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  • Birthday 12/03/2002

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  1. Greenstar

    Ideas for new City sets

    How about some RoadRailers? I think that would add several new play features for Lego trains and trucks due to the unique nature of the roadrailer
  2. Greenstar

    Ideas for new City sets

    Maybe some other bike stuff would be like a bikeshare station, where people can ride bikes from a small mobility hub out into where they need to go if there are no bus or autonomous shuttle links to fill in the First Mile/Last Mile gaps in mass transit. Also needed are roads with Bike lanes and dedicated bike paths. That could be even more possible now with the New road system as well
  3. Greenstar

    Ideas for new City sets

    Well, for the busway stuff, it may be because they don’t have any dedicated busway sets that exist, so they can use a normal heavy tow truck for them. As for the barge, that is a good question, since you need some way to tow a broken down boat
  4. Greenstar

    Ideas for new City sets

    That is absolutely correct thank you
  5. Greenstar

    Ideas for new City sets

    Maybe the larger terminal could be modular so you could expand it as needed, and maybe even get it large enough to require an Airport People Mover system in it to shuttle people between terminals or from the main terminal to parking
  6. Greenstar

    Ideas for new City sets

    How about one of those odd towing vehicles from the O Bahn that has a cab on each side, that would also be an interesting vehicle to have
  7. Greenstar

    Ideas for new City sets

    While that would be cool, it could somewhat limit some of the options in regards to building up full mass transit in your city.
  8. Greenstar

    Ideas for new City sets

    I agree, we need more variety on food places, maybe some German and French places as well. And some South American inspired restaurants
  9. Greenstar

    Ideas for new City sets

    What we need is a Public Transit Subtheme. with sets such as 1. A Bikeshare/Scooter share stop, where you can get either a scooter or a bike to use for a short time. A great addition to go with this would be roads with Bike lanes and bike paths 2. A taxi cab, as you mentioned, with room to fit more than one person. Also needed are taxi stops, and a taxi depot/repair shop 3. More types of buses, such as a smaller shuttle bus type vehicle, a regular sized bus, a double decker bus, a Bendy bus, and maybe a double bendy bus/bi-articulated bus for larger cities. Also needed is a line of bus stops, ranging from small signs to nice sized Bus Rapid Transit stops. And a bus terminal where people can transfer from one bus to the next. Also needed is a Bus depot where they repair the buses, as well as dedicated bus lanes, and maybe even a special busway for buses only. 4. Rubber Tyre trams, such as the Bombardier Guided Light Transit, and the Translohr systems. These are basically special buses that are guided by a central guide rail, and can be between 3-5 sections long, like a light rail vehicle. So it kind of sits as an in between. Special stops could also be sold for it, as well as a maintenance depot and whatnot, and it could be PF friendly so it can drive on your roads as well. 5. Things like trams, and other light rail vehicles, also needed date tram stops, a tram maintenance depot, and tramways that run in the road like special embedded tram track. 6. Metro, such as subway trains, or even something like the El in Chicago, also needed would be a maintenance depot, and stations, as well as tunnel sets, or sets for building the elevated tracks. 7. Monorail, both straddle beam and suspended variations, typically elevated, otherwise same kind of things as a metro would have. 8. Automated Guideway Transit, such as the Miami Metromover, or Detroit people mover. Perfect for Downtown loops or larger airports. Also normally elevated. could make use of the Roller coaster tracks but vehicles would be 6 studs wide, since they fit the bill well for AGT. 9. Aerial Cable transit, like the Medellin Metrocable. This would be fun to have in Lego, only issue is figuring out how to get it to work. 10. A transit hub to connect different forms of mass transit, maybe the ones for each mode could be modular to make one large hub as wanted, and it makes it easier to expand
  10. Greenstar

    Ideas for new City sets

    Trolley buses would be awesome as well as guided buses. Although as I mentioned earlier, a Rubber Tyre Tram would also be fun
  11. Greenstar

    Ideas for new City sets

    That would be cool, but Rubber Tyre trams only have one central guide rail, it’s like a bus crossed with Light Rail, driving on normal tires like a bus, but guided by a central rail that it’s not really able to leave. It would make for a very fun and neat set for mass transit fans especially
  12. Greenstar

    Ideas for new City sets

    That would make it more like Automated Guideway Transit, considering the Roller Coaster track technically has two rails, which puts it out of the definition of Monorail. Although, a proper Automated Guideway transit system using the tracks, like on based off of the Miami Metromover, would be a very fun set to play with. That’s something I’ve been hoping LEGO would make for years. It would also need to have the ability to place overhead wires above the trams for realism Another idea for a transit vehicle set could be the Translohr Guided Bus, also known as a Rubber Tyre Tram, which has a central steel guide rail to move it through corners and whatnot, but actually drives and is supported by regular bus tires, and it can run it street level like a tram or Light rail. That would make a neat set for sure., with special road plates for it, or even separate guide rail pieces that you could use elsewhere, such as a monorail or other train
  13. Not all systems are novelties, the Japanese have more than eight of the worlds major transit monorails, and the Germans have the oldest, in Wuppertal, which hangs on a single steel rail.
  14. Your saying that light rail is not a glorified bus? also, I’ve developed a bi-directional system that utilises just standard LEGO track to allow two trains to pass. Each train hangs below one of the two rails on the piece like the Wuppertal Schwebebahn.
  15. That is a good system to use. It’s pretty universal. It also works well