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About Rikus

  • Birthday 06/20/1970

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    Chiavari (GE)
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    Electronics, Mechanics, Movies, Underwater Diving.... Lego!


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  1. I fully agree IMHO, TLG could easily have offered a “special edition” with a more “Rosso Corsa”-like car body colour (i.e. Dark Red) and the book included, for 100€/$ more. i’d have bought it immediately!
  2. Rikus

    LEGO Ideas Discussion

    This is not completely true... it could be done by using an IR camera sensor (should ever lego release one for PU lineup) and some IR reflecting stickers on each key; exactly as Nintendo Labo cardboard piano works. The only limit is size and number of keys: IR camera resolution would have to be good enough to correctly identify the exact key pressed. A second solution could be to use the phone camera... by placing the phone inside the piano and placing a QR or color code on each key, the app could tell the pressed keys.
  3. OK, thanks I was looking at the video on a smartphone screen... and the white outline on green font misled me.
  4. Wow! Nice packaging, quote different from previous ones. I just have a question: Where is Box #1? In the video I can clearly see boxes from #6 down to #2... than the last one is #0...
  5. The engine bay is opened in the picture, IMHO. Most probably, the model will have a removable hood instead of an openable one.
  6. Agree looking at the full risolution images, you clearly see the image is made of two parts; and the holes seem to be a kind of tabs to hold the instruction manuals in place.
  7. I think the model looks great and the color is just nice, both as a stand alone model and seem aside of Porsche and Chiron. My only concern is about the color of the interior... from the picture it seems to be a black-green combination... same green shade of the body. But according to official images of the real car, it should have been full black or (even better) orange-black combo. One of the distinctive elements of italian sport cars is their interior colors, after all...
  8. Hi, Since I was very concerned about the criticism on the shape of the set... I decided to do some quick comparison between the real car and the TLG model... The result are the three following pictures. From top view, the model is very good IMHO. Overall proportions are almost perfect: only the canopy seem to be somehow narrower than the real one and mirror position is a little much towards the back... also the back end of the car is a little bit wider in TLG version. From side view the differences are more visible, because of two main issues in 42053: smaller wheel size and longer "nose". I made two different comparison pictures; the first one have the real car and the Technic model aligned by using same wheelbase. You'll notice that the overall proportions of the whole model are good, except for the "C" shape on the side (a little too short on 42053) and, of course, the front end that is MUCH longer than the real one (almost two times longer, from the fender to the nose). In second comparison the two cars have been aligned by total length... and the overall shape of the TLG version seems to be even flatter than before... It's almost good, anyway, except for the wheels size and position: the from wheel is really too much towards the back, it should have been positioned about 3 studs more forward. Anyway the global proportions (height, width and length) seem to be (almost) correct and the main issue, IMHO, is related to wheel size (almost acceptable) and front part of the car, especially the "long nose" and/or wheel position (the only real flaw of the set).
  9. I fully second this... I made some very simple test using the 5 different shocks I own and a digital wight scale... Long shock absorbers (9.5L) have a stiffness, at almost full compression, of of 550g (Soft), 1000g (Hard) and 1200g (Extra Hard - Unimog type) Short shock absorbers (6.5L) have a stiffness of 500g (Soft) and 1100g (Hard - the same used in the Chiron). So, by using 2 of them on same wheel means thay can stand easily up to 2000g for each wheel, without being fully compressed... Considering to have them halfway compressed (that’s the correct setup for a car), the weight on the front axle should have to be 2000-2200g maximum...
  10. @Jim May you, please, answer the three main questions about the model, in your review? 1) Is there really a problem on the front suspension? 2) Does it have 8+R or 8+8R shifts gear? 3) Are the 8 gears in the right order? thanks
  11. Look at this video... 9:32” The front suspension have some issues.
  12. All episodes are available also on Stitcher and on Google Podcast
  13. It seems a totally new "Exclusive Contents" experience is coming with the Chiron... The "LEGO Technic Podcast" trailer is already (officially) available on iOS Podcast App and even on Stitcher! https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/lego-system-as/the-legor-technic-podcast