
Eurobricks Vassals
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    Loose elements

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  1. FGMatt

    Connecting 12v lights in serial

    No worries! One extra thing I'd add is that you could also connect it as a ring if you wanted a large number of lights (ie connect lamp 4 to the power supply too). You'd need to do it very carefully though to avoid short circuiting, I'd suggest checking it with a multimeter before plugging it in.
  2. FGMatt

    Connecting 12v lights in serial

    With the physical set-up, the current will split equally across each light; eg in a 5 light parallel circuit drawing 0.5A in total, each part of the circuit will draw 0.1A. With the cabling as it is, that means that the cable closest to the power supply will have to carry 0.5A, the next cable will carry 0.4A, and so on.
  3. FGMatt

    Connecting 12v lights in serial

    As a practical point, and given the age of 12V cables, it's probably worth using your "best" cables closer to the power supply, as they'll carry the greatest current.
  4. FGMatt

    MOC Blue Lion Inn

    Thanks all, glad you like it!
  5. FGMatt

    [MOC] Moveable railway bridge

    On that subject, does anyone know of a 16-long adaptor for old-to-new style rails? Trixbrix has one but only four-long, meaning that it won't work with the third rail. If anyone knows of a printable file, I'd love it!
  6. FGMatt

    [MOC] Spatha Class Frigate (M-Throne Empire)

    Can we see please?
  7. FGMatt

    [MOC] Moveable railway bridge

    Yes, but it should make the moving joins far simpler. The transition to new-style track should work just with a half-plate offset, like this: Should be possible too to tile over the join, to make it a bit less-ugly. Just a thought!
  8. FGMatt

    [MOC] Moveable railway bridge

    If it’s just running battery trains, why not use the classic rails? Should be much easier to align (and are available in dark bluish grey).
  9. FGMatt

    [MOC] Spatha Class Frigate (M-Throne Empire)

    Like Red Dwarf meets Flash Gordon! Does it have an interior?
  10. FGMatt

    New Minifigure Factory

    Robert Downey Jr after a heavy night?
  11. FGMatt

    [MOC] [BDP-S4 and S5] Opera House

    Fabulous model!
  12. FGMatt

    MOC Blue Lion Inn

    A bit of scenery I'm designing for a train project, I thought I might as well add it here! The setting will probably change significantly, but I'm pretty happy with the general design of the pub; I'll test a small section to ensure that I'm happy with the colour scheme in the brick though before starting (I'm unsure about the medium nougat). Exterior - could definitely do with a decent beer garden! Should be added when the setting expands Downstairs is the bar, complete with all necessary parts - cosy fireplace, dartboard, draught beer and shelf of spirits, and a kitchen in which chicken in a basket can be fried. The first floor contains the guest accommodation; two double rooms with en-suite and chocolates on the pillows. The more expensive room gets a bath and obligatory rubber duck. The loft is an ideal place for all those random bits, old beer barrels, a chest of something, some bicycle wheels and a rocking horse.
  13. FGMatt

    MOC Ravine with 2 bridges

    Stunning build!
  14. FGMatt

    Black Five Locomotive

    The gearing on the Technic motor should be a little higher by my reckoning, meaning that the train motor has the mechanical advantage and should largely just force the Technic motor to run at the same speed... at least that's the theory! Will see how it works in practice.