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About AydenTheCarrot

  • Birthday 09/24/2009

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    10320, 40504, 6256, 6267

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    BC, Canada
  • Interests
    Lego pirates


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  1. AydenTheCarrot

    [OFFICIAL] 10320 Eldorado Fortress - Available NOW

    Yeah, I was able to snipe up a bunch of torsos, legs, heads, backpacks, etc. but I wasn't able to get the shako hats, those other Pirates fans beat me to it!
  2. AydenTheCarrot

    [MOC] HMS Ironram

    Yes! Please do!
  3. AydenTheCarrot

    [MOC] HMS Ironram

    Is the parts list or studio file readily available? I bought a huge lot of lego to resell but I am going to search through that to find some of the pieces to to construct this masterpiece.
  4. AydenTheCarrot

    [MOC] HMS Ironram

    I was going to ask for the studio files as well, I want to add this ship to my pirates layout.
  5. AydenTheCarrot

    [MOC] HMS Ironram

    Is the interior for this incredible ship furnished? and how many pieces do you estimate this has? sorry for asking so many questions, I just really like this model. I have been looking for an Ironram for months and this is by far the best on I’ve found. Good luck on finishing it!
  6. AydenTheCarrot

    [MOC] HMS Ironram

    This is even better than the first time! Although the colours on the stern are switched around. How long do you expect this to take, my imperials are losing to Redbeard with just the Caribbean Clipper. :)
  7. AydenTheCarrot

    [MOC] HMS Ironram

    Do you have a parts list and/or instructions for this model?
  8. AydenTheCarrot

    [MOC] HMS Ironram

    This looks amazing!