one-off conversation with Jordan Paxton in terms of reliability. Although we're inclined to believe the Vahi theory ourselves, benefit of the doubt should be given to those who spoke with far more people than we did until proven otherwise. With that being said, I think this is a multi-layered issue; I can see both sides of the discussion. Truth be told, I don't think the constant debate is really going to get anyone anywhere. If Lego intends for this to be a complete reboot, then things will remain as they are and the Vahi will simply be an easter egg. If Lego ends up revealing that their secret plot twist all along was to connect the universes and the unflinching claims of a reboot were just smokescreens to preserve surprise, we likely won't know definitively for a long time. If it all ends up simply being intentional easter eggs, references, and implications designed to allow the fans to interpret for themselves what they think it all means, that's cool too and doesn't devalue Lego's attempts a reboot OR a "continuation." I know we're all starved for information right now, and it's really not my place to advocate the ceasing of discussion because I typically enjoy conversations like these (and because everybody's free to discuss whatever they'd like until mods say otherwise). With that being said, I think debating this in a circular fashion over and over isn't doing anybody any good. Be it mere easter eggs, deliberate hinting, or ambiguous referencing, no new info on the matter will come for quite a while. So I think it'd be best for everybody if we moved along for now.
  22. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    I don't believe Lego has any particular intent behind the messages, one way or another. Nothing they've said on the matter has debunked the theory, and nothing has confirmed it either. They're just bringing to attention the easter eggs for people that haven't spotted them yet.
  23. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    I hope it's very different in appearance. I was never that big a fan of the Vahi's design.
  24. Mesonak

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    That's actually a pretty good question... I wish we had some more insight into Okoto's landmarks.