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Everything posted by narbilu

  1. Cool beacon... Another prove of KG technology being far beyond the other corps
  2. narbilu

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    Ace is fine, welcome to KG
  3. narbilu

    Securing Torresta

    Cool build, you Mantis folk shure build roads fast :)
  4. narbilu

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    Love this vessel a lot. Welcome to AG
  5. narbilu

    [K - B09] Scouting the seas of Serium.

    Love the boat, something you dont see daily in space... KG specialty I guess
  6. narbilu

    [O - H05] Getting a Closer Look

    Awesome build. Love the use of the tree
  7. narbilu

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    An official welcome to the Goliath. May you serve KG well!
  8. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    Cool Alexa, awesomnium on Serium needs hauling back to Orinshi
  9. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    So I went to Serium for my first mission together with my trustworthy Fey... it was a success, Awesomnium rich and harmless creatures... let the miners come. Tyrus, you are welcome aboard the Collition (which will be a longterm WIP), we fly to a system with this flagship to send out explorers, scientists and scouts to examine a planet before the corporation settles it.
  10. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    Better late than never, on the other hand. We didnt even get started properly, so welcome in.
  11. narbilu

    [K - D10] A New Horison

    WoW how corporate... The ship looks amazing. Good job.
  12. narbilu

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    Agreed, do you thing Tyrus
  13. narbilu

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    There are just little stupid questions, ans this ain't one. A backstory of your character is not manditory. When your sigfig is on a white background, thats fine and more than enough. One of the pictures in your Posts should at least be a clear one of your build. What you do with the surrounding pictures is up to you... You might want to check my entry tonight... The judges will assign the points and it will be processed in your personnel file (player list)
  14. narbilu

    [K - D10] Abandoned Mine on the Hamilton Belt

    Awesome story and I love the build. Small simple and clear. PauL is cool, as your sigfig. Keep it up!
  15. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    First of all, welcome Niloc and Graham, it seems we grow nicely and the two of you are welcome additions to Kawashita. @Niloc: what a great analysis, unfortunately the map is hacked or scrambled couse I cant see it. But when all data is available I will take your recommandations to my team. Congrats on the first two Kawashita discoveries. Today I will finish my own survey and will share this. Godspeed the next couple of days. I'll check in regurlarly.
  16. narbilu

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    And a local :) the dutch will conquer...
  17. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    Mine is finished tomorrow, some last details and another hour of building.
  18. narbilu

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    First of all, welcome Orange Leader, particularly to the Kawashita Group. Weekly builds are not manditory. Whenever you want, just have fun.
  19. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    Time to start building our Corporation my friends, it seems Octan beat us to it...
  20. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    Excellent build Tyrus. Keep it up and I would love to see the official post for this scene.
  21. narbilu

    [O - H05] First Encampment

    I really like the use of focus in the picture. It really makes the foilage and structures come out fantastic. Nice haircut btw
  22. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    Correct, I finished my weekly build also. Short backstory still to write. KG will rule. So true, welcome to the team.
  23. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    Suitable for scouting Hamilton Belt... Godspeed Tyrus
  24. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    The board of KG has ordered us to gain as much resources as possible, for technology research. Awesomnium being the most required at first. So I suggest building on Serium and Hamiltons Belt have priority. When you find yourself through one of the other two Gates, go explore and exploit that planet as professional as you can. Make us proud and more detailed plans will arise when we dominate some systems. To all... Don't forget to enroll yourself in the introduction forum, together with a suitable picture or we won't be able to track your status. Making it also very hard to pay you after your missions.
  25. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    Welcome agent Beltar, we were waiting for some special forces.