Quisoves Pugnat

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Quisoves Pugnat

  1. I'm new around here, so pardon my lack of knowledge, but is there a precedent for this kind of thing? My understanding was that LEGO uses the Ideas website as its means of utilizing fan input to make new products. Thus, I would have thought, the only hope fans have of starting a theme is for an Ideas product to be so immensely possible that it spawns a line (ala Minecraft.) Also, how does next year's Pirate theme factor into your plans? That said, I'm excited about the prospect of helping to design a theme, and would be very happy to be on board this project, circumstances permitting.
  2. Quisoves Pugnat

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    He was in Chapter 1 of Legacy of Evil, I believe.
  3. Quisoves Pugnat

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    While I think that a reboot of continuity is objectively feasible, I'm far less certain about its subjective feasibility. The Big Story-Engine has been revealed, and I'm not sure that LEGO would want to do another "Save Mata Nui!" storyline. Since they could not effectively maintain the surprise of Mata Nui's nature, they would be forced to make his nature clear from the start. I'm not certain how well that work. I don't see why it would be so difficult for them to do a thematic reboot. Surely the story could be within the original continuity without requiring knowledge of Bionicle's original run to be understod?
  4. On the contrary, the bigger picture is that these kinds of situations are none of LEGO's concern. They may freely choose to distribute certain minifigures to those who attend Comic-Con. Even if they did make minifigures exclusive that might otherwise appear in sets, that would be a choice they are free to make. No-one is entitled to any LEGO products. If, hypothetically, LEGO chose not to make any Supergirl minifigures, simply because Jørgen Vig Knudstorp hated the character, that would be stupid, but no-one would be wronged by the decision. Furthermore, in actuality, there is no precedent for Comic-Con figures being exclusive. Superman and Azog were both given away at Comic Con, only to show up in sets months later. And of course there's Green Lantern. Yes, these may be only three exceptions, but they prove that LEGO is not bound in anyway to limit minifigures to Comic Con. If it ultimately does so, it likely because it has no plans to include these figures in sets. And as I said before, LEGO is not responsible for how its fans chose to spend their money. Nothing is forcing them to pay excessive amounts of money for the sake of minifigures. LEGO should be able to sell what it likes. Granted, it would be in poor conscience for it to sell inappropriate sets to its target age-group, but there is nothing morally wrong with it choosing only to sell so much of a certain product, or to sell that product in a particular way. You may not like its marketing, but you don't have to purchase anything from it.
  5. Quisoves Pugnat

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    I imagine that any child capable of reading who had bought or received and built a Bionicle set would know that LEGO was the theme's producer. Understandably, there were many adults who purchased them as gifts and did not realize that they were made by LEGO, but I doubt that the person who fails to notice a small LEGO logo in the bottom corner of a package will notice a small "From the Makers of Bionicle" message in the bottom corner of a package.
  6. But who is responsible for deciding to purchase from said "scalpers?" LEGO fans are not beholden to them, nor are minifgures a necessity of life. If a person decides to pay an exorbitant price for a minifigure, then he has made his own choice. LEGO should not be held accountable for his spending practices.
  7. But you assume that LEGO releasing these figures precludes any other release of them. From what we've seen, this is not the case. The 2011 Superman, one of the first Comic Con minfigures, is, as far as I can tell, identical to the version released in 6862 in spring of 2012. Those who got the Con figure were simply getting him early. Green Lantern, another Comic Con figure, will appear, albeit not exactly identically, in 2015's 76025. Ditto Azog, who appeared in identical form in 79014 the same year as his Comic Con release. So there is no precedent for CC figures being necessarily exclusive. If LEGO thinks there is money to be made by mass-marketing a figure, it will do so.
  8. Quisoves Pugnat

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    That's good to hear. Though I wonder, how did the two get mixed up? Scrivener's error?
  9. Quisoves Pugnat

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    I never thought of that, but given the Throwbots' packaging, that makes a lot of sense. Perhaps LEGO is really dusting off its shelves, so to speak. If I weren't aware of the evidence for Bionicle's return, I would probably dismiss all these reports as part of a hoax. Truth can be stranger than fiction, trite as that may sound.
  10. Quisoves Pugnat

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    If that is the case, this whole affair has just become even more dreamlike. I'm beginning to wonder if someone at LEGO decided: "Let's bring Bionicle back as just the way one would dream it would happen." Is there any precedent for LEGO dispensing its wares through vending machines?
  11. Quisoves Pugnat

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    He reminds me of CHI Gorzan.
  12. Quisoves Pugnat

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    It's nice to see these up close and in color. While I don't like the style as much as I liked the original Bionicle's, I still think it's good. Preliminary masks or not, the defenders are the ones that I find the most impressive. Mind you, they're less obscured, but even so, I find them very appealing. And it indeed seems we are getting more purple-on-black. Yay! The Toa are neat looking, from what I can tell, though, with the exception of Lewa and Pohatu, somewhat unremarkable. I can't see the Lord of the Skull Spiders clearly enough to make much of judgement. The Skull Spiders, combined with the background art, give me the impression that LEGO is returning Bionicle to a more tribal, natural feel, which leads me to an overwhelming question: Will this iteration of our beloved theme be a "biological chronical," or will it be simply "Boneheads of Voodoo Island?" EDIT: Oh, and that face with the red-eyes. Very Makuta-like. I do hope that it's someone else. I liked the character, but I think that he should be put to rest. Unless this is a reboot, which still seems unlikely to me, given that Bionicle's original story-engine is open-knowledge. LEGO kept it secret for so long for a reason. Objectively, it's not a problem, but since LEGO wanted to surprise fans with it, it seems rather a one-trick pony.