Sir Kohran

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  1. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Was the soundtrack ever released fully?
  2. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    I can hardly keep up with this many images coming so often.
  3. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    The problem with Jaller's MOL voice is the lack of anything authoritative to his tone or word choice that suggests he's spent a long time leading a military unit and organising defence efforts. He just uses the same informal teenage American drawl that Takua does, because that's what the filmmakers assumed the target audience would find easier to relate to, the only difference to Takua being that he isn't as bumbling or selfish. The one thing that is consistent with his previous characterisation are the references to him as 'captain of the Guard', but they largely fall flat because his current characterisation never depicts him in that role or recalls any specific element of it. I understand they wanted to make him 'relatable', but that undeniably came at the cost of abandoning his previous characterisation.
  4. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Well, Greg's comments seem to suggest he felt Bionicle's decline in 2003 was due to decisions made specifically relating to the line's products. I'm pretty sure he was only talking about Bionicle, though the failure of what was almost their only very successful theme at that point might have brought the company overall down with it. Yes, the poor sales of the Kal is largely what he pinned the blame on, and the Rahkshi were the saving grace. The Matoran sets didn't do much harm, but not much good either, it seems. He also blamed it on the lack of six major hero sets, which connects with what I remember him saying elsewhere about heroes generally selling better than villains. It's difficult to see how they could've introduced six new heroes with the Nuva transformation having happened so recently, short of killing them off and replacing them (as arguably happened to an extent in 2006).
  5. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Didn't the annual report say "sales fell by up to 20%"? Still the most profitable theme, yes, but a clear dip as well. I clearly remember several comments from Greg himself about the possibility of Bionicle being cancelled in 2003, stuff like "If it wasn't for Rahkshi sales, there might not have been a 2004". Unless he was gravely mistaken about the line he was working on, I don't think it was 'completely false' that that could've happened.
  6. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    They tried that in 2003 with the MOLtoran and Rahkshi, and sales that year fell to the point where cancellation was possible, so I don't see it happening again.
  7. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    I'm amazed such an intense debate was sparked by some fairly vague information in one paragraph (that seems to have been translated from another language). Surely we shouldn't decide whether the storyline's good or not until something official comes along.
  8. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Officially it'll be January.
  9. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    The text in the box says the sets will launch in January.
  10. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Well, we've had set images, line confirmation, mask information and now concept art all inside three months. I don't think a bit of patience from us now is too much for Lego to expect.
  11. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Thanks, I wasn't aware of that. They seem to be the only cases of the same character being released twice in one year, unless you count Takua and Takanuva.
  12. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    Would anyone like to expand on this?
  13. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    What were Pohatu and Lewa's fourth incarnations?
  14. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    There's some sense in that view, but (as I said earlier in this topic) it still seems dumb to drop one of the few fictional words that was used almost continuously across the franchise and so is at least vaguely/nearly recognisable. And I think you'll find the accessibility issue was largely due to too many characters and plots, and a media/storytelling approach that didn't make it easy enough to learn established story.
  15. Sir Kohran

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    It could just as easily be the case that 99% would know what Star Wars is and maybe 2% would know what Bionicle is. What people on the street know or don't know hardly matters. The point I'm making is that 'Toa' is an important and recognisable word in the franchise, not something to be dropped lightly. And even if the actual word does go, what it refers to is clearly staying, so a unique name for it might as well exist.