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What accessories would you like most to be introduced?

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Hi guys!

I'm planning to prepare some custom accessories, I'd like you to help me to choose which ones are missing in Lego world!

What accessory would you like to be produced in the future?

Gimme some ideas ;)

Thank you!

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Thank you!

But i'm interesting in accessories, not in lego bricks/pieces... I've found some in your topic, thanks anyway =)

If you have any suggestion please let me know!

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Forgive me for the silly question but what do you mean by accessory?

I think he means something you can put on a minifiig

I for one would like to see a cooking sprue in metal (sorta like the friends one, but smaller scale for minifigs) with a whisk, spatula, tongs, knife, fork and spoon. We kinda already have them in friends, but I find them a bit too big and not in a proper colour. Maybe we'll get a french chef in a future collectible minifig with a new kitchen utensil. I think a realistic fork, knife and spoon could be on a separate sprue and I think it would be quite sought after for making moc's involving the kitchen or dining room or just food in general.

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I would like o see few different leg and body options. By that I mean, perhaps a leg section with a knee length skirt, sort of a half trainagle with legs/feet sticking out, perhaps a slightly different shape of body, either fat or thin? Maybe a few extra alien body shapes? How about a wheelchair?

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