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[M4-23 - Rogue Clone] - Traitor to the Republic

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"I wondered why we had been caught so unaware by the separatists. In an irregular fashion, they ambushed us as if they knew our schedules. Our men were being chopped down like blades of grass. We were a small outpost in the outcrops of the mid-rim. Our base may have been insignificant but we helped boost comms of neighboring planets all the way to Coruscant. We were genetically designed to be superior, a blaster thrust in our hands earlier than some children learned to talk. Our known superiority was what crumbled before my eyes, there were no Separatists leaders outside of Dooku and General Grievous that could instill such fear and blatant loss of hope in my boys. Then I saw it, the dull and dirty armor of a clone trooper. Blade in hand dripping blood from one of my fellow soldiers. I saw the face of a brother who was on the wrong side. Once my men and I realized who was leading them, we knew we had to kill this traitor or die trying. The only one who can kill me is myself."  - Clone Captain CT-8147 "Drift"

52948959986_fef30633ba_c.jpgClone Base - Rogue Clone May 4th Challenge by Perry Long, on Flickr

52941209292_9aaef3f627_c.jpgClone Base - Left by Perry Long, on Flickr

52942194290_5469ac80cf_c.jpgClone Base - Right by Perry Long, on Flickr

52941212732_8eae27fc48_c.jpgClone Base - Full Army by Perry Long, on Flickr

52941961029_156361b850_c.jpgClone Base - Evil Clone Close up by Perry Long, on Flickr

"We always heard disgruntled clones complaining about the republic. We were born to live, breathe, and die for the republic. A small sentient life dedicated to dying for a government that we had no stake in. The only thing we had were our brothers. We fought for them, not the republic. If you deserted the army you were turning your back on them. However, there is no greater sin than being a traitor to your own kind." - Clone CT-8155 "Bits"

Here is my entry to the Rogue Clone Category! I hope you enjoy the little internal dialogue I came up with as well as the build. This was my first time building a big Lego SW's moc so let me know if you have any pointers or recommendations! 


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Whoa! Great battle scene! Lots of depth and man, what a traitorious Clone. The building doorway alcoves and patchy tiling is eye catching.  I always enjoyed those episodes in the animated Clone Wars that dealt with betrayal by Clones and Republic soliders.

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Great build and storytelling, though is he so evil? Fighting against the government that enslaves his people to die for them as soldiers? 

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