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Bionicle parts for building Technic MOCs

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I posted a question about this in another thread but I thought it would be good to just start a thread and ask about it.

I have a large box of bionicle figure sets at my parent's house and I was curious if it would be worth my time to try and get them,as I'm just getting into technic and I could probably use the extra pieces. Obviously the pins,axles and connectors would be useful, but what about the other pieces included in bionicle figurine sets such as masks,blades,torsos,midsections,and arm and leg pieces? one of the great sets I had was the toa takanuva/ussanui set (8596) which was a large bionicle set containing a speederbike with moveable parts. is it worth my time to have them shipped to me for building technic? any advice is greatly appreciated

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From my experience, many of the bionicle sets have a fair amount of technic pieces. I'd say this is mostly true for the vehicles (Skopio, Rocktoh, ...) and less so for the poseable figures.

For example, Skopio has many beams, tread links, and a multitide of connectors. If you have the actual set numbers, might be worthwhile to check the inventory in and see if the parts would be of any use. Some bionicle sets had a minimum (if none at all) of technic parts and u do not want those.

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I mostly collected the posable figures unfortunately,but many of them do have small functions such as arm flailing etc. that are gear and axle driven. as mentioned earlier the one vehicle set I had was 8596 that was released with the mask of light movie. unfortunately I don't have a lot of complete sets left because I was very young and young people tend to lose legos,so what I really have is maybe a shoebox sized container of masks,blades,torsos,pins,small gears,axles,connectors,and ball and socket joints,but I'm not really sure if I can use the majority of that for vehicle building,which is what I want to do.

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It is still Lego so go get it!:) Many of Mahj's builds use bioncle pieces so if you want to reverse engineer them they would help

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To answer your question more directly, there are a lot of good Technic pieces in Bionicle sets, particularly early ones. 8596 has a lot of useful parts. Any Toa Mata have useful gearbox torsos. Any Rahi have lots of Technic parts. The Rahkshi and the Vahki have a lot of useful modified beam parts in their torsos. Any of the Metru titans have lots of great parts, and in rare colors to boot.

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I do have a few of the rakshi pieces,including the weapons,gears,and long axle pieces. my 8596 is unfortunately mostly incomplete at this point,like I said,childhood legos tend to disappear but what does remain is a large part of the internal pieces like gears etc. that make it a lego set with a function. unfortunately with bionicle the majority of the gears used in construction are the small gears(i guess they would be about 1.5 studs in width,pardon me as I'm new to this). but one thing that can be useful with bionicle is all of the rods and pins they have,and typically in grey or black as opposed to the blue color of a lot of technic fasteners,

I collected bionicle over may years,mostly just buying two or three figures a year,the majority of which is deconstructed at this point. I do have toa figures over multiple generations,borhok,vahki,rashki,and toa components. does anyone have any examples they can point me to of technic MOCs (that aren't figures/mechs) made with a large quantity of bionicle parts?

Edited by wakokid23

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