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WIP HMS Artemis

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I think that it looks good but to better get the curve effect of the bow and to make it less blocky I would do this,


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I designed one side last night with how you said for the curve effect, Captain Genaro. it looks pretty good, and I like it.



I know what you are all thinking: Where's the update??

well, there it is for you: Nothing. I woke up this morning and tried to run the laptop I use for LDD, Steam, other games, film making, etc (it's a shared computer anyway, as well), and it wouldn't start up!! After 1 hour, it's not running so we need to run it down to Best Buy and get a Geek (that is Best Buy, correct??) So, I cannot even begin to build the HMS Artemis in bricks or LDD for a few days at the least. The two worst possibilities are that I can get the computer running, but I lose all the data and files, and have to rebuild the Artemis from scratch. The other worst case scenario is I need a new computer and have to reinstall LDD and build a new Artemis... just my luck... :pir-hmpf_bad:

So, unless the computer gods can't help

NEW UPDATE AS I WAS TYPING THIS POST: My laptop is working again! :pir-cry_happy: Work on the Artemis shall continue soon!.... just my luck :pir-grin: .... So if there are computer gods, or just any deity you prefer, somebody helped!

EDIT UPDATE: I didn't think it would be wise to double post, but I've been working on the ladder:


Of course it will be black on the real ship, but just to see better, it's blue. How do you guys think it looks?

Edited by KingoftheZempk

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Alright, it's been some time and I have an update:

Building on the HMS Artemis is currently suspended as the computer I was working on went down literally 2 days after my last update. So, we went to the geek Squad, and I'm not thoroughly impressed (no offense if any one is one here :pir-tongue: ). We asked to have LDD and all files ending in ".lxf" to be transferred to the new hard drive, but it didn't happen. We have the old drive, and maybe could transfer them over, but not until next week at the earliest. And I have classes starting up again, so that takes even more time away. :pir_bawling:

So right now I believe the Artemis is going to be rebuilt from scratch. I hope I can start finishing the planning ASAP and start the build before Christmas.

But let's hope I can finish it where I left off!

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Oh no! I hope aat you file didnt suffered and you can start where you keft it. Im sorry at your computer broke down, i have saved my WIP work HMS Mary Queen on my memory stick so if my PC brokes, the file is safe there and i can start there where i left it. But good luck and hopefully you get your computer fixed

Captain Becker

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Thanks Captain Becker. We just got the computer fixed a few days ago, and LDD is now back on, along with the file for the ship :pir-cry_happy: So now, I can work on her again, although I don't know if will put LEGO Universe mode back on, as I can still easily work without it.

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Thanks Captain Becker. We just got the computer fixed a few days ago, and LDD is now back on, along with the file for the ship :pir-cry_happy: So now, I can work on her again, although I don't know if will put LEGO Universe mode back on, as I can still easily work without it.

Put the LU mode when you can use it, i cant use LU mode because its crasching the LDD all the time so i have to go whit normal LDD mode, i have nt worked much on my WIP Mary Queen lately couse i am thinking at should i add the 3th deck or just leave it as it is now. I have also problems whit the deck, i have no idea how to do it when the hull has the curve :pir-sceptic: . Anyway good luck for your ship and clad to hear at the file wasnt damaged :pir-classic: Hope to see next update soon mate, keep it up

Captain Becker

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Well, I've been working on the ship for sometime today, and the aft is finished for the most part, just some minor details might need to be added. I revised the top deck a bit more and I've been taking some inspiration from Blackmoor, Perfectionist, and Armendariz a bit more, so thank you to them. I'll have pictures up later, as GIMP isn't working right now, and I am not going to work in Paint, so pics will hopefully be up in a few days :pir-classic: I'm really proud of the ship, and I can't wait to show everyone.

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how do i get all those pirates pieces on digital desinger!? ive been wondering it for a long time

You need to access the Universe mode... It is lengthy to explain how to do so, but if you google it you can certainly find a guide. I think there actually is a guide to one on eurobricks, if anybody knows, please post a link to help Mr. Charleston here out :pir-classic:

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Alright, I have an update:

I just finished (after much thinking and reworking on some areas) one of the masts. :pir-sweet: So now, I just need to add the other one, build the bowsprit, and add on all the little details. Pics will (hopefully) by the weekend. :pir-laugh: She's almost ready to be built!

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Picture Update: :pir-grin:


Mostly complete with the masts:


The bowsprit:


Bowsprit showing bow chasers:


updated bowchasers and the headrails and figure-head (not: girl's torso will have governor's daughter's torso :pir-wub: ):





All of the cannons:


Whole ship:


the poopdeck:


So, guess what this means? The Artemis can now begin the building process! What good stores are there on BL for these, or is PAB better, or would anyone like to donate? :pir-tongue:

Comments and Criticism is more than welcome!

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