
Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by sinoxp

  1. sinoxp

    Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and have been massing a couple of armies for quite some time now (years...because I'm suffering from "I don't quite think its big enough" syndrome ). I'm very impressed with every contributor to this thread (yeah, I'm talking to you ) as army building is just as much is lego building as is any other MOC; it takes patience, accumulation, skill to moc a setting for these little guys to pose, and duh its fun! (its just easier if you happen to have a money tree growing in your backyard). As I have just joined (very excited to post ), I have yet to take pictures of my armies :ordered from largest to smallest: (imperial, droid, rebel, clone). Here is just a teaser for my droid army. I can hopefully get some good shots in over the following week so I can have more to share. On the meantime keep posting your armies to keep this thread alive!
  2. sinoxp

    MOC: Brickbuilt Shadow Trooper

    Very creative and intimidating; I love em! Looks like a breed between robocop and a space marine from Starcraft. It would be awesome to have an army of these guys.
  3. sinoxp

    What are your projects ??

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and am currently, or should I say for the past few years been working on and expanding a Death Star Hanger scene. I know its been done again and again but the reason why its taking so long for me to finish is due to my neverending accumulation of my Imperial Army (majority made up of: 400+ stormies, 150+ officers, 80 shadowtroopers, 30+ atst pilots). Since the stormtrooper battle pack has been discontinued I hope to stop the growth of my army and start buying more of the much needed floor and wall elements. I've also built a module that adds to the hanger. The module holds 3 Tie Fighters from the ceiling of the hanger, kind of like the ones seen in The Force Unleashed. Who knows how much longer till I finish . Wish me luck!
  4. sinoxp

    Need Stormtroopers?

    How do I switch out of the "I'm new group"? If there is any left please PM me, or if anyone who is reading this thread wants to trade something for their stormies please let me know. I've got phase 2 clormies (green, red, yellow, white, and dark red) and the current clones from the clone battle pack to trade with. Thanks
  5. sinoxp

    Decal Wish List

    Can someone please make me a catwoman face decal (one without the shades) for me? I missed out on the figure and now they cost so much! Thanks!
  6. sinoxp

    Need Stormtroopers?

    Thanks for the suggestion. I will, but on the meantime if trust is an issue this is the same name I use for my Ebay and Bricklink account which all have 100% positive feedback.
  7. sinoxp

    Need Stormtroopers?

    Hi, I'm new to this forum thus do not yet have the PMing thing worked out. Do you have any stormtroopers left? Hope I'm not to late... I have about 50+ phase 2 clones all brand new. I am also located in New York.