
WIP: HM Bark Endeavour

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Thanks a lot guys, I appriciate your constructive feedback. So version B it will be then. And as for the upper slope, well I'll have to think of something else, as there actually is a thick rope connecting the bow and the bowsprit. I already got an idea though ...

Edited by kabel

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I know, bumping old threads is being frowned upon. However, I thought I'd let you know that after a break of a year I've finally commenced working on her, updated pics:

first job, cleaning the dust:


I've tried to find a solution for the window decoration:


tried to find a new way of doing the nailboards (if that's what they are called in English):


and I also redesigned the stern:


alright, I guess this is it for today, constructive feedback of course always appreciated

edit: oh man, my spelling is a disaster, I shouldn't tell anyone that I'm an English teacher ...

Edited by kabel

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oh man, my spelling is a disaster, I shouldn't tell anyone that I'm an English teacher ...

Oh you.. :tongue:

The ship looks great, I like her lines and the deck detail. The stern looks good too, but I would turn the brown window shutter plates around for a better effect.

Perhaps you can try to turn around one of the headlight bricks around the side window to get some variation in the details surrounding the window.

Great job so far, I will be watching this thread for future updates! :thumbup:

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as I've just mentioned in the other thread, I've picked this project up again, pics to follow within the next few days

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I'm very excited about this. I was disappointed when you told me you gave it up. Cant wait to see some progress. :thumbup:

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alright, as I've promised, I've picked up the project again:


I'm actually redoing some of the thigs I did before, but this time I'm gonna make the broadside in one take and bend it a little bit to make the hull smoother



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One thing isn't clear and perhaps you can shed some light. Are you making a historic interpretation of Cook's actual Endeavor, or is this meant to be a model of the contemporary replica? If it’s the former, I think you may have spent too much time worrying about that window. I don’t know myself not having any copies but is it even on the original drafts?

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It's actually a minifig illusion scale ship based on the current Australian replica, which actually features several mistakes, I know. One being that the stern on the replica is approx. a third too high, so maybe you are right and I should not worry about that stupid window too much.

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