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Col. Whipstick

Age of Empires III Concept Art

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I could well be wrong unless I delve into the depths of posting history on this site but I haven't heard much mentioned about Age of Empires III. We've discussed Sid Meier's Pirates and other games but this one directly relates to the European colonization of the New World. I have yet to own a copy or play the game as time is limited but was an avid fan of the first and second in the series owing to the real historical novelty of the real time strategy games market. Nonetheless I will get a copy sometime but thought it worth showing some of the artwork of the developers. Has anyone played this game, what did you think of it?

Check out the link for more pictures:


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Looks to cartoony for my liking. *n* But I do own Age of Empire II and the screen shots of AOEIII looks good in game.

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Looks to cartoony for my liking. *n* But I do own Age of Empire II and the screen shots of AOEIII looks good in game.

Dude, that's the one picture I chose... the other stuff is more sketch work.

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Dude, that's the one picture I chose... the other stuff is more sketch work.

I see, my mistake.

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It still all looks cartoony to me but I don't think that a bad thing. It's just a form of a stylialisation which has deviated from past Age of Empire Games where the graphics appeared as more photo realistic.

What about the game itself - does the units and terrain also lean towards this cartoonised aesthetic?

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It still all looks cartoony to me but I don't think that a bad thing. It's just a form of a stylialisation which has deviated from past Age of Empire Games where the graphics appeared as more photo realistic.

What about the game itself - does the units and terrain also lean towards this cartoonised aesthetic?

Nah, this cartoon thing has gone way off the mark, that was just one photo i put in of a bunch, the game looks much in the same vein as the previous 2 and the artwork from that link is more sketchy. Apparently I just chose the wrong pic *wacko*

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Maybe you should should include a screen shot in the first post so those unfamiliar with the game can easily distinguish the difference between the content art and game graphics.

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I've got the game and I love it *wub*

Mr Phes: Here's some screenshots from a cinematic I made from the editor:

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Thanks for the screen shots TinypiesRUs!

The game looks quite good upon closer inspection.

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Mosana made some decals which come very nearby the dressing shown in the first picture:

The decals show english troops of the seven years war. To my knowledge, Age of Empire III is mainly playing in the periode between 7 years war and Napoleonic area.




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Mosana made some decals which come very nearby the dressing shown in the first picture:

The decals show english troops of the seven years war. To my knowledge, Age of Empire III is mainly playing in the periode between 7 years war and Napoleonic area.


I'm sorry but I'm going to start having to come down hard on people saying English when they mean British and vice versa. Most might not think it a big deal but it is, especially when we consider the colonization of North America where the colonies were of the English until the acts of Union in 1707 and thereafter it's the British.

On another note it's interesting that others picked up on the uniform in that picture... the use of blue on the jacket confirms for me that it's perfectly acceptable to use Imperial Guard minifigs as they are to represent British forces without any changes. Atleast that's the story I'm sticking with to save money :-D

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If you're going to come down hard Col. Whipstick perhaps you should clarify the difference between British and English because it would appear many do not understand.

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I'm sorry but I'm going to start having to come down hard on people saying English when they mean British and vice versa. Most might not think it a big deal but it is, especially when we consider the colonization of North America where the colonies were of the English until the acts of Union in 1707 and thereafter it's the British.

Sorry but since my mother tongue is not english and some details of the english/britsh(?) history are not present (damned I thought history is one of my hobbies) .....

... or in this case I have to say my mother tongue is not british (.... I'm confused now ...).

But by the way, also often phrases common and understandable are sometimes hard to difference.

Is "to come down" : (kidding, annoyed, instructive ...) ?

As we are on the point: Should I explain the differences between k.u.k, k.k., k. Austrian-Hungary .... ;-)

Edited by woody64

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I've played this, I found it quite different from the previous titles, with trains and natives and whatnot, the ships are great and detailed, which is why it lagged like crazy when I built some. :-P


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Basically I'm going to have to make this correction to everyone personally. It's not so much that I mind the mistake from Europeans for whom English is as you've pointed out a second language but the mistake is quite honestly unforgivable from English countries like the US, Australia, South Africa, Canada etc.

The history of the British Isles is long and complicated but to sum up very very quickly Before 1707 AD England and Scotland were totally seperate countries although their history was strongly inter-related. Wales although also technically a seperate country was conquered and annexed by England far back in the 13th century so it is thus and always has been considered part of the Kingdom of England and could never really be independent. Right so when have England politically or her colonies prior to 1707 we can use the word 'English' as a suitable adjective the same way you'd say 'French' or 'German' or 'Spanish'. But in 1707 for various reasons and historical ties Scotland and England became one country which meant that the larger of the two islands that make the British Isles was now one political indentity called 'Great Britain' and so from that time on unless there is a specific reason we are talking about the countries inside the British Isles you wouldn't use 'English' but rather 'British' for all international matters.

One of the reasons I think Americans make the common mistake is because at the start of the American Colonies England and Scotland were seperate and Virginia, Carolina etc were all 'English' colonies but by the time the War of Independence was on those 13 colonies are 'British' colonies because the declaration of independence was in 1776 if I remember correctly. So Americans tend to think they were English so when they revolted that was who they were revolting against as it's stuck. Few make the political distinction. A lot of people also call it a war between the Americans and the British or between the Americans and the English... The United States doesn't exist until the colonists have won so they won't be 'American' until that time. In the case of the War of 1812 that truly is a war between the United States (Americans) and Great Britain (British).

English remains the name of the language for entirely different reasons because English as a language started around 600 AD and slowly took control of the British Isles as a common language and thus all British and Irish people and their descendents in the colonies have this as the first language and from there on because of the power and influence of the British Empire and subsequently the US English has become the global language it is today.

Really sorry for the long post, I tried to cut it down as much as I could but needed to give some reasoning. I'm sure this is now in the wrong thread entirely, move it if you feel it necessary Mr. Phez, beginning to think a kind of history or map room would suit this sort of thing.

Edited by Col. Whipstick

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Basically I'm going to have to make this correction to everyone personally. It's not so much that I mind the mistake from Europeans for whom English is as you've pointed out a second language but the mistake is quite honestly unforgivable from English countries like the US, Australia, South Africa, Canada etc.

You might like to take that up with the education systems of these countries.

Nonetheless is was a wonderful history lesson and you shall now explain the significance of the Union Jack X-D

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You might like to take that up with the education systems of these countries.

Nonetheless is was a wonderful history lesson and you shall now explain the significance of the Union Jack X-D

The facial hair aside you're beginning to resemble my mother Mr Phes! I'll happily spend half the day going on about the Union Jack, add justrification to woody64's comments regarding how the Happsbergs had to adopt the term of the Austro-Hungarian empire after the revolt of the Magyars. Provide historical multitudes on the slintering of Vatican orders to justify the various Catholic orders of the missionaries in the New World. In the end of the day it was a bloody difficult thing to keep my answer this short on this matter. If you don't want me to take the thread completely off track don't tempt me to keep on adding. Perhaps if we dedicate a section specifically to history then I or anyone else could try compile some sumatory notes on the nations, economics, social, religious and geographical details that pertain to this site. Perhaps in a selected zone like we have for MOC's torso designs etc we could feature a thread for heraldy and vexillogy, a display of historical maps, that kind of thing.

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Thanks Tiny Pies!

Some of those images are really amazing, especially the one with the Spanish caravel being watched by the Indians.

I think you've twisted my arm here, I really am going to have to get this game. Going through a strong Spanish phase with things at the moment, which is odd being British. :-) Though I'll return to putting holes in Frenchmen soon enough right now I want to eat Paella and build Hispaniola... this game lets me do all that.

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